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Silver Phoenix's Deathwatch Challenge

Brother Argent

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I could probably rewrite my Captain submission for the Blackshield slot? How much longer does this bit of the challenge last?


We have until the 12th (Thursday if my counting does not fail me) to write it up. I should have my Blackshield submission ready by the end of today. :D



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Well here is my entry for the Blackshield position, Ruval Skaron:


Name: Ruval Skaron


Chapter: War Axes


What sort of Wargear he prefers: Relic Bolter and a ceremonial axe (short shaft, one handed, single adamantium blade head) Skaron baptised “Bloodfall”.


A bit of his History: Recruited from a feudal world by the War Axes, Ruval Skaron was already a fervent zealot to the Imperium and the Emperor before he even became a fully fledged Scout. Rising through the ranks up to becoming the second in command of 2nd squad, 5th Company, Skaron proved his worth time and time again with his aggressive close combat skills and his near perfect aim with his bolter. Eventually he was chosen to join the Deathwatch at the turn of 901.M41, due to his fervent loyalty to the Emperor and his battle prowess. However the events of the Badab War changed Skaron greatly. Receiving the news that his parent chapter has turned renegade at the beginning of the war, Skaron was so shamed and perturbed by this, he renounced all ties he had to the Executioners, including renouncing his own chapter’s heraldry, stylised armour and his ties to them. Only keeping his ceremonial axe and name, he was given a new, plain suit of Mk.VIII “Errant” armour, Ruval Skaron then declared himself “reborn” as a Blackshield, insulted and shamed to descend from a chapter that dared to fight the forces of the Emperor. As time passed and with the high casualty rate within the Deathwatch, those who knew Skaron before he his “rebirth” dwindled into nothing and now few Astartes now know of his origins.


A Description: Being so ashamed of his Chapter’s “parents” and becoming a Blackshield, Ruval Skaron has not been spoken to much and has been kept in contempt by his fellow Battle brothers within the Deatchwatch, his reluctance to tell his Brothers of his origins leading them to believe he originates from a Traitor Chapter. The few who do know of his absolute loyalty and zeal to the Emperor and his Imperium are the Inquisitors with whom he speaks to and the few Chaplains with whom Skaron speaks and repents to. He is almost marginally paranoid of becoming renegade even for a short while like the Executioners had, Skaron never goes against his Inquisitor’s or commander’s orders even if deemed suicidal. He tries at great lengths on the battlefield to show his pure loyalty and belief for the Emperor, annihilating any enemy he attacks with his axe and chanting litanies of loyalty as he aims down his relic bolter’s sights. Beneath his armour, he is carries a distinctive jagged pair of scars across his face from one closely fought combat with a Chaos Lord. An intense blue eye paired with a crimson bionic one is located within his angular face and dirty blond hair is shaved short across his scalp. When he does speak to his fellow Battle Brothers, Skaron is insular and blunt, his gravelly voice sounding excessively aggressive when in combat and shouting litanies of purity and loyalty as he attacks. With the company of an Inquisitor however he is less insular and speaks in more than short and to the point sentences.


Anything else you think I should know: Like his parent chapter, Ruval Skaron despises and righteously hates any and all things to do with Chaos.


After a battle is done, Skaron takes his ceremonial axe “Bloodfall,” which he has used in combat and burns the blood of his enemies off with holy promethium declaring his blade pure and ready to serve the Emperor once more.

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I'll throw my hat in the ring for veteran I guess... :cuss





Name: Serin Kale

Chapter: Mourning Knights http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=250126

What sort of Wargear he prefers: Powersword and plasma pistol

A bit of his History: Serin was granted brotherhood into the 3rd company of the Mourning Knights midway through 889.M40. Under the guidance of Master Erwin, Serin had been assigned to the 2nd combat squad, then led by Brother Sergeant Nal Petros. In a series of bloody battles, Serin had quickly become one of Petros's more trusted Marines. Gaining honor and renown within 3rd company, Serin was eventually moved to one of Erwin's Veteran squads, where his skills were put through further testing. During a joint operation with the 8th company, the newly promoted battle commander had taken special note of Serin's combat capability. After speaking with Master Erwin, the commander had Serin transferred into one of 8th company's assault squads.


It was here that Serin had first come under the eyes of the Ordo Xenos. During an operation on Tantar II, Serin's squad had come under heavy attack by Eldar. The squad had fought back against a group of Rangers, and while the rangers died qucikly enough, their camoflauge had rendered most of their number unharmed. For seven days, the squad had been hunted by the Eldar, with the Brother Sergeant being the first to fall under the deadly fire of the rangers. Nearly the entire squad fell, with only Serin and his fellow Marine, Jerrick Reed. Inquisitor Zebron was the Ordos Xeno Inquisitor that first found them both, badly wounded, and Serin himself near death. After a great deal of healing, both Jerrick and Serin fought side by side with the Ordos until they had met back with one of the Chapter's Strike Cruisers. Both Jerrick and Serin had come away with honors for fighting alongside the Inquisition, and with the recent internment of the Master Apothicary into a dreadnaught, Jerrick, who had outranked Serin, had been promoted to a Battle Commander. Serin, however, had been called into the first company to serve as the Chapter's Swordmaster, a position that had not been taken for nearly 300 years.


Oppertunity had come to Serin when the Black Ship arrived in the Verax System. As one of the only two Marines within the chapter to have dealt with the Ordo Xenos, Serin felt it was his duty to his Chapter to board the ship and become one of the deathwatch. Carrying his favored blade with him, his final cerimony as Swordmaster was to turn the Chapter Banner over to a new Swordmaster. After a few litanies of honor (under the ways of the Mourning Knights, this also included a funeral dirge for Serin, regaling his past honors). Inquisitor Zebron stood watch over the proceedings, and watched as Serin struck those same honors from his armor aboard the black ship. Zebron would not be his commander however. Another Inquisitor would be his commander, an Inquisitor Saeros, would take that duty. Time for formalities never officially happened, as Serin was thrown almost directly into combat, no less against the Eldar that had previously nearly killed him before. Dropped into the middle of a cruiser, he and his squadmates battled in the halls of the enemy, making their way into, and killing off farseer Yul'en Everwatch. The battle cost him his arm, but gained him a grudging respect from his squadmates. Taking to calling him 'Wrathblade', he and his squad has taken to throwing themselves into the worst possible situations, and have as many near fatal scars as they have successful operations.


A Description: Serin is bodily very imposing, scarred so heavily that in his black armor one might mistake him for a chaos marine. This mistake has left more than a few in number leveled, waiting for surgery from the apothicaries. Like most of his old chapter, Serin already has a haggard appearance at best, and, in Serin's case, near death at worst. Missing his left arm, which had been replaced by a cybernetic implant. A few of his other implants have had need of complete replacement as well, the Black carapace in particular has been exchanged by a synthetic plastiweave that had been developed in the forgeworld within the Verax system. In general, Serin is regarded as quiet, and often when not fighting will be deep in meditation. His calculating methods often can be preceived as particularly ruthless. Often, his ruthless manner can push him deep away from his squadmates, much to the chagrin of those around him. While only those that were originally with him when he was assigned to a squad will join him in battle willingly, Serin does indeed get his missions accomplished.


And for the special requirement for this challenge: Regardless of the fervor in which Serin fights, doubt filters into his mind about the litanies and prayers that have carried him through the battles won in his past, as well as more recent engagements while serving with Inquisitor Saeros. Knowing little more than the next battle to face him, he has become increasingly more distant, and speaks very seldom. However, he stands reolute, and beleives that the spirit of the venerated Emperor guides the hand of Inquisitor Saeros, despite his own thoughts becoming ever more silenced to him. His past to him, has truly started to become meaningless, with implants failing, a faith in his own personal reverie that is faltering, and a decreasing sense of self, the only truth to him left, is serving.

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I gotta say Cambrius' entry is rather good as well.


No... was kinda tired and reading over other information I have started for writing up information on the position of Swordmaster for my IA... must have slipped... shall be changed accordingly...


Does that mean that your swordmaster is over 3,000 years old?

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The Swordmaster position is that old... The one from before him is now interned in a dreadnaught, and since that one could not legitamately hand the chapter colors over to a new sword master, the position had not been filled for some time. Wonderful thing about being able to send in an entry for this is I now have a reason to be able to still have a functioning Swordmaster in my army
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Hi guys, I've not been on B+C in ages and just came across this thread, I really like the idea and the background that I've read so far and would love to contribute.


I just have a couple of questions, when is the Veteran/Blackshield section open for? And does there have to be an IA entry for the DIY chapter?


I've had a DIY chapter, the Honoured Sons, in the pipeline for some time now, and this is a brilliant excuse to get the fluff cemented.



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My submission is for the role of Veteran.


Name: Veteran-Brother James Ignis


Chapter: Eagles Eternal


Preferred Wargear: Ornate Combi-Flamer w/ Bayonet, Twin Power Blades


History: Before the arrival of the Eagles Eternal, James homeworld of Fidelis had been enslaved by the forces of chaos. As a child, James saw the Emperors Angles descend upon the daemons and their worshipers. Like many of his people, James took up arms against his oppressors, and his actions earned him a place as one of the chapter’s first recruits.

James quickly progressed in the chapter, and his hatred of Chaos propelled him in a quest to defeat his enemy. As the years went on, and the battle honors piled up, Ignis developed a sense of joy to watch the faces of heretics as death took them. Trading in his bolter for a flamer, there was not a battle where Ignis would not charge enemy lines to engulf them in his righteous furry. It was no surprise to his battle brothers when he became the first of his chapter to be requested to join the ranks of the Deathwatch.


Description: Ignis is a proud veteran of endless campaigns, and eagerly passes his wisdom on to his peers. When not sharing battle stories Ignis preaches of the Emperors will, cursing the heretic for their treacherous deceit, and seeking to unmask those who worship the dark gods. More than most, Ignis’s hate of the archenemy is absolute. Like most of his chapter, he constantly seeks out conflict with his enemy that he may find ways to better himself. During battle, Ignis is courageous and just, always the first to charge the enemy. Watching the fear on the faces of his enemies brings him satisfaction, bringing revenge for his tortured childhood.


Special Requirement: Having spent more time with the Deathwatch than his own chapter, Ignis has learned a variety of different tactics he hopes to one day share with his brothers. At first doubtful of the inquisition, Ignis has learned respect for Inquisitor Saeros, and while not completely trusting of some of his followers, it is his faith in Saeros that reassures him. Ignis’s respect for Inquisitor Saeros was hard won though years of missions and victory’s, each conflict showing more and more trust for one another. The shrouded nature of some of Saeros followers however, has kept Ignis from contact with them, unable to confront them without angering the inquisitor, he prefers avoiding them.


Anything i think you should know: the chapter is 26th founding, so while he has been alive roughly the entire time, thats roughly only 250-300 years. When he was sent to join the Deathwatch, The chapter master had a combi-Flamer made for him. the weapon is engraved with a sceen of his first battle as a Battle-Brother.

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Amusing how people choose names for their characters or username. I have a complex unique system for when I name character, but it's a secret. :P

I might just do a thread on AMICUS now though about how people chose their user names and why...:)



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Oh and for those interested Brother Cambrius' Ruval Skaron of the War Axes takes the position of Blackshield. Not just because he was the only one who entered for that position but because his is a damned good entry. Congrats Cambrius. As for veteran... I am debating between about three entries. Damn you people and your good entries...
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