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Would you like to be a character in my short story


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Ok, so I felt I would give back to the Dark Angels board by including peoples created characters in my storyHere.


Here is what is available



Any Tactical Marine


Both Devestator Sergeants are availible


One assault Sergeant




Ravenwing Bikers


9 Deathwing


1 dreadnaught


2 Chaplains


One Librarian


And One Apothecary


If you want none of these, I can work with what you create.


So to clarify, you come up with the character and fluff and I incorporate it into Sons of the Lion. Got it? GO!

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Is this also open to non-DA players?


Of course!! But I'll need to know what you want. Is your character a Dark Angel? Or something else?




What is the backstoryon your character, the pictureis very helpful, but what is personality, preferred weaponry etc.

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Of course!! But I'll need to know what you want. Is your character a Dark Angel? Or something else?


Hmm. Well I think I could wheel out Brother Olis of the Deathwatch, who, for the purposes of this story, shall be a Blackshield. ^_^


Don't you want me to Pm you details or post 'em here?

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Please add my character from the Tales of Heresy forum game, Matthias. He's a tactical marine with a distinct lack of zeal for tactics that involve needless civilian deaths, preferring to put himself at higher risk than otherwise necessary, a slight tendency for spending more time looking presentable than typical for an Astartes, and an almost suicidal drive to clear the ancient misdeeds of the Legion through hardcore enemy exterminating. By the time he was "exiled" to the Deathwatch he was a veteran sergeant, the Inner Circle deciding he'd strike a decent balance between public relations and Fallen-hunting loyalties, so maybe add him a few missions before that?


He favors the bolter whenever possible, using special ammunition to adapt to situational demands. He's also prone to either overthink matters or conversely, favoring aggressive tactics when defense is wont to be more effective a stratagem.

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I will take up the Dreadnought if you still need one. He's actually even third company, so it works.


Brother Forcas, Dreadnought



Forcas was born on one of the backwater feral worlds that the Dark Angels periodically come to recruit from. As a marine, Forcas was always very vocal, eager to share his views on an operation, and work out the best way to implement it. Some say his mouth may have actually hindered him from advancing. Regardless, he did things by the numbers and his early life on a death world certainly helped him excel at the fierce combat that an assault marine sees. A fine leader, he often quoted verses from Dark Angel histories to rouse his squad into battle. His favored weapons were once his trusty plasma pistol and chainsword.


As a Dreadnought he is much in the same, albeit somewhat more quiet. When fighting along side his battle brothers, he still sets out to inspire, and will certainly offer tactical options, even without being prompted.


(Vazzy - I'll let you decide armament, and feel free to alter or add his general background as you see fit. Hope this helps.)


Death and Rebirth

Formerly an assault Sergeant of the 3rd, Forcas had served with the chapter for nearly 120* years at the time of his internment. There was even murmurs of the vaunted Sergeant being raised to the Company Master's esteemed Veteran sqaud. But that would be cut short as the Fourth Quadrant Rebellion began to flare in 775.M41. The entire Chapter was mobilized and tasked with putting down the rebels in multiple words. It was on the frozen tundra of Egammonon were Forcas would meet his so called end. The planet had been infiltrated by a cult of Khorne worshipers and rapidly purified by the Dark Angels and Raptors.


As Forcas lead his squad to clear one of the last remaining cult holdouts, the chaotic worshippers put up only a feigned defense, letting themselves be sacrificed. Their spilt blood completed the dark ritual and brought denizens of the warp exploding into the ranks of the assault squad. The Bloodletter's attack was fearsome and caught the marines off-guard. Enbittered in the melee, the tide began to turn back in Marines' favor when suddenly a bestial roar issued from behind. Forcas turned too late, taking the horn of a Juggernaut to his gut with a crunch of ceramite and bone. The Sergeant was thrown aside as a warp tainted blade from the beast's rider opened him up from navel to shoulder, completely sheering off part of his left side and arm. In a lust, the Bloodcrusher continued it's rampage into the Space Marines as well as it's own twisted kin, and with his last effort, Forcas planted a molten hot ball of plasma into the Juggernaut's cackling daemonic rider. His transhuman anatomy could not deal with such severe trauma as things grew dark around him.


His squad took grievous losses in the initial assault of the daemons and Bloodcrusher, but was reinforced, only moments after Sergeant Forcas's sus-an membrane kicked in, by tactical marines moving up to hold the area. The next time Forcas awakened he was encased within the artificial womb of a Dreadnought sarcophagus.


*change if need be, I'm not totally sure what an appropriate number is for him to be worthy of Dreadnought status yet still only be a Sergeant.

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Go ahead and PM me the details, I'll get started on adding him


I'll have to PM you later tonight, I'm a little pre-occupied with work until gone midnight. ;)

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If you don't mind, here is my Deathwing character you can use for your short story.

Name: "Brother Sergeant" Sergio

Equipment: TDA, Twin Lightning Claws


- Brother Sergeant in Belial's command squad.

- Often leading small strike teams of the Deathwing and combined arms as a proxy of Belial.

- Favours precision strikes and teleportation.

- Favourite weapon is the lightning claws.

- Participant of the 2011 Arena of Death: Blood Duel. Result: Draw. You can find his results here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...p;hl=blood+duel


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Ok heres what we have so far


HJL Tactical squad member


Olisredan a deathwatch marine


EPK a Dreadnaught


WatchcaptainAzrael tactical marine


Boonkin Deathwing Sergeant


Melekharn Assault Sergeant

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I'll take dibs on the Librarian;




Name: Brother Librarian Alvan

Codex: Dark Angels

Unit: Those Who Wait in the Dark (DIY Deathwing)

Equipment: TDA, Storm Bolter, Force Axe, Psychic Hood

Abilities: Force Barrier, Hellfire


Has fought in many engagements with the DW, most recent major conflict against an ORK incursion of 30,00 points (Apoc)


Minor engagements with TDA Chappi for Fallen Hunting.


Participated in the 2010 Blood Duel.

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Well, for you guys with DeathWatch characters, you'll be seeing them quite soon, along with myself and Semper as well.


Ok, I've updated the story give it a look and tell me what you guys think!!

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So I'm thinking with the introduction of our Deathwing characters I want to come up with a neat Pre battle ritual.


My idea is this: Before battle, each member draws a Deathwing symbol in white ash upon their faces.

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Ok heres what we have so far


HJL Tactical squad member


Olisredan a deathwatch marine


EPK a Dreadnaught


WatchcaptainAzrael tactical marine


Boonkin Deathwing Sergeant


Melekharn Assault Sergeant



^devestator sergeant.

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