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Blackadders Warlord WIP

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What seat is this?

I found this in my son's bitz box and I was wondering if anyone can identify what kit it came from?






By George I believe you have nailed it, many thanks for the much appreciated replies  and it appears that this empty seat comes with both the Lightning and the Thunderbolt  kits


As for stealing from my kid at  22 he's easily two stone heavier and 195 cm tall and can look me straight in the eye, some kid! XD


Im not sure if your next project can get bigger?!?!?

Sure it can. Blackadder can scratch build a battle barge or a fortress monastery


haha I can just see it now. He builds it around the Chasis of a truck and has to drive it on to the board. Or rather into the Store. It's primary weapons: Orbital Bombardment. Of bear.

No fortresses.............. that's what Styrofoam packing is for.................



Warlord and Thunderhawk Seats

First let me thank all that responded to my query as to the origin of the cockpit seat I posted.

It turns out that it is the ejector seat (empty) that is included with the FW Lightning and Thunderbolt.

Warlord and Thunderhawk Seats

Besides the twin seats I made for the Warlord previously I am going to make 6 slightly oversized versions of the Lightning and Thunderbolt ejector seats for my Thunderhawk. Oversized to accommodate the rather robust SM physique. 
A lesson to all, don't let your ol'lady trash yer bitbox ya might jest need some o' that crap some day.

Windscreens Applied

I know it might not seem that big a deal to some but installing windscreens on the delicate frame was a time consuming and frustrating operation. I made the panes out of 1.0 mm (0.040 inch) thick clear styrene hand shaped and sanded to a precise fit.

Each panel was slightly different in shape and size than its mirror panel but none were more than 0.5 mm which made me extremely pleased.

I hope the camera catches these panels I left the dust on and backlit them so they  are visible.




Small Arms Defense

I strikes me that a Warlord Titan is at the mercy of Small Arms Defense

I strikes me that a Warlord Titan is at the mercy of ill-disposed enemy ground personnel. However powerful the Void shields are can they stop sappers and suicide bombers?

What is needed are defense small arms weapons firing down from 30 meters in the air relatively immune to reciprocal fire.

Therefore I am adding a fighting platform to the chest shield with egress to the second level of the lower Engineering deck.

Funny how this all seems to work out; the CoD blast doors fit perfectly into the opening beneath the head with minor alterations plus it gives purpose to the chest plate and fills the empty space in the lower engineering  level.

Purists may baulk at this modification so they are welcome to omit this from their Warlord Titans.

Below is the Chest plate in place soon to be pierced with bolter loopholes.


Cutting through the forward bulkhead for the blast door assembly.


The exterior blast door in place


Small Arms Defense

I strikes me that a Warlord Titan is at the mercy of ill-disposed enemy ground personnel. However powerful the Void shields are can they stop sappers and suicide bombers?

What is needed are defense small arms weapons firing down from 30 meters in the air relatively immune to reciprocal fire.

Therefore I am adding a fighting platform to the chest shield with egress to the second level of the lower Engineering deck.

Funny how this all seems to work out; the CoD blast doors fit perfectly into the opening beneath the head with minor alterations plus it gives purpose to the chest plate and fills the empty space in the lower engineering  level.

Purists may baulk at this modification so they are welcome to omit this from their Warlord Titans.

Below is the Chest plate in place soon to be pierced with bolter loopholes.


Cutting through the forward bulkhead for the blast door assembly.


The exterior blast door in place


Holographic Tactical Display

since I deemed this the overall Command Titan with a surfeit of nonessential personnel what better than to have a 3D display table in the center of the bridge.


I was beside myself in what to put in the huge area behind the flight station when I got this idea. It was either this or throw a grange dance.


I plan to use fiber optics of various colours to represent warring factions with Luteus Vexant and company in the center of the Holo-dome.


Whether this works or not will be an interesting experiment but so far all the components seem viable and better still fit nicely into the space available............


Now I just have to figure out how to light it.............


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