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I'd like to say hi as im new to the forums


im from the UK and recently got back into the 40k hobby and just started collecting space marines as i use to make greenskins and chaos


I look forward to chattin with u guys on future topics

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As I posted late last night I could only say hi, so ill give u a bit more about me.


I am currently in the process of creating a loyalist chapter of space marines that I've named Storm Angels (which i will put on here sometime for some feedback). I created a chaos chapter called the Khornish Nasties (see what i did there?:P) and also created an ork army called the Ed Unterz


These aren't major changes to the original armies and the chaos and orks have no background story n never will as i am solely concentrating on my SMs which i have wrote a bit of info on and designed an emblem etc.


I dont play the board game however as i dont have any friends of 40k in my area (i have been to a beginner day at my local store in manchester arndale.) i love the modelling part and currently gettin into the painting part of the hobby, i have read lots of the black library and a few of the horus heresy books and currently readin the descent of angels.


aNd that's a bit about me :)

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I created a chaos chapter called the Khornish Nasties (see what i did there?:P)


Very first edition of you, brother, a cheeky little name. ^_^


I dont play the board game however as i dont have any friends of 40k in my area (i have been to a beginner day at my local store in manchester arndale.)


Take a look-see through this forum, brother. You might be able to find people in your area. :)

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