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Blackadders Warlord WIP

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Staggering attention to detail as well as imagination!  Question; are you planning on making a crew to have inside all these areas also?

Yes I keep forgetting to include my little guy in the photos for scale and there will be an entire crew in the titan; in fact I will designate this titan as a command vehicle of a titan company (No I will not be building any more titans for the above mentioned comapny unless you consider the Warhounds as scouts. 


You should work for Forgeworld.. you could teach them a thing or three

Forge World could not afford neither the salary I would require nor the WIP time to produce a major work. But in my defense FW estimated it would take 18 months to design a Warlord and were unwilling to devote that time to a prototype of such a limited remuneration potential. Besides I have yet to receive an offer from FW for employment :D

There are few things that can make ol' Tonzateef wake up, have his grots oil his mega-armor joints, and feel the need to post.... this is one of those things.


The amount of attention and detail that you have applied in seeing this creation come to fruition is absolutely staggering.  From the details applied to (otherwise simple) support beams and flooring, all the way to intricate markings and consoles that may never even see the light of day (albeit maybe LED light).  Your efforts and accomplished work is truly admirable and will surely inspire many more people to come... even some folks who's only Imperial dealings are on the opposite side of the gun barrels. ;)

Scrap Heap!

I was working on this last night and I happened to look at the edge of my desk and there were all the parts helter skelter in what looks to be a scrap pile.....


And I thought to myself, ''A fine way to treat all that work!''

No its meant to disassemble into dozens of components that interlock when assembled like a jigsaw puzzle.


I used a minimum of magnetic fasteners, plastic rod hinge pins, a few bolts, and trust to close tolerance of fit to maintain integrity.


I just thought the piece of pieces looked comical. 


Nothing broke.............

  • 2 weeks later...

CoD Bitz

Once again after a bout with a computer virus, lawn mower, installing a door in my kitchen and adjacent mouldings I have taken up the cudgel of building Luteus Vexant........... strange how menial trivialities take precedence over that which is of true import.

I resume the task by supplementing my dwindling supply of prefabricated bitz to detail the areas of the carapace that seem too sparsely decorated.

The CoD kits I have been cannibalizing are still providing ample fodder for my demands because I prudently have conserved both front and back of each floor and wall panels by by splitting them in half through the thickness axis with a razor saw instead of just sanding off the reverse face of the panel thereby doubling my inventory of parts and saving myself thirty bucks for another Manufactorum.


Thanks that seems to be the consensus of opinion although I would like a appropo icon instead of the Ad. Minist.


Titan Hunter Formation


The first time Luteus Vexant has stood in full stride without careful balancing (I still need to pack half a kilo of lead in the back for optimum stability) but the hip joints are solid and capable of supporting Luteus' 7 kilo bulk.


Here he is with a third of my Superheavy company in vanguard support. Sorry no infantry as yet.





This image has been a long time coming...............


The Blackadder is pleased.


My lord. I'm speechless.

Catching a Mold Relief

I am trying a new method of casting 

I intend to make a gantry for the Warlord diorama showing it parked alongside for service/repairs. This will make a huge model display stand.

I'm using 'Sculpey' mold material to make a few more A M skulls for the aft end of the main guns.

Since 'Sculpey' is heat hardened I am trying to cold mold 5 minute epoxy directly on the soft uncured clay relying on it's heat resistant properties to not lose detail as the resin heats and cures

Below you see the mold that only required seconds to make once you sculpt the original:

Catching a Mold Relief  2

At the risk of redundancy I include the mixing and applying the 5 minute epoxy to the soft clay. I refrigerated the clay to accelerate the cooling before drizzling the resin mixture into the mold.

the slow application of resin allows the air to be evacuated from the recesses as the resin slowly flows through the mold thereby eliminating air bubbles............... I hope:


I  belive its called "instant mold" commercially here in the UK. its a reusable rubbery mold that becomes malleable for a short time after being immersed in boiling water.


Its supposed to capture a fair bit of detail, but probably not as much as is on those CoD panels...

Armour is quite vulnerable without infantry support...........



Irons in the Fire

Granted I have 'way too many irons in the fires what with the Warlord, T'hawk, refurbishing my Superheavy Armour and now a display stand for Lucie but a full plate keeps you young to mix my metaphors.

The basic display stand for Lucie and the forward cowl for Luteus basic primed



What's with all the L's Blackadder?

Moulded Skulls

Well the moulded skulls can out not too shoddy good enough for the relatively hidden area under the carapace at the rear of the cannons. I sanded the left one a bit much but once painted I think it will pass. The Skulpey clay did a good job and will work fine for the terrain that I plan for the Warhound. I just wanted to see how well it would work for casting.


Main Weapon Detail

I keep adding detail to these guns and the more I add the more empty space I find to clutter up so after these photos I'm applying a coat of primer and see where I stand.





BTW I have added much more detail than the original so the camouflage does do something; it increases the illusion of detail.

The Relativity of Bland

Well paint doesn't seem to help much everything looks so so bland. It seems there should be more patches and panels, definitely more skulls and aquila perhaps a few banners and those badges with ribbons dangling from them 'What are they called the name escapes me.

Ah! 'Purity Seals' never mind..............

Anyway the secondary weapons are masked for priming and I'm pretty satisfied with them.


Yet another request of my source of styrene on another forum so I am going to be up front and reveal my larder.

Over the course of a few years I have accumulated quite an inventory of styrene strips and sheets mainly by investing about twenty bucks a month into increasing my reservoir of material.

I won't lie to you on the face of it it is a tremendous outlay of cash for an inventory of this size and Evergreen won't spring for a display carousel for a noncommercial site even though I regularly extol their product.


In addition I have researched wholesale distributors of styrene sheets which is by far the biggest single outlay of cash for material. I found a local one in an Industrial park that supplies my requirements.

Now that I have all the styrene I need I routinely spend about 20 bucks a month to keep my supply sufficiently abundant.



A Mélange of Decor, Dispair, Decadence and Decay

Unfortunately using a flash washes out a good bit of detail especially the 0.010 inch/ 0.25 MM layered armour which hopefully washes will bring to the fore.

The new bitz is what I am debuting with this post and I am hoping that I have achieved the right degree of decoration, decadence and decay which permeates the desperate 40K future world much as western culture seems hellbent on the road to in the early 21st century.

In this first image I show the new side detail of the carapace which is a melange of DS's bitz work and my interpretation thereof which is somewhat less busy and I hope makes more sense from an (totally bogus) engineering standpoint

Most prominent are the numerous vents and exhaust fans that I deem necessary to cool the vast heat producing engines necessary to animate this behemoth:

This image shows the top of the carapace showing the four adjunct shield relays and the two shoulder field regulator receivers one on either side of the carapace munitions exhaust fan:

Top rear view showing the four rear shield relays and the four make up air inlets for cooling the carapace and sweeping stray radiation from the ammo magazines:



And an image sans flash to better show the new detail:

Demonstrating that the Blackadder clearly needs to get a life or at the very least a better grip on reality...............

Hey my phone is not unlisted......


I purchase FW models on occasion hence they have my phone, address and CC..................


 and I can always be reached on any of the 21 forums I post on..................


Cric-cric-cric (crickets chirping)


I don't think they're interested :(


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