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Grim Darkness in Dixie

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Greetings, fellow followers of the God Emperor (and traitorous Chaos scum who are destined to be ground to dust beneath our boot heels, as well.)


Where to begin...., I'm from the South, I got into Warhammer 40k by way of the writings of Dan Abnett, Henry Zou, and Aaron Dembski Bowden, and now I hope to actually play the game. It's a bit trick to find hobby stores or people who share my interest in the events of the 41st millenia around here, but is it not written

"None who labor in the Emperor's service strive in vain"?


All glory to the Golden Throne and remember, we're a whole century closer to getting Chainfists!

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Welcome to the B&C! If you haven't already discovered them, the North America subforms may help you find a local game or shop. A good way to get into the B&C community and meet people outside of your particular faction is to create and update a thread in the WIP subforum. I try to recommend this to everyone new member I greet!


I hope you get as much out of B&C membership as I do, and remember, we will burn the galaxy down around your eyes you cretinous lapdog of the False Emperor!


Ave Dominus Bellum!

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Thanks to your advice, misguided minion of the Ruinous Powers, I have found some 40kers in my area. To show my gratitude, when we finally storm the Eye of Terror, you shall be among the first to die.
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Greetings, fellow followers of the God Emperor (and traitorous Chaos scum who are destined to be ground to dust beneath our boot heels, as well.)


Where to begin...., I'm from the South, I got into Warhammer 40k by way of the writings of Dan Abnett, Henry Zou, and Aaron Dembski Bowden, and now I hope to actually play the game. It's a bit trick to find hobby stores or people who share my interest in the events of the 41st millenia around here, but is it not written

"None who labor in the Emperor's service strive in vain"?


All glory to the Golden Throne and remember, we're a whole century closer to getting Chainfists!


Are you, by chance, from that state with all the crooked letters???

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Thanks to your advice, misguided minion of the Ruinous Powers, I have found some 40kers in my area. To show my gratitude, when we finally storm the Eye of Terror, you shall be among the first to die.


Anything to help a frater, even loyalists. Loyalty is only hang time anyway, descent is inevitable. The Warmaster understood gravity better than the Emperor ever could...

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Are you, by chance, from that state with all the crooked letters???


Indeed I am. You seem strangely familiar....as if, in another time and place, we stood as comrades, wielding the Bolter of Logic and the Chainsword of Sarcasm in a forlorn crusade against the the Ruinous Powers of Arrogance, Ignorance, and Delusion.



The Warmaster understood gravity better than the Emperor ever could...

Perhaps you can refresh my memory. Of those two individuals, which one is worshipped as a God by most of the human race, and which one had his soul flensed into oblivion and his own gene sons cast aside his name in shame?


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Of those two individuals, which one is worshipped as a God by most of the human race, and which one had his soul flensed into oblivion and his own gene sons cast aside his name in shame?



Yep. Horus is gone. Sad but true. The Emperor? A glorified lighthouse. Worship him at your pleasure... :P

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Yep. Horus is gone. Sad but true. The Emperor? A glorified lighthouse. Worship him at your pleasure... :lol:


Now I have the image of the Golden Throne slowly rotating, and all the Adeptus Custodes possessing creepy beards and bemoaning "those meddling kids".

Thanks a lot.


Although it's tough to say the Master of Mankind didn't have it coming, considering some the decisions he made.


"Howdy, son Angron. I see that you are a half mad beserker with machines in your brain that make every moment you aren't chopping another living thing to bits seem like an eternity of torment. I wonder if I should try and turn those off... Eh, you'll probably be all right. Here's your army of super soldiers who will follow your every command without question, now get out there and start adding worlds to Daddy's Imperium."

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Are you, by chance, from that state with all the crooked letters???


Indeed I am. You seem strangely familiar....as if, in another time and place, we stood as comrades, wielding the Bolter of Logic and the Chainsword of Sarcasm in a forlorn crusade against the the Ruinous Powers of Arrogance, Ignorance, and Delusion.


Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night.

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