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A new Unforgiven


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Greetings, brothers Unforgiven!

I decided to create this thread as an introduction of sorts, though it might evolve into a painting log :P I'm new to the unforgiven, and still rather new to 40k as a whole. I started off buying some marines, they are what really drew me to 40k after all, but after recently reading the dark angel codex I really liked the background, and thus the call of the robed marines was too strong! I've already painted a few units (well two completed really, but a few more in various stages of progress...), so I decided to keep my colour scheme and simply decide that my chapter is of dark angel descent.

I hope it'll work good enough; the codex stated that most unforgiven chapters use dark and brooding colours (though that's a rule already broken by the official successors), and I'm unsure if that really is a suitable adjective. I use blue too, am I commiting a cardinal sin here? :P They aren't to be viewed as sons of Guilliman! With the colour scheme, and a robe for the dark angel-style, they'll look like the image below. Does it look like a passable unforgiven?


I'm not 100% sure on the red robes, but I can't think of a colour that would work better. Beige/bone coloured is out, of course, but brown maybe?

I was hoping I could get some input on two other modelling-related issues too:

1. The use of the dark angel-specific bits for successors. All chapters can't be using wings and swords for their chapter icons, surely? I realise that it boils down to that I can do what I want with my models, but how are other successor-players dealing with this? Excuse it as a tribute to their parent chapter, or a nod to the Secret Legion part of their background perhaps? ;)

2. The chapter icon itself, I'm quite liking the idea of a crown. Regal, arrogant, and it can be freehanded quite simply! Crowns aren't too common around space marines though (and I don't plan on modelling anyone wearing one), but do you think it could be a cool, as well as quite suitable, icon? :(

I would round this off with pictures of actual painted figures, but I am away from my 'real' computer, so that'll have to wait a little while :P

This came out a tad longer than planned, but to summarise:

Hello there, Dark Angels!

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Welcome to the Rock Frejdruk.


On your colour scheme: looks great. Nothing wrong with the red robes (the Guardians of the Covenant look good in them) and nice combination with the bone. My only suggestion would be either to make the blue darker (a la Crimson Fists) or indeed pretty much as your image shows it – something that is moving towards a purple.





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Welcome Frejdruk. Purple on space marines isn't my cup of tea but nobody can tell you how you should paint your toy soldiers. Green or black robes would give a more obvious link to the Dark Angels.


A crown would be a very original chapter symbol, I don't think I've seen it used before. Have you considered a crown with wings on either side? That would make it easier to use some of the Dark Angels parts without them looking out of place.

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Welcome to the Rock!


I'm a big fan of successors so I'm really happy to see people going about their own DIY chapters! Look forward for your background for these chaps (really like the "regal/arrogant" attributes there).


As regards the paint scheme I'm with Cactus... Purple it's not my favorite color for marines in general. This is completely subjective of course and what really matters is execution... So beutifully painted mini will go a long way with me - even if the color combo would not be my first choice. :D


I'd say keep the white/bone parts and change the blue/purple... Try granite grey! Big change, I know, but I think it'll be worth a try. And then you can play around with the robes - even black robes would work... But red would be fine too or indeed the traditional white...


Anyway these are just ideas coming to my head literally as I type - so feel free to ignore. The bottom line is, you have to find something that really appeals to you, since building an army is a multy facet commitment (money, time, effort) so you can not afford to go into it half-heartedly... :D

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The blue is really a blue, not a purple, on the actual painted models. That's just the B&C-painter's version of regal blue, though I suppose it does look a little purple :)

While purple does not really entice me, I suppose a darker blue, as Isiah suggests, or granite, as Capt. Sempter suggests, seems interesting. The granite (or is this granite-ish :P?) could look something like this:


With either dark angel green or some kind of darkish red for robes. Interesting!

Cactus, your idea with a winged crown is quite interesting, that'd certainly make lots of the DA-specific bits seem a lot less out of place. I'll certainly consider this, wings can't be too hard to freehand either, can they? :D

Oh, and thank you all for the warm welcome :P

Edit: I realised I have a few pictures on my photobucket-account! I've posted a few pictures on warseer earlier, on the odd chance that anyone has seen them ;)



There they are, the work of my (slow) labour, and hopefully an acceptable unforgiven chapter ;)

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Excellent ideas being thrown around here in regards to your successor chapter.


There are really 2 schools of thought for colour purposes:


1) Traditional - Make use of the Black/Crimson/White of the old Rogue Trader or the current Forest Green/Bone White/Chainmail Iron. All are dark and brooding, and there are quite a few combinations one could make by using these 6 colours. It isn't unknown for there to be recorded deviations, think of the mustard yellow and black worn by the Angels of Vigilance.


2) Rule of Cool - They are your models, do whatever makes you geek out and get excited. It looks like your leaning into this category. The robes are a pretty integral part of the models and army, and likely, they will take up the most time in your painting experience. They are also the biggest attraction to the eye, so it is a good opportunity to pick a colour that either looks great with your homebrewed set-up, or to inject a bit of history from the first legion, with the colour signifying something - same with the armour.


In terms of a symbol, a winged crown is actually a very Caliban fluff oriented visual. We know that the lords of Caliban, including the Lion, wore iron crowns that look very similair to the Empire Warrior Priest in fantasy. Nothing fancy, just a strong iron band. That idea may be something to tie into your fluff, but if you wanted it to be a more traditional see #2.

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I think your scheme looks great! I myself am using purple with silver trim for my DIY chapter, once I finish my Deathwing I'll get to work on them. And your chapter symbol looks good, it really is framed nicely against the bone color. Keep the models coming!
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I like the basic scheme as well, but I don't know what to say about the robes, as the actual opposite color for dak blue would be some kind of light orange to yellow, IIRC my basic color theory, which to me actually wouldn't look that good. Try out a red and see what you think, is what I would really say, but a green might tie them to the DA more.


On the subject of wings+crown, I like what you have right now with that crown, but adding wings to the outside probably would expand it width-wise too much. I would humbly suggest considering a pair of wings joined near the base and have the crown encircling them with the wings stretching upward through the center of the crown (basically, take the DA symbol, remove the sword, squish the wings together and stick them inside the crown), or the crown resting atop a pair of conjoined, outstretched wings.

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I kind of like the granite... I might give it a try! Hahahaha!


Actually I see what you mean, the mini is blue as opposed to purple - which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. :) I also agree with Bryan here, you need to find the correct color for the robes which might not be red... Maybe a butter-like color? Something between white and yellow? You know something along the lines of the Librarian loin cloth but less yellow?


I like this puzzle! :)

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Candleshoes, that nugget about the iron crowns is great! Where is it from? If I interpret your signature correctly it might be from the HH-novella Savage Weapons, no? In either case, that makes my crown viable, I'd say. The crown obviously looks different as a chapter symbol, but some kind of simplification/de-simplification/evolution might have occured over 10 000 years.


Bryan Blaire, cool ideas regarding the crown! The wings beneath the crown sounds great looking, might go for that, I think :D


As regards to butterish coloured robes, I'm unsure. On the other hand I agree that red might not be perfect. Maybe a brown? A dark angel green would tie to the legion, but maybe their looks would suffer for it.


As for the granite, I agree with you Capt. Sempter! It looks really good! :)

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Bryan, great looking sketches! I really like both of them, though the first one (with the crown encircling) seems a bit harder to execute on a model! I'll most likely give one or both a try some time next week, I'm sold on the idea of including wings in the symbol, t looks a lot more dark angel-y that way, and using a few more DA bits looks a lot less out of place :) thanks for the input :)


As for the robes I'm still undecided, but dark green has been figuring in my brain a lot.


While on the subject of robes, here's a picture of a very wizard-looking converted librarian of mine:



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Frejdruk, that first one was a more complex sketch for what I thought of on a Company or Chapter banner when I imagined it. I think you could easily do a much more toned down crown and wings (more in line with the second sketch) for the rank and file guys.


I like the Librarian, but if you can add some wiring attaching his head to the hood, that seems to be one of the big running concepts among all the Librarian sketches I've seen. I like his pose, now it is just time to add some bling (book and scrolls and so forth) and paint him up!

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Isiah, thanks! I saw a converted librarian using a carved-up shoulder pad for psychic hood a month or two ago somewhere, and I figured the concept was so beautiful in its simplicity that I had to use it too!


Bryan, Good point on the difference between shoulder pads and company banners etc. I think the left one would look good on my sergeants' back banners! I'll have to try it!


As for the librarian, good point regarding the lack of accessories. I've managed to find a book in a friend's bitz box, and I'll see what more he needs. I figure he's carrying a bolt pistol inside his robe, kind of like James Bond :lol: I too have thought about the wiring inside the hood, but I don't really know how to pull that off. Green stuff of course, but I'm unsure if I will actually get around to doing that.


More progress will have to wait until after the coming weekend I'm afraid. In the middle of a quite demanding period at university right now <_<

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Hi Frejdruk, I really love the above scheme. Somehow Blues and Purples don't gel with the Unforgiven in my mind. The above scheme with a deep dark red robes would be really great.

As for the crown concept.... very original and the simple crown above the wings concept by Brian Blaire is certainly worht considering.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got around to painting again, after a period of serious workload at university.


I've gotten my hands on two robed marines to mix in amongst my normal tactical guys, so I decided to try painting one of those, in the blue colour scheme. These were the results:








I wanted to try the dark green coloured robes to see how they fit with the blue scheme, and they work decently. I am very tempted to try painting the second robed marine in the granite grey-coloured scheme I posted above, with dark green robes too. My fear is of course that I will like that look much more, and want to repaint the models I have gotten done so far. Not a lot done, but I'm a seriously slow painter! :D


I messed up while trying the chapter symbol, the crown should obviously be a bit higher on the shoulder pad. Those are supposed to be wings underneath, but I didn't pull that off perfectly, haha! With some extra space I think I'll do a decent pair of wings.


I also realised how long it was since I last painted large pieces of flowing cloth, like robes, which I think you can tell without me pointing it out.


On a more gaming related note, I borrowed a couple of terminators from various people to play a game using the Deathwing (with assorted support; preds, typhoons and mortis dreadnoughts (from Imperial Armour vol. 2)) versus grey knights at 1500 pts, and actually managed to table my opponent's Purifier-list. Very interesting army, Deathwing.

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I have to say I was very sceptical of your paint scheme when I first saw your Army Painter version, then you put forward that first mini and I was gob-smacked !!! That is one well executed mini, with a fantastic, unique scheme. I'm not sure about the green robe, but I'm not sure what a better colour would be.




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So, blue and green. Hmmmm...


I wanted to try the dark green coloured robes to see how they fit with the blue scheme, and they work decently.


Well, as long as you like it, go with it. To me it's a bit clashing. Nice highlighting and shading though - technically it's a success! <_< Color combinations are subjective anyway.


I am very tempted to try painting the second robed marine in the granite grey-coloured scheme I posted above, with dark green robes too. My fear is of course that I will like that look much more, and want to repaint the models I have gotten done so far. Not a lot done, but I'm a seriously slow painter! :)


Give in to the temptation - I think you'll have a winner there! Since you are doing green robes so well, I think the grey/white arnour will offer a better combo than blue. Or conversly, try (dark) grey for the robes and keep the blue. The result will be quite "cold" looking but the colors will match better imo.


I messed up while trying the chapter symbol, the crown should obviously be a bit higher on the shoulder pad. Those are supposed to be wings underneath, but I didn't pull that off perfectly, haha! With some extra space I think I'll do a decent pair of wings.


Well the Chapter symbol will be on every mini you make - you'd better be happy with it! And you also must be able to reproduce it consistently... Are you sure any of that none of the generic symbols on transfers won't do? Have a look here in the B&C downloads section. It'll save you time and you have guarnteed consistency. But the compromise is, you'll probably won't find exactly what you want. I think Wayward might be of help ;)


I also realised how long it was since I last painted large pieces of flowing cloth, like robes, which I think you can tell without me pointing it out.


Rubbish - The robes are more than fine mate!



Have a go with the grey. Seriously it's only one mini! Let's see if there is anything there! :D


Keep it up!

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First of all, welcome to the Rock Brother!


As for Unforgiven succesors, Im more on the traditional line of things... If there isnt green somewhere I knida start feeling nervous...

On a personal note, I dont like blue. Blame GW and the Ultras for it.

Anyway, you pulled out a nice blue there.


Regarding the chapter icon, on monday Im back on work and may be doing a copule of sheets for you to print on transfer paper if you want. I already have the wings done, and the crown would have to be that hard to do. Liked the more stylized wing and crown Bryan made, will try those too, but I dont know if a shoulder pad will be too small for that kind of complexity.

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You have convinced me to paint one up with grey armour instead of blue! So far it's still WIP, so the painting will improve before it's done, and the picture-taking will too (I hope :) ).


Anyway, here he is so far, just to get a feel for how it'll feel:




What do you think so far? A bit further to go, as I said ;)


I'll make sure the chapter symbol looks better this time around, too! B)


The idea with the transfers is intriguing.. I haven't found any "official" ones that can help me, but I didn't consider that I could print my own. How does one go about doing that though?

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