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1992 Deathwing Terminator Squad


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Firstly, I am a Greyknights player, so be nice :)


I was hunting around my mates loft to find my old Space Wolves models for my son, and found a complete Deathwing Terminator Squad (from the 1993 boxset). They had been painted very roughly, but I have just stripped them and they look as new (a few flakes of paint still stuck in some cavities).


I have no need for them, neither does my son, what do you reckon they are worth?


I will post a few pictures up shortly for historical interest, but you can see the original catalogue page for them here!


Edit: Photo's below.







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I've still got this box set (box and all) sitting at the bottom of my hobby box. It was these guys that got me into collecting DA and i've just never got around to painting them.


Great find, they're definitely worth something to somebody ;)



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~shrug~ I think DW players who have these models continue to field them primarily because replacing them, besides taking many hours, takes $10 per termie... We have enough of the old ones to keep us happy for the rest of our lives! And the new models are so much nicer, that, in combination with the DA upgrade sprues, newer players wouldn't have any reason to prefer the old metals.


There is a limited market though. Those powergaming dirtballs who insist that fielding metal termies on 25mm bases is RAW and actively seek to acquire metal termies for the express purpose of not mounting them on 40mm bases might want yours...but do you really want to help them game the game? God, but I can't wait for GW to state definitively that

"with the base supplied" means with the size of base supplied with models currently being sold, and I don't mean out of the "collectors" section of the online store!
It's a sad commentary on human nature that such a clarification is neccessary, but powergamerz will pervert anything they think they can get away with.
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...case in point. I'm sure the competitive advantage gained has nothing to do with it, and please pardon the frosty tone and the eyeroll.


(I'll grant that Isiah is right about there being a market beyond people seeking to cheat. I suppose that there are some younger DW players who think the old models are prettier. What's wrong with those younger players who think so, we'll never know, but...)

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Hi, guy who doesn't know me!


I am intrigued to discover your extensive familiarity with my gaming history and preferences. Since you have such a deep familiarity, you of course also know that I also used to use Cyclone Missile Launchers back when they had one shot, because I liked the models. And that I own precisely no assembled models with Storm Shields, and have never felt inclined to assemble the few I do have. And that all my Terminator Sergeants have Power Swords and Storm Bolters, because it is appropriately Sergeanty.


I'm actually going to be publishing a guide to powergaming with these clever tactical decisions soon! Of course, you've gone and jumped the gun by revealing my cleverly-honed masterstroke.


Oh well. I'll just have to settle for explaining the powerful trick of deep striking everything because teleportation is entertaining.

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I've personally collected a few of the old metal models because I didn't play the game back in the day, so it's nice to have a few odd models here and there. I've put mine on 40mm bases so they fit with everything else they have, but I wouldn't have a problem with someone who had them on their original 25mm bases. However, if the guy was all about the power, then I'd have a problem with him anyway, regardless of how his models look or are based.
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As far as selling, yours may sell better considering they are DW specific. I didn't realize that people were buying these old models up just so they can legally use 24mm bases. Seems lame. But if you had them already and didn't want to rebase, thats fine... which is the story I would go with ;)




As for the OT basing issue that appears to have popped up - I just placed the 25mm mounted terminators right onto 40mm bases.

Once it's covered, you can't even tell.


I'd rather rebase them this way for these reasons:


1) It makes them slightly taller to match the new terminators - half of these are metal

2) It helps them stand up better on unlevel terrain

3) For base consistency with new terminators


I don't care what anyone else does with theirs.

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Maybe I overreact a bit when I see something that looks like modeling for competitive advantage...after a guy tried to cheat me by mounting his land raiders' godhammers on the roof, then claiming that he had LOS to me but I had none to him when he hid it behind a wall, saying (correctly) that you need to be able to see the hull or turret of a vehicle to be able to target it...and then he rage-quit when I insisted that he measure his LOS from where the lascannons belong....
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Ha didn't know you were on the B&C I'm very happy with these dude I'm glad we agreed a fair swap as I'm looking forward to making my retro 2nd ed themed DA army. If I can only get these damned Consecrators finished first!
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I have nearly 200 DW on 25mm bases. They are all old school metal and plastic.


When I started my TDA obsession I only had about 30 or so. My reasoning to use 25mm bases TDA exclusively was more for style and visual consistency than anything else. I do have six TDA on 40mm though, they are Belial and his Command Squad, they of course did come with 40mm bases.


I am absolutely amazed at some of the gnashing of teeth over the base sizes and their origin. I will admit that the 25mm base does present a smaller footprint when Deepstriking providing a greater level of precision, though it will only work if you hit the target, any deviation is detrimental regardless of the base size. On another note the smaller base size also presents a greater target of opportunity for template weapons. So there is some trade off.

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Ya, but no one uses high strength low ap large blast templates anymore right.... (drug off by servitor to cell 42)


Personally i love the old models, and would buy a lot of em if GW still made DA specific Termis..... (fingers crossed in plastic please)

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