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Dark Embers, a slow burning Dark Angels Log


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Hello, I haven't really played 40k since 2nd edition but have done some odd bits of painting and I am an avid reader of the BL books. With 6th edition coming this year (or so they say) I am determined to get a force ready fully painted so I can get back in to the game with the new edition.


I have picked the Dark Angles for various reasons,


1)I started 2nd edition with the Blood Angels so I though it would be nice to kick off 6th with the other half of Angles Of Death,

2)My misses had a few boxes of Dark Angels kicking about since she tried to get in to the game

3)If rumors are to be believed Dark Angels will be the new Codex so I figured why the hell not.


Most of my photos are sadly of a poor quality due to not having a decent light in my room (I paint mostly by daylight and when that goes I stop painting) also my camera has the annoying habbit of having the flash on for nearly everything (even when flash is set off)


Where to start, I have tried and tried to get into edge highlighting but well as you will see by the following dred test I pretty much suck at it very much! Have tried over and over but just can't get my lines thin enough (I sadly don't have a rock steady hand either)


These photos were taken at my girlfriend house with the aid of her lightbox so are pretty good quality but sadly also show up every single floor there is.






As you can see my edge highlights are far too strong and seem to be far too thick. Am going to try and work up the willpower to go back to it but for now Mr Stompy is benched till I can decide what to do with him.


Today I have spent trying to bash together a test mini using a method I saw online. Sadly I think my damn flash has washed out all the blending and colour gradients I was attempting to do. So you can get a general idea what I did here is the method I have used.


Base 50/50 Orkhide Shade DA Green

Pure DA Green big areas (most of pad etc) whilst leaving base coat showing on joins/corners and using rough edges for better blends

3 Parts DA 1 part Snot green highlight upper parts, leave some DA/Ork showing.

Pure snot green only to small part of upper edges (less than a quater of shoulder pad for example)

Bolter case I used a 3part Mechrite Red and 1 part necron abyss.

Badab black wash in all crevices etc.


So here he is, try to ignore the chainsword I was just using it to mess about with the consistancy and colour of my Mechrite Red/Necron Abyss combo which I have used for the eyes and boltpistol case.








Would love any feedback you have cheers!

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Welcome to the Legion, great to have you.


I love your dreadnought! I'm a huge fan of these models, so anytime I get to see a new one is a good day in my book. The green mix you posted seems to work very well. Your test mini looks cool as well, hope to see it finished soon.


You've come to the right place for all your info. Hopefully some of our more knowledgeable brothers will chime in soon with their opinions.

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Cheers guys, think I will knock out a tack squad first then go back to the Dred, only the bottom half and the assault cannon/sarcophagus to go really. I kind of just saw the lines, thought they looked way to fat/messy so just lost my love with it.


@Brother Kovash I love the way you have done your Deathwing Terminators, it seems a very effective way to paint bone on large characters.

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Welcome to the Unforgiven, ThePope. (I never thought I'd say that!)


If it's any encouragement I think your base coat, metals and especially the blue lights are very good. Are you painting the edge highlights with the brush pointing along the edge?


brush -- edge


You might get better results if you rotate it 90 degrees...




u edge




This should keep the bristles from overlapping the edge and hitting the flat areas on either side.

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Cheers Catus haven't changed the way I do metallic's since a 2nd edition trick that I saw in WD if I remember which is a tin bitz base with a dry brush of boltgun metal over it. (May I add I love your Belial conversion, takes a lot of confidence and skill to convert a beautiful FW piece like Huron and pull it off)


On the edge front I have tried both ways (I used to do my LR Crusader heavy BT tanks with the latter method) but both seem to be failing me with the snot green. Could just be that my brush is on the way out and I need a new one, I also think I probably didn't water down the snot green enough either. I have a slight issue that when I get it into my head that something hasn't been done quite right I will just leave it and do something else then come back to it a week or so later when I have stopped being "annoyed" with it. Makes painting quite a slog for me!

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Just a quicky, I have the DA Vets box and I was thinking of using them as the Sergeants then spreading any left over bolters etc throughout my tac squads. I was wondering what is the best weapons combo to used on the 5 sergeants I can make before I start sticking them together. Will be starting in smallish games I guess so I was wondering if it was worth using power fists with bolt pistols or power fists with plasma pistols or mixing it up with power swords and storm shields or simple bolt pistols and chain swords. Basically the box is full of bits and I am not quite sure on the best combination!
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Just a quick photo update, over my misses this weekend so have had use of her light box again. Should hopefully see the "natural" highlighting I have tried to achieve via the different shades of green. Also still stuck on what to do with the Sergeants!






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Hmmmm, really dark DAs holding dark red weapons... I like - more please :D


Just a quicky, I have the DA Vets box and I was thinking of using them as the Sergeants then spreading any left over bolters etc throughout my tac squads. I was wondering what is the best weapons combo to used on the 5 sergeants I can make before I start sticking them together. Will be starting in smallish games I guess so I was wondering if it was worth using power fists with bolt pistols or power fists with plasma pistols or mixing it up with power swords and storm shields or simple bolt pistols and chain swords. Basically the box is full of bits and I am not quite sure on the best combination!


The best weapon combo for sergeants is a matter of debate, but I'd say stick a power fist in at least one squad. Plasma pistol I wouldn't bother. Then again I use the rule of cool so there must be others more learned than me on the table-top... I beleive one PF is a must though.

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Looking really good the Mr Pope sir, keep the painting sharp like that and you'll have a fantastic army when you're done.


I recommend giving all your tactical sgts power fists and plasma pistols (one day PPs will be worth their points, one day....... :) )

Think of a PP as a PW that goes before initiative(if you charge), the fist as a threat to all types of opponent and you can't go wrong;)


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Knocked out 2 tac marines in some spare time. Messed up the colour ratio mix on the these two compared to the Sargent so I think they may have come out slightly too bright, also will be drilling out the bolters when I figure out I have stuck my drill.


Marine number one, looking at photos needs a few touch up's mostly on bolter.







Here is my favourite, knocked him together with a very old backpack and weapons sprue I still have about. Just noticed on photographs his old bolter needs a touch up as well.







Here is the gang so far together.



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Could I just get some CnC on the latest batch please on the colour variation between the Sargent and the other 2 marines just to see if the different colour is as obvious as I think it is.
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I think they look perfectly fine here. To be completely honest, if you didn't mention it, there is no way I could have noticed any difference in colour variation at all.


Congrats on the nice looking marines too by the way. You have a nice clean finish on these guys, and I really like the way you have done the blend on the shades of green. Good job :D


Once you get some bases, and squad markings/insignia (if you feel confident too) you will have some top looking models here.


I look forward to seeing any updates on this thread. Keep up the great work!

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I can see the change once I look for it, but I don't think it's too obvious. It looks like the sergeant has a little less yellow in his highlight mix and so the color is less saturated overall. I'm with Chaplain Lucifer, I like the sergeant slightly better, but they all look good. The dark red and dark silver accents keep the tone of the whole model nice and dark in both cases.
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Cheers, I think I OD'd on the snot green a little too much in the case of the bolter tac marines. My issue is that I mix paint ratios by brush which I guess is not the optimal method at all. I presume the best method would be to use a syringe of some sorts to get the best and easily replicated mixing ratios?
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Yes a syringe or some other measuring device would produce more consistent colour everytime you mix. There also Vallejo paints that have a dropper bottle and aid in mixing.. or you could check out other brand paints to see if any has your green tone so you don't have to mix for it.
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