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Borderline/Dark Mechanicus


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Hello B and C!

Cutting to the chase, for a first army, probably madly ambitious (the only other wargame I have any experience of is Malifaux), I want to go with the Adeptus Mechanicus. I don't know why, but I love the fluff and art surrounding the Machine Cult. Taking inspiration from the fluff - Mars as a quasi-independent Empire (after all, from one of the novels, one about the Grey Knights, it is mentioned that only Techpriests can usually visit a Forge World), powerful and secretive, obsessed with the quest for knowledge and the Omnissiah - I would like to do quite an 'unpleasant' army - lots of very near to if not outright heresy, gruesome modifications and augmentations, stolen alien technology and so on. I have not made up my mind whether to go pure Chaos or not.


AM armies, from looking around the forums, use Micro Art minis mostly. I intend to use those to a degree (w. no criticism meant to people who do use them, they are beautiful models), but they, to me, look like Techpriests not Skitarii. The Skitarii themselves are described in one of the novels, but I have never read it - from second hand descriptions, I found these:



Who look suitably barbaric, but also technological and vaguely Greek - the ones with spears look a bit like Hoplites (the gun ones less so, but still a tolerable likeness), which made me think of Skitarii fluff - hypaspists, for instance. They do have a heavy robotic fellow:



Who is also suitably Greek. This route is very expensive, but no more than Micro Art. MA ('Techpriests' from now on) would make up the HQ and some other stuff, while I have loads of ideas for vehicles, which I will stick in another post.


How does this sound? Finally, what codex do you advise? I thought Daemonhunters would be a good bet. Obviously, if I go Chaos I would need another.

PS: Perhaps 'Radical' mechanicus is a good term to use.

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Thank you - I presume you mean a DE Haemonculus? The only issue is Dark Eldar tanks float, Admech ones don't - anti-gravity is banned in the Imperium, I think, or they can't replicate it. Sorry for this new screed of images, but I really would like advice on what fits and what does not.

More Suggestions!:


Heavy tank of some sort - looking at the grille over the head, perforated w. circular holes, it links in to the 'robot', which also has a pierced shoulder piece. Metal blade-arms are suitably gruesome - I can imagine them scything through someone quite easily. Cogs link it in with the Admech, and it looks slightly more advanced than a Leman Russ, but nowhere near as advanced as high Xenos tech. May use standard Imperial stuff as well, time will tell


Thats it for vehicles, although BWM makes a lighter spider. I am not going over 1500 for now, so 2 tanks should be enough.

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Nothing? Oh well - perhaps the glut of images is a bit of a nuisance. Trimming. Any advice at all sought on suitability, paint, other people's armies etc.


PS: I want to have a Psyker floating in a tank like a Dune Navigator [indeed, this whole army is starting to owe less and less to the Ad Mech more and more to David Lynch, I should either get back on track or start writing fluff] - any ideas of how to accomplish this?

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The AdMech forum doesn't get a lot of traffic, since it doesn't have a codex. But I love the AdMech and all their cool technology. The models look great, and I haven't gotten to Mechanicum or any of the AdMech books yet, but from what I hear you're on the right track with the look and feel of AdMech. As for your psyker, there's some weird stuff that goes on in the Adeptus Biologus and all that, you could totally do the tank thing. Maybe have the tank look like a transparent egg and have a claw on top and bottom holding it in place and wires coming out of it.
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^_^ Please understand my confusion as first you say this-

I would like to do quite an 'unpleasant' army - lots of very near to if not outright heresy, gruesome modifications and augmentations, stolen alien technology and so on. I have not made up my mind whether to go pure Chaos or not.


then this-

The only issue is Dark Eldar tanks float, Admech ones don't - anti-gravity is banned in the Imperium, I think, or they can't replicate it.


:huh: ?


Well at any rate the reason because I proposed the DE codex was that its a popular choice for those wanting to start Dark Mechanicus, while the GK codex is popular amongst loyalist Admech. Dark Admech can explain crazier technology and anti gravity due to them not having to follow rules AND they can steal/barter/replicate from other xenos if they want.


Looking foward to the monstrosities you'll be building :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

As Homer Simpson said:


The heretical AM is very liberating, actually...

Sorry! I am getting back to work now, so here are a few more things I have been excavating - I am probably going to work in more GW and abandon Dark Age Minis for the while, but these proxies need a mention, they are perfect, thematically very similar ot Micro Art with the ribbed tubing across the model:


Warning, adults only please beyond here - nothing sexual/scatalogical/rude/any of the other reasons I can't think of, just really pretty gruesome. I don't want to give any young modellers' parents reason to ban them from the hobby :D






Another possible Skitarii (FALLOUT! Really growing on me), or I may convert.


Fluff-wise, I think a rebellious Forge World offers the best possibilities for modelling fun and games, with labour gangs, Ogryns etc, as well as explaining how they had the materiel to repel the Imperium.

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A friend of mine is doing dark mech as dark eldar, if I was going to do an army I would use the tyranid codex, synapse equaling scrap code, weird demonic cybernetic creatures of differing sizes, portal like thing warping in foot soldiers (tervigon) etc. However I'm still working on my 4th army so don't really have time for a 5th...


A coteaz led henchmen grey knight army can work well too.

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