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Silver Phoenix's Deathwatch Challenge

Brother Argent

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Every group needs a jerk.


Name: Vincent

Chapter: Guardians Exemplar

Preferred wargear: Bolter

A bit of his History: Vincent was a sergeant in the Guardian Exemplar's 5th company. To call the Guardians Exemplar arrogant would be an insult to the word. The chapter believes itself to be without flaw and that it alone follows the Emperor's commands properly. They openly despise chapters they see as flawed, which includes any chapter with a disfunctional astartes organ or an obvious mutation. They also have very little tolerance for chapters that deviate from the codex astartes, seeing these chapters as barbaric in their combat style though still above those chapters with open mutations. They value physical and mental purity above all else. Vincent is no exception.


A Description: Vincent is of average build with a crew cut head of blonde hair. His face is chiseled like a greek statue and perfectly smooth. He's used to being fawned over as a perfect subject by the chapter's adeptus mechanicus sycophants and so may grow angry or insulted if he is not treated as such by others. His tolerance for mutation, including librarians, is nonexistant and will even directly insult other astartes he sees as 'flawed' just to get a rise out of them to show they are unable to control their emotions. He obsessively keeps his armor in pristine condition, seeing the act of leaving scratches or battle scars as allowing the taint of the enemy to remain on your armor.


Anything else you think I should know: Despite their hatred of librarians, Guardians Exemplar do have their own librarians which they see as "channeling the power of the Emperor" and not as any sort of actual mutation. Hypocrisy is the bread and butter of the chapter.


About the Deathwatch: Vincent was selected by his superiors to represent the chapter in the Deathwatch in order to calm political trouble among Inquisitors. He agreed in the hopes of slaughtering the foe he has been trained to hate more than any other, the Eldar. He makes no differentiation between the various types and will break rank if offered the chance to slay some of the xenos. He feels that other marines are simply stepping stones on the path towards his goal and tends to not take their suggestions seriously because of perceived flaws.

With Five days left on this one and no new entries for a few days I'm thinking of closing the first challenge end of today if noone has any objections. I wanna get this moving and the next few positions are the cool ones...
While there is no limit (except I doubt I will have two guys frm the same chapter) if I have already chosen one chzrecter from a person I will less inclined to take another. While that doesn't mean I wont take a character, I will just be a little less inclined too.

Well I am gonna give people about 24 hours before I close this first one and declare the next one. If you want to enter the first challenge you have got till then. If anyone wants to add/edit their characters before I close it now is also the time.


And finally if anyone has any comments they would like to make about people's entries or what one they would like in the story most, please PM me.

Name: Sgt Barion

Chapter: Imperial Woads

Founding Chapter: Raven Guard

Chapter Specialisation: Guerilla Warfare


Wargear of Choice: Stalker Boltgun and Combat Blade (Coated in Anti-Coagulents)

and as a Sternguard Vet his chapter allows him to bear a camo-cloak over his power



Experiance: A member of the 1st companys Sternguard, Barion has a wealth of experiance

to draw from, having enacted a number of covert operations against Tao, Ork and Heretic

he is a quite brooding warrior seen by his men as the pinnicle of what it is to be a Woad.

He earned his place amongst the 1st company during an operation against the Tyrannids of

hive fleet Jormungandr where his squad of the 3rd company deployed into the tunnels created

by the burrowing tyrannids in an attempt to cause the collapse of an under ground cavern being

used by the hoard as a staging point. Sgt Barion was the only servivor after the squad was

discovered, with pricise shooting he managed to hold the hoard in the tunnels using the size

against them until the demo charges exploded bringing the cavern down on much of the hoard.


Apperance: Like all Imperal Woads Sgt Barion is covered in blue tattoos of celtic design his hair

is a bright copper like colour and kept tied back. Due to minour genetic deviation of the Woads

homeworlds native population rather than alterations caused by their geneseed Barion like all

his brothers has fangs a fact that has often lead to the ignorent mistaking them for space wolves.

His eyes are black as coal and his skin as pale as marble commen traits within the decendants of


  Silver Phoenix said:
For the first challenge... not yet. You have got about 12 hours. However if I wer eyou I would leave it for a later challenge. :D


Oh, let's just see. I figure I have a few hours left...as in two ish.



And so here it is. In the end this was a lot harder to choose a winner then I thought. At least four of hte characters provided really jumped at me and I hope that they will see a re-invention to fill a later position. In the end it came down to two positions, that of Brother Sedullon of the Ghost Dragons and Brother Russi of the Blazing Sons. Russi because of his interesting seperation syndrome and Sedullon and because he had many characteristics similar to my protagonist. Eventually I had to make a decission between the two. And so the marine that shall fill the position of NEWBIE in the Squad is (drum roll please)


Brother Russi of the Blazing Sons.



Huge thanks to everyone that participated in this first challenge. I was holding out with Russi as I was hoping for a more veteran brother for that role but in the end Sedullon was just too close to my Protagonist for me to use without having to change too much to fit the role I had in mind.


I will announce the next challenge later tonight or tomorrow. I just gotta work on the flavour text first.



Thank you SP, I appreciate the selection of my marine for such a prestigious and possibly lethal duty.


I'm glad there are more challenges to come, I want to see the team build!


I'm curious what characters people come up with, which is always very cool to see.

While I work on the flavour text for the second challenge I thought I would give you guys a heads up, the next position will be the next main character in the first story. The next person will be the squads leader, the captain... Dont post yet, just start mulling it over. Challenge and fluff should hopefully come about midday here tomorrow. (thats in about 12 hours)

Argh congrats to Yladir, glad to know Sedullon made the cut though. I will have to figure out something for a later submission... Looking at the date in the overview I could work it that Sedullon has done a few tours I suppose but might wait to see what other positions arise (although being the Captain could be interesting if the main character has some similarities to my character - could make for an interesting relationship... Been in his shoes and gotten through it sort of thing).


Suppose when I get back from work tomorrow (yay) the next part may be up!

Sorry guys but this might take a little longer to get the challenge up then I hoped. Currently running on about 2 and a half hours sleep so brain not really working as it should at the moment. Will try to get something up soon though.

So, the second position on the team. Firstly the next reveal of fluff:


Known throughout the Ordo Xenos as both an uncompromising loyalist as well as a talented tactician Inquisitor Saeros Gannan is unafraid to call upon the full might of the Imperium when it is required to achieve his goals. With few friends among his colleagues he prefers to act mostly alone apart from his personal entourage. Saeros looks upon the Deathwatch for what they are, an incredibly powerful and yet still fallibly mortal force. It is rare he call upon the black clad marines of the Deathwatch and when he does it isn’t for long. Thusly this most recent petition for a Kill Team is seen as out of the usual and has many of his more suspicious colleagues within the Ordo Xenos trying to work out what the Inquisitor is up to.


The mission upon Feronn itself will be a simple search and retrieve mission. The Sisters of the Order of the Maryr’s Tears have been holding onto the Basilica of St Kia along with elements of the planets PDF. Enshrined within the massive Cathedral lies the remains of St Kia herself. With strategic predictions that the planet would soon be over run the mission would be an insertion into the city to retrieve the relics and then exit via Thunderhawk. The mission would require a capable team, led by a reliable and experienced Captain.


The position up for grabs is that of: CAPTAIN


So for your entries for this one we are after:



Chapter: (with a link to the IA)

What sort of Wargear he prefers (bearing in mind there he is a captain)

A bit of his History: (About 100-200 words)

A Description: (100-200 words)

Anything else you think I should know:


And for the special requirement for this challenge: Three accomplishments of note, two good, one failure. These are to be presented in the folloing manner:


- Snuggleton Uprising, Success - Captain Pooky McWinkle leads a successfull Crusade against the strange new Xeno race known only as the ted-dy bares. Pooky kills the leader of the xenos in a epic duel of heros at the centre of the xeno fortress, the Cuddle Spire.

- Seige of Blackspire, Failure - Captain Pooky leads his forces against the forces of Chaos Lord Somethingrather. Whats starts as a promising campaign ends in didaster with Somethingrather posining the planets atmosphere before escaping into the Warp. Pooky swears revenge.


Might I point out that I dont want to see a Pooky McWinkle entered into the challenge.


Deadline will be sometime on the 31st or 1st. (having my engadgement party on the 31st so wont make any promises.)


Note that as this is the Captain position I want to see some damned good entries here. :P


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