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Damocles Command Rhino and Apothecarion


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This is my Unforgiven Damocles command Rhino.


Allowing near instant communication with the orbiting Battle Barge Ivory Blade











I think it looks pretty good with the mixture of the available parts from the many different kits. (The crew is being assembled)










Very Respectfully,


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That's a cool conversion Mr'2544, I like the raised gothic look of the Immolator top plate but sorry I'm not sold on the 'dome', too much a weak link.


But if you like it, that's the main thing aye?




Thank you for your input, Honorable Stobz. I really like your work, so your feedback is appreciated.


I kind of like the bubble. I am looking for something a bit more ornate than the typical damocles. The parts were originally intended for my Brother's Imperial Fists army, but he decided to scrap it. So I vultured the bitz. (I'm the one who gave him the idea anyhow. But, now he's playing Crimson Fists instead)


I'm going to try and paint the dome so that part of it is clear, and part of it is painted. but if I mess it up, I'll paint the whole thing, and paint on the window glass effect.


Very Respectfully,


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Mate, your work is brilliant, you certainly don't need my opinion to build a great army. I just thought I'd chuck it out there.


I have every belief that however you handle it, it will look excellent.


I've found Honour is a moving target :( but we try.



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I'm thinking those marines could be out having a fight instead of just sitting around watching screens :tu:


Nah, I think they're posting on the B&C :tu:.


Great interior. Love their shoulderpad icons. Great stuff all round.




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Given that the kit comes with the astartes crewmembers, I think it would be a shame to not utilize them. Also... I wouldn't necessarily trust servitors with the information being processed here.


But, if/when the Damocles suffers an unfortunate fate... I'm sure the marines inside are more than adequately trained in the necessary skills needed to wreck face.


"I have a very specific set of skills"




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Completed Damocles Command Rhino







And the High Apothecary and his apothecarion servitors



And, the servitor that stores the collected geneseed



What do you think about these?


I like your opinions.


Very Respectfully,


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Absolutely agree, the dome looks great in the context of that model.

Well done on the whole kit/conversion it's very unique looking.


If I got hurt I don't think I'd want to be fixed by that mottley lot, I'd probly come out looking like a servitor :tu: They look great, very nice and characterful.



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I didn't say this earlier, but I do quite like your servo-meds/servitors. The subtle conversions really do the trick.


As for your Master Apothecary, I have to echo Brother-Sergeant Bohemond and say if I was going to do the Master of the Apothecarion I'd put him in robes. Nonetheless, he is very nicely done.

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I didn't say this earlier, but I do quite like your servo-meds/servitors. The subtle conversions really do the trick.


As for your Master Apothecary, I have to echo Brother-Sergeant Bohemond and say if I was going to do the Master of the Apothecarion I'd put him in robes. Nonetheless, he is very nicely done.


MadDoc and Brother-Sergeant Bohemond,


You are correct that the robes might have looked cool, but I had the old-school metal apothecary. It was built from scraps to be perfectly honest... -_-




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Top work Unforgiven2544! I really like the interior so much, I'm putting the Damocles in my wish-list! Like the Apothecary too, although he looks a bit scary for someone who's supposed to take care of you... -_- Fantastic stuff!
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