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Noise Marines


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I sometimes use them to replace a CSM squad in my IW army. Breaks up the color scheme a bit and provides me with something new to play with.


In larger games I normally run a 2x Flamer/Power Fist/Rhino CSM squad, so its fairly easy to replace them with DoomSiren/Fist/Rhino unit. Same thing goes with replacing 2x Plasma squads with BlastMaster campers. I don't really use Sonic Blasters, they just don't seem worth it in these mech heavy time.


On a sidenote, I've always liked the idea of Slaaneshi Possessed but +1I is the worst bonus out there, especially with no frag grenade equivalent.

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tbh my interest in noise marines extends to thier lovley AP3 flamers and shooty heavy fearless squads.. i had considered them a while back when i wanted to run lucius.. who is a great character IMO.

i dunno maybe ill proxy a squad or two see how they get on..

ive long been thinking of running a 1ksons unit too, perhas when my WBs are all painted up ill get my hands on some cult troops

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I ran a small squad with poorly converted "Tricked out" bolters to represent the Sonic Blasters. Very shooty; storm bolters with the 'standard' wavelength, and an extra shot if you hold your ground. They did...OK as Fire support, but I don't really like Slannesh (or Nurgle) so even though they weren't "Noise Marines" I still was annoyed that I was using them.


I did make more tricked out bolters though, finished the squad out, but now they are Squad 2 (Teams Green and Yellow) for my Nightblades; just normal CSMs with cool looking bolters (and 2 plasma gunners).


One of the few times I fought against Tyranids, I was using the CA (counts as) Noise Marines to be the Leading edge-as I moved my Beserkers forward to counter charge (based off a trick I learned while playing Tau). The Noise Marines put out as much shots as they could at an incoming enemy-whittling them down, and when the time came if they were able, they retreated and the Beserkers multi assaulted multiple units.


They work pretty good at shooting crap up (doom siren ruin's peoples days too-that really is a FUS RO DAH!) but outside of that...they aren't so great. Sort of weird if you think about it-their stats seem to indicate they would be more close combat based...or have hit and run or something...Whatever. I'm no gamedesigner, and I got a pizza to pick up.

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They're not bad at all, just a little too expensive for what they have. If I'm paying 20pts a model it should already come with sonic blasters. Other than that, they make a good support troop unit. Id run a 5 man squad with a blastmaster. It's essentially a missle launcher that scatters and is a str 8 blast that causes pinning I'd you shoot at a squad.Not bad IMO
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The problems with the musical missile launcher are the fact that:


#1 it costs waaaay too much

#2 most things have high Ld or just don't care about pinning

#3 it's a krak missile that scatters

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They have been the bread and butter of my Chaos army for some time now. Take a look at the Flawless Host link in my thread if you want to see some of them.


I use them in 6 man squads with a power weapon+doom siren champion, a couple sonic blasters, personal icon, and rhino with combi-melta. It is a fun squad to play, but I'm not going to call it super effective.


To put it in context, my 1850 list is briefly this:

Prince with wings+warptime

Lash Sorc

Terminators with combi-melta's+plasma


2 Squads of noise marines

lesser daemons


Dakka predator

3x oblits


As this is a fluff army, all squads are 6 members (except the daemonettes are 10.) The basic theme of the list is that it is able to focus a massive amount of firepower into a small area. I don't try to slug it out with their whole arma, I try to burn down a couple squads so fast that they are quickly backfooted. Lash, doomsirens, oblits, and surprise terminator deepstrike combi-plasma death is very effective for just wiping a target off the board.


To make this all work, all my units have to cover each other. Often, I'll have a doomsiren squad drive up to something, blast it, then the lesser daemons or prince assault the now depleted squad so it can't counter-assault the doomsiren squads. The possessed are also used as a counter charge unit, although they (and the predator) exist more for fluff, and for the "Look at me I can use a crap list and still beat you all" factor.


I'd be lying if I said this list was good. It was very capable anti-meq, but with the coming of Grey Knights, and then the warptime and lash nerfs, it has really suffered greatly. I mostly play my Dark Eldar these days. Despite that, this list is FUN to play. The way it behaves it unique. The playstyle it gives is mainly defined by the noise marine squads, and no other army works quite like this, and certainly no other chaos army. I still often win games with it simply because people are not prepared for a chaos army that uses a very conservative playstyle, hits like a truck, and has few enough models to keep them all well hidden.

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I've always wanted to convert a squad, so that two had electric guitars, the champion had a microphone and electric quitar, and there was a guy with a waist attached drum set, with two servitors connected to his backpack, each carrying heavy speakers. It would be expecially nice to have them in a videogame form, too, where you could choose a song and then see them play it as you slaughtered :huh:


Ah, Noise Marines... so much fun to play with, on the non-gaming side... :)

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I think the best use for noise marines would be as Danthedaemon style oblits. Get two of them on a base looking cool, and their noise cannons can do soemthing.


But with 6th around the corner, I'd just wait.

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I've always wanted to convert a squad, so that two had electric guitars, the champion had a microphone and electric quitar, and there was a guy with a waist attached drum set, with two servitors connected to his backpack, each carrying heavy speakers. It would be expecially nice to have them in a videogame form, too, where you could choose a song and then see them play it as you slaughtered :)


Anyone who paints up a squad of Noise Marines to look like KISS will be the subject of my admiration.

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I have a few of the old 2:ed Noise Marines. Those models still look great, but I just don't like the "shooty guitars" theme. It just feels like something a pubescent heavy metal fan during the 80s would come up with.

I have been contemplating making slaanesh marines which would have more of a Wych+Grotesque in power armour theme going. I would prefer if they were more like insane, drug-crazed, body-modding and mutated, instead of just chaos marines with guitars.


So yeah, no, haven't gotten round to using them yet. They are hard to fit into a Word Bearer force. The rules could work well enough as some sort of Sternguard equivalent unit, or maybe even to represent them as emissaries/close allies of the Dark Mechanicus. Hmmm... 'Chaos Iron Hands' in robes, with extra big guns? :)

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^ I don't know, I think they'd be rather easy to fit into a Word Bearers force: just outfit them with all manner of vox-casters and broadcasting equipment, something that looks like a pipe organ and daemonic instruments, and suddenly you have a Dark Choir, who take to the field singing hymns to the Dark Gods, unsettling the stuff of reality around them through fervent prayers and catechisms in the Dark Tongue.
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^ I don't know, I think they'd be rather easy to fit into a Word Bearers force: just outfit them with all manner of vox-casters and broadcasting equipment, something that looks like a pipe organ and daemonic instruments, and suddenly you have a Dark Choir, who take to the field singing hymns to the Dark Gods, unsettling the stuff of reality around them through fervent prayers and catechisms in the Dark Tongue.


Or, more simply, a Word Bearer warband that's acquired the lore of Noise Marine creation, and can daemonically engineer such things from their own brethren.


I likes yours more, though.

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Who would have thought Chaos Marine singing in the choir could be made to sound cool? :devil:

Just having them copy/paste the Emperors Children tech feels like a lost opportunity. It is a quite reasonable justification, but the 'Dark Choir' idea is more inspiring. I really hope they get their 'psychic disruption aura' back, that was a really neat ability which made them feel much more like 'Noise Marines', and not just Chaos Marines with special stormbolters.


Even though I am a 'soft' player, I still find it hard to justify their inclusion. With sonic blasters they cost almost as much as two chaos marines, and neither put out much more firepower nor are much better in close combat. The Doom Siren however gives something really useful, but they seem kinda hard to use as a shooty unit. And the Blast Master is silly expensive.


Modelling-wise, they are a great opportunity to go nuts, and I think I might need to go and buy some more toy soldiers! However, I have a feeling I might just end up using them as normal chaos marines.


(ps. I really love your books A D-B, you really 'get' the 40k universe in a way many other BL writers don't, or at least you interpret it in the same way I do, which is nice for me. :angry: )

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^ I don't know, I think they'd be rather easy to fit into a Word Bearers force: just outfit them with all manner of vox-casters and broadcasting equipment, something that looks like a pipe organ and daemonic instruments, and suddenly you have a Dark Choir, who take to the field singing hymns to the Dark Gods, unsettling the stuff of reality around them through fervent prayers and catechisms in the Dark Tongue.


I just had an image of Space Marines in Baptist choir robes over their armor swaying and clapping to dark versions of Southern Gospels... People limping up to be blessed by the gods and randomly turned into Spawn...


Of course, that could just be the normal televangelist channel, too.

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^ I don't know, I think they'd be rather easy to fit into a Word Bearers force: just outfit them with all manner of vox-casters and broadcasting equipment, something that looks like a pipe organ and daemonic instruments, and suddenly you have a Dark Choir, who take to the field singing hymns to the Dark Gods, unsettling the stuff of reality around them through fervent prayers and catechisms in the Dark Tongue.

This. I really, really like this.


You're my Hero of the Day, Dammeron.

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I'd be lying if I said this list was good.


I hear you. But I love your army thread; it's awesome.


It is quite reasonable justification, but the 'Dark Choir' idea is more inspiring.


Yeah, the other concept is a baseline, basic "realistic" possibility, but it's very bland. I suggested it for completion's sake, not because I'd ever do it.

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^ I don't know, I think they'd be rather easy to fit into a Word Bearers force: just outfit them with all manner of vox-casters and broadcasting equipment, something that looks like a pipe organ and daemonic instruments, and suddenly you have a Dark Choir, who take to the field singing hymns to the Dark Gods, unsettling the stuff of reality around them through fervent prayers and catechisms in the Dark Tongue.

I'm really, really interesting in making a unit like this now just for kicks.


Now to raise to funds to get the parts...



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Oh oh oh, maybe using slave-servitors as mobile vox-platforms to make the majority of the unit and then only have a few "Preachers" directing the flow of them?


Ah so many ideas!





im very interested to see noise marines in a word bearers list, perhaps we should have a new thread on the conversion possibilities??

i had though about just buying some weird looking generic sci-fi weapons to differentiate sonic weapons from bolters.. the GW upgrade sprue is crazy expensive

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^ I don't know, I think they'd be rather easy to fit into a Word Bearers force: just outfit them with all manner of vox-casters and broadcasting equipment, something that looks like a pipe organ and daemonic instruments, and suddenly you have a Dark Choir, who take to the field singing hymns to the Dark Gods, unsettling the stuff of reality around them through fervent prayers and catechisms in the Dark Tongue.

I'm really, really interesting in making a unit like this now just for kicks.


Now to raise to funds to get the parts...




Anything that has "Choir" in the title when referring to 40k gets my vote. It just gives it a much darker medieval ecclesiastical feel for some reason. That does sound like a really cool idea though, I'd sew their eyes up or remove them altogether for added creepiness.

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Anything that has "Choir" in the title when referring to 40k gets my vote. It just gives it a much darker medieval ecclesiastical feel for some reason. That does sound like a really cool idea though, I'd sew their eyes up or remove them altogether for added creepiness.

Too many good ideas in this thread! If anybody makes one of these Dark Choirs, post pics.

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