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When did DA start wearing robes?


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Hi Guys,


Slowly getting my new project together, but one of my questions is exactly when did the DA start wearing robes over their PA? I've read both HH DA novels and can imagine senior brothers wearing them for ceremonial events prior to the rebellion on Caliban, but do you think that a normal brother would wear them prior to the HH? Thinking of doing some pre HH brothers and would love to have a robed DA, but not if its going to break canon entirely.


BTW, I'm not massively worried about canon since its my vision of the universe, but compliance can't hurt (I'm sure that's what a commissar says pre-ventilating a guardsmans head).

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Like they have all said. According to Fluff pretty much always from the time of the Knightly orders on Caliban.

Models wise it was in 2nd ed. I believe for a few models like Azrael and the rest of the Special Characters crew that they started making models with robes For DA.

So, like they said, Pre-Heresy models more than fine having guys with robes or surplices :cuss

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Well, the Legion did not originate from Caliban. Although I agree that the robes originate from the Calibanite Order, the DAs must have adopted them after the Lion assumed formal command of the Legion. So for some time in (the best part of?) the Crusade the DAs did not have the robes... But who wants to model pre-Lion DAs? :cuss


EDIT: In the Order all knights were allowed to wear the robes. It was not a sign of relative seniority. The Order was was a very egaliterean organization (once you were a knight that is). In the Legion during the Great Crusade there were a lot of Terrans (the majority probably) that robes or other Caliban-specific heraldy meant nothing to them. Since it was not official to wear them I'd say it's up to you to make a pre-Heresy force with any mix of robed/non-robed marines. In a Calibanite-heavy force all marines could wear robes. In fact the same can be said for 40k DAs...

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EDIT: In the Order all knights were allowed to wear the robes. It was not a sign of relative seniority. The Order was was a very egaliterean organization (once you were a knight that is).


Not quite...In Fallen Angels The Lion talks of higher levels of knowledge and, presumably, ranking within the Order. But, yes, it was a very egalitarian Order, especially compared to the others.

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EDIT: In the Order all knights were allowed to wear the robes. It was not a sign of relative seniority. The Order was was a very egaliterean organization (once you were a knight that is).


Not quite...In Fallen Angels The Lion talks of higher levels of knowledge and, presumably, ranking within the Order. But, yes, it was a very egalitarian Order, especially compared to the others.


Fair point. I am not disputing there was hierarchy in the Order. I'm just saying it was not denoted through the robes. ^_^

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fair enough Captain! :)


An easy way for Pre-Heresy to distinguish calibanites from Terrans is wings and Robes on the Caliban Marines and normal for the Terrans


I believe that is what was done in the thread I linked above if you manage to get through all the pages.

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IMO, the DA were wearing robes in V2... And GW did not put out the figures till much later (V.3?)


So here is the question: When did GW actually start selling DA in Robes??? Whats the year???


I bought my first DA specific Squad in 2004.


If you can look back at past Codi you will observe that only specific IC's were in robes...

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