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Hexagon Sun's New DA Army

Hexagon Sun

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Hi All,


I'm making a proper start on this army now i've got off the ground with the LPC, it'll be 4th Company with some Deathwing, Ravenwing and scouts. I'm looking forward to actually having a painted army and maybe I can have enough done in time for 6th so I can play a game for the first time in over 12 years.


This will probably be a quite slow log but hopefully I can keep a steady pace and get something done every month, at least that's my aim. I've got a rather large pile of plastic/metal to get through so i've made a list I can update with progress for my own benefit more than anything else. I think i've remembered everything but chances are I haven't.




Brother Bethor

1 Chaplain

1 Company Master

2 Tactical Squads - 1 Complete

1 Scout Squad - Mostly basecoated and based

1 Company Veteran Squad - Primed and bases started

1 Devastator Squad

3 Deathwing Squads

1 Venerable Dreadnought

1 Land Speeder

1 Razorback

1 Predator


So here's a picture of the completed tactical squad from my LPC vow and below it the WIP scout squad. The scout on the far left was kind of a test for painting faces, I may redo that depending on how I get on with the rest.





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I was hoping Hex would come up with a thread like that! Suffice to say I'm looking forward for your stuff. Good choice to go with some metal scouts, I really like those minis... Would you consider adding a shotgun or two? These are some of the best minis in the entire SM range IMO. :)


I agree with EPK, this is a big project there... It should keep you and us occupied for some time. Oh, and I know that Assault Squads are not a very popular choice but they look damn cool! Any chance of adding one? :D

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Good work and good luck Hex, although luck has less to do with it and discipline has more :)


Whats the cool paint recipe for your bases?

And where do you get the cork from, I've scoured local shops in my 'village' to no avail :D


BTW, Heavy Bolter Scouts look epic!





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And where do you get the cork from, I've scoured local shops in my 'village' to no avail


I actually just save beer and wine corks and carve right out of them. But remember kids, if you are not of the legal age to obtain such corks, swipe them from your parents (the corks, not the beer and wine).

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Cheers for that EPK, I'll get the wife(I think she is over 18 ;) ) to get some corked wine instead of the new fandangle screw lids.

Easy fix for sure.




Just watch out for the synthetic corks. I'm big on Belgian beers - that's where the majority of mine are from. One cork can actually go a long way depending on how you slice it.

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Thanks guys, there is a lot to do but i'm just trying to do it in small chunks and not hurry myself.


@Captain Semper - I've already got a mountain of plastic and you want me to get more? Haha, I think I will be on the lookout for some shotgun scouts and also some sniper rifle ones too as I already have two. The assault squads are definitely going to happen, I think i'll just have to wait until I have a bit of spare cash and get a couple of boxes plus 5 bolter marines for the dev squad.


@Stobz - EPK has a good suggestion there if you can't find anything suitable, I bought these place mats from IKEA http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/90175241/ which are really cheap and a perfect thickness. I'm not sure if there's something similar in NZ that you could check? I could even crack one up a bit and send it to you as i've literally only used the corner of one so far! It'd probably wouldn't cost much as it's so light, PM me if you like and I can find out. As for the paint recipe for the bases, I got some cheap paints from a craft shop for the bulk of it which goes from burnt umber to slate grey ( http://direct.hobbycraft.co.uk/products-De...-59ml_12133.htm ) and then I think I put a bit of codex grey on the edges. Then just washed bits of it with badab black and devlan mud until I was happy. I've been adding some bits of cut up plastic base and also the metal tabs off my scouts as well.


Phew that post was longer than I intended it to be!


Reason for edit: Forgot the paint recipe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good to see someone else going for a large 4th Company project.


Your Tact. Sqd. look great and the scouts are coming along too.


Word of warning - as the advert says "once you pop, you just can`t stop" so try not to get carried away (I did :) Mental note: must heed own advice!)

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