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Noise Marines


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It's just something that arose very naturally from my own preconceptions of the Word Bearers; I've always imagined them as evangelistic and demonstrative in the extreme; not hateful and rage fuelled, like so many chaos marines, but taking to the battlefield singing hymns, chanting prayers, consecrating the souls they "liberate" to the powers of the warp. After all, they are not "killing" their victims as such; they are freeing them from lives of slavery and delusion; sending them to the ultimate truth that lies within the Warp. Also, they are one of the few "Traitor Legions" that actually got what they wanted: Chaos and the circumstances that fuel and sustain it stain the 40K universe from end to end; even the aliens and Imperial lackies who ostensibly fight against it ultimatwly just end up fuelling the great, polyglot power of chaos through their efforts.


As for subtly re-writing the existing chaos cults to fit in with their ethos, it can be done quite easily, and not only for them; though it's not necessary if you want to include such in your army (it is, after all, your army), it's a great exercise in imagination, and can lead to some truly wonderful conversion work:


Khorne Berserkers, for example, could be the equivalent of Crusaders or Knights Templar; holy warriors whose entire beings are bent on slaying the infidel and unrighteous, whereas Thousand Sons could be slow and solemn chantrists or censor-bearers. I've got myself all excited about this now :lol: Looks I might be fielding a Word Bearer force before long!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been play testing them for my up and coming Iron Warriors list as Assault Veterans to sit in a land raider with my warsmith. They are expensive but melt MEQs like no other. I run them in a unit of five, 3 sonic blasters, 1 doom siren, and 1 blastmaster with a power weapon. The assault firepower alone is normally enough to kill 3-4 marines before the charge. After about five games they have at least earned their points back.


In short, not competitive, but fun as hell.

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  • 1 month later...

I have many Chaos armies but my favourite is my Emperors Children force, which comes in at around 3000pts. The core of the army is 4 ten man noise marine squads, including blastmaster, a sonic blaster, champ with power weapon and doom siren in each unit. Most of the games I play are around 1000 - 1500pts, so I mix and match the models into different squads when I use two or three squads, some times they have up to four sonic blasters in a unit sometimes none. A fearless assault squad with initiative 5 even without any sonic weapons is still a great unit. The Doom siren is awesome, I have wiped out whole marine squads with these weapons in past games. I admit I very rarely field the Blastmaster, at 40pts its too expensive , and its at its best when static, which is a tactic I never employ with my army, Initiative 5 is too good too waste on a shooting unit.

When I modelled them I had a bunch of rogue trader deamonettes which I never liked so they got chopped up and I used their heads and claws on many of my Noise marines, almost all of them are converted in some way.

I love them, they are not cheap, but are so flexible, - if you have enough models.


Love the "Dark Choir" idea.


I Appreciate this thread is old, but you hardly get any posts on the "Legion of Excess" thread, so was quiet excited when I came accross this thread, good to see interest in Noise Marines out there.


Incidentally all the guys at my club have agreed we will stick with the current set of 40K rules and will not be buying any new Rules/codexes, so as flawed as it is, we will be using the current C:CSM forever! I know, forever is a long time!

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Guest ShinKosh
I think I do the opposite of what you’re looking for regarding Noise Marines. I love the rule set with them and the gear but being a Night Lord'ish fellow like myself I use them as the chaos equivalent of Sternguard Marines, the idea of some heavy metal/deathrock band following around the Company just doesn’t sit well with me. In short and avoiding the dubious fluff around them I play them off as the warbands best 'shooty' chaos marines. Their weapons are not exactly mindblowingly over powered so they could be passed off as some sort of custom bolter designs and I play the high initiative as a better combat awareness.
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^ I don't know, I think they'd be rather easy to fit into a Word Bearers force: just outfit them with all manner of vox-casters and broadcasting equipment, something that looks like a pipe organ and daemonic instruments, and suddenly you have a Dark Choir, who take to the field singing hymns to the Dark Gods, unsettling the stuff of reality around them through fervent prayers and catechisms in the Dark Tongue.



How the hell did I miss this thread?? This idea is epic...Thanks Dammeron....


Thinking we might be seeing a bunch of these scattered throughout the Hosts of my brethren sometime in the future from the looks of this thread....Gonna have to come up with a cool way to do this myself!



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Okay. My bad.

Yes it is your bad. You should be ashamed for making such a terrible mistake, in front of the whole Chaos Ascendant board itself! Tsk tsk, brother. The Chaos Gods will not favor you for this one.



They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa,

They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa.

To the happy home. With trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket

weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're

coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!!

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For a little while, I was planning on using Noise Marines to represent my Chaos Lord's Chosen retinue. I'm probably going to go through with it as soon as I get my hands on some Grey Knights. The reason for this is because I want to use the Stormbolters to represent the Sonic Blasters (with a little bolt-pistol thing attached to their other weapon somehow so that when they stand still, they can align a third shot). The initiative represents their unerring speed with their weapons. I'll be giving the unit champ a power sword and I'll probably toss a Blast-Master in there.


I intended to build an entire army around them. I'd have a full squad in a Land-Raider with just a champion and his mega-flamer, along with a powerful CC character (Chaos Lord, Slaanesh, Lightning Claws or Daemon Weapon). The others would be on foot, with blast-masters and sonic-blasters galore (in units of 10, just because I like my units being resilient). I intend to use my Noise Marines as either a counter to my opponent in a long-range firefight or to be capable of "kiting" my opponent's melee troops (a term you'll be familiar with from WoW) by moving and firing, while keeping my opponent within the cusp of 24" and still moving away from them. I planned on adding long-range fire support against tanks via Predators or (dramatic gasp) a dreadnought or two.

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Lots of great ideas in this thread. I would also like to say that Noise Marines are awesome and tons of fun to play :D My local group is mostly Space Marine players, and Noise Marines are not as effective against them (I prefer to field Thousand Sons and watch my enemy's armor melt :lol: ). But when I get to play against Tyranids, fielding Noise Marines is FANTASTIC. A 5-man squad with sonic weapons and a Blastmaster can be shoot as Heavy 13! And one of those is a blast template.


PLUS, Noise Marines are a great opportunity to get creative and can look great. Check out these guys from Maestro's Cool Mini Or Not page:






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Incidentally all the guys at my club have agreed we will stick with the current set of 40K rules and will not be buying any new Rules/codexes, so as flawed as it is, we will be using the current C:CSM forever! I know, forever is a long time!

That's seriously messed up! What are their arguments for this charade?


...sounds a lot like: "yeah, lets just freeze time before the chaos guy can get a better codex and we'll enjoy our overpowered loyalist codexes, mohohaha"...

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Guest ShinKosh
Incidentally all the guys at my club have agreed we will stick with the current set of 40K rules and will not be buying any new Rules/codexes, so as flawed as it is, we will be using the current C:CSM forever! I know, forever is a long time!


Not to mention the new codex will likely be very/completely backwards compatible.


I think sir, you have been had by the Aquila bearers...

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How do you guys know the new rules are flawed when they haven't been released yet? If you don't mind my asking?


Okay. My bad.


Kol_Saresk you were not wrong, - it is not that we are expecting the new rules to be flawed, ( and yes the current rules are certainly flawed) its just that we have been playing this game since the days of Rogue Trader in all its different guises, from its roots as a skirmish game to the current apocalypse scale battles.

We have just had enough of changing to new rules ( some of us still try to use a plasma pistol in close combat sometimes at strength 7) buying the new codexes, snapping weapons off our models repainting them and making them fit the new rules and codexes. the 40k universe is so rich in folklore and history,there are races spoken of but never put on the tabletop, but GW keep churning out the same thing over and over again. Dont get me wrong I love 40k and I think the current rules with some house rules work ...well ok.. good enough to make an enjoyable night rolling dice with my buddies, and I understand GW is a business and reworking the rules will increase sales but were staying as we are. We have about 20 guys at our club so we have enough people for tournaments, and never travel far, so staying with the current rules will work for us just fine.


By the way im just starting my Night lords army, hope to post some WIP laters.


Never liked the "Rock Band" image for my Noise marines - read " Primarchs" for some great Emperor Children / Noise marines fluff.


Still go with Noise marines up close and personal, initiative 5, gotta love it, as a shooty army there are better and cheaper out there. Though I can see the benefits against horde armies but you will end up seriously outnumbered. I support my Noise marines with Obliterators, Landraider and fully lased up predator. And though it is a bit beardy, Deamon Prince with mark of slannesh (obviously) and Lash is a great HQ to lead them.


Not to mention the new codex will likely be very/completely backwards compatible.


Yeah you could be right but it always means work on an army you thought was finished. and trust me dude NO Aquila bearers has HAD me! lol


...sounds a lot like: "yeah, lets just freeze time before the chaos guy can get a better codex and we'll enjoy our overpowered loyalist codexes, mohohaha"...

You are funny ! Almost all of us play Chaos!

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