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AWC Tournament Report


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Just got back from an 1850 adepticon style tournament. The one i was asking advice for a few pages ago.



Belial TH/SS

1x Deathwing - th/ss+apoth, th/ss+banner, th/ss+cml, sb/cf, sb/pf

4x Deathwing - 2x th/ss, th/ss+cml, 2x sb/pf

3x Typhoon Speeders w/ MM

2x AC/LC Predators


First time ever using the list and I had 2 wins and 1 loss. The wins I tabled both Chaos and GK. The loss was to DE.


1st game vs DE

3 mission objectives - 5 objectives, get at least 1/2 of opponents kill points, hq within 6" of the center at end of game.

Dawn of war with turn 1 nightfight, random game length


DE list

HQ Baron Sathonyx

HQ Haemonculus

Elite Trueborn 2x lance

Elite Trueborn 2x lance

Troops Helions x14

Troops Wyches x9, Hekatrix

Raider 1x lance

Troops Wracks x3

Raider 1x lance

Troops Wracks x3

Raider 1x lance

Troops Warriors x6 blaster


Troops Warriors x6 blaster


Fast Attack Beastmasters with 4 razorwing flocks

Fast Attack Beastmasters with 4 razorwing flocks

Fast Attack Beastmasters with 4 razorwing flocks

Heavy Support Ravager

Heavy Support Ravager

Heavy Support Razorwing Jetfighter


Turn 1

I've got first turn and bring everything out. Only thing I can shoot at is the Haemonculus in the raider with the wyches, he's got the rest of his stuff out of LoS. I blow up the raider and move Belials squad towards the center objective. He reserves his beasts and and helions+baron. The rest comes on the board and he immobilizes+stuns a predator and drops a webway portal in the middle of the board.


Turn 2

I blow some vehicles up and go up to 4 kill points(I need 12 for mission objective). All his beast squads come through the portal this turn and charge belials squad. I send them all fleeing thanks to FnP and exploding multi-wound models but don't wipe any of them out.


Turn 3

I shoot more stuff and I'm up to 6 kill points, I pin 2 beast squads. His beasts rally and one charges a squad of my terminators and lose combat. I consolidate within 6" of them to keep them running next turn. He takes out two of my typhoons with shooting he's got 2 kill points(needs 6).


Turn 4

I kill the two pinned beast squads with shooting and flickerfields save his vehicles I have 8 kill points. His remaining beast squad runs off the board and I have 9 kill points. He kills the termi squad that escorted his beasts off the board. His helions come out and wipe belials squad and belial. He's now got 5 kill points. With Belial dead I can no longer get an HQ within 6" of the middle of the board.


Turn 5

I assault shoot the helions who are in cover with a typhoon, predator, and 3 terminator squads; I kill 2 helions(3+ cover and fnp). I try and charge the helions with 2 terminator squad but one of the squads rolls 2" for their move through cover roll, I needed 3". I win combat and the helions flee but I can't consolidate close enough to the center objective to contest. He kills nothing and the game ends as we've run out of time.


2 mission objectives to 0, Loss



Not the type of DE list I was expecting. My movement and target priority were also not what they could have been. If we would have gone to turn 6 I would probably have either won or tied the game. For never having played DE before it was an extremely close game that could have gone either way. The list performed exactly how I wanted so chalk this one up to bad generalship on my part.


2nd game vs GK

3 mission objectives - table quarters, more troops in opponents deployment zone, kill points

pitched battle, random game length


GK list

HQ Crowe

HQ Librarian - shrouding, warprift, halberd

Elite Vindicare Assasin

Elite Techmarine - rad+psychotroke grenades

Troop Purifiers x5 - 2 halberd, 2 falchion, 1 hammer

razorback - twin-linked lascannon

Troop Purifiers x5 - 2 halberd, 2 psycannon, 1 warding stave

razorback - twin-linked lascannon

Troop Purifiers x5 - 2 halberd, 2 psycannon, 1 hammer

razorback - twin-linked lascannon

Troop Terminators - justicar with sword, 3 halberd, 1 incinerator, 1 hammer

Fast Attack Storm Raven - twin-linked lascannon, multi-melta

Heavy Dreadnaught TL-LC, missile launcher



I deploy refused flank on the left side of the board and reserve 3 squads. He deploys on the other side of the board with the libby and terminators inside the stormraven held in reserve.


Turn 1

He seizes the initiative on me and doesn't really know what to do with it. He moves two razorbacks out of cover to shoot at me and does nothing. He moves the other towards my lines and keeps it behind a building. I drop Belial and both squads on the far side of his deployment zone out of 36" range of his vindicare. I explode one razorback, stun the other, and destroy the TL-LC off the dread and stun it.


Turn 2

The stormraven comes in and drops off the libby+termies right between belials squad and the other termie squad that I deepstruck. He kills a couple from the normal squad in shooting then reduces the squad to 2 in combat and we lock up. His shooting does nothing(he's only got 3 guns that can reach my lines). I make my reserve roll and deepstrike my remaining termie squad right in the path of the razorback that was racing for my lines and immobilize it. I then explode the stormraven and explode the other razorback he shot with first turn so he's now got two purifier squads out of range of anything. I then charge belials squad into his termies. I lose the already weakened squad but I wipe his squad out in return. 5 to 1 on kill points so far.


Turn 3

He moves his purifiers in range of one of my terminator squads and manages to kill 3. He also bails out of the immobilized razorback and shoots my termies that stranded them. I shoot his dread and a purifier squad off the board. 7 to 1 KP


Turn 4

I think his shooting killed 1 terminator. I kill off another purifier squad. 8 to 1 KP


Turn 5

He fails to kill anything and I wipe his last purifiers off the board with massed missile shots. We don't bother rolling to see if the game continues as he can't get anymore mission points now and I would just end up tabeling him.


3 mission objectives to 0, Win



He didn't bring a very good list and he split fire and split his forces up. I just took him down one piece at a time. If he would have popped smoke on his razors first turn they may have lived long enough to get his purifiers into a good spot but as it was he just stranded them.


3rd game vs chaos space marines

3 mission objectives - kill points, kill designated unit, 3 objectives

spearhead, random game length


CSM List

HQ Sorcerer - icon, mark of slaanesh, lash of submission

HQ Sorcerer - mark of slaanesh, lash of submission

Troop Berzerkers x8 - icon, champion, power weapon


Troop Plague Marines x7 - melta guns x2, icon, champion


Troop Plague Marines x6 - melta guns x2, icon, champion


Troop Lesser Daemons x 10

Heavy Obliterators x3

Heavy Obliterators x3

Heavy Obliterators x3



There is an objective in the middle of the board and one in each of our table quarters. He gets to go first and he deploys 2 oblitz in cover but with bad LoS to me. His sorcerers are in the rhinos with the plague marines. His other obliterator squad is in reserves. Middle of the board has a 3 tiered ruin and blocks LoS to most of our deployment zones. I decide to deploy with everything on the board and the speeders are in cover.


He chooses one of my landspeeders for the designated target objective and I pick the 6 man plague marine squad.


Turn 1

I fail to seize and he moves one oblit squad out of area terrain and races his rhinos forward. His oblitz kill 2 terminators with plasma cannon fire(stormshields do wonders for me all game). I move 4 terminator squads 6" forward and shoot all my missiles at the rhino I designated for the objective and manage to shake it and blow its stormbolter up. My preds both shoot the oblit squad that is out of area terrain but I'm shooting through my troops so they still have a 4+ cover. I deal them 1 wound thanks to an auto-cannon.


Turn 2

He lashes one of my terminator squads and starts blasting my termies with plasma cannons. His dice decide to roll a lot of 1's and my stormshields do the rest and I only lose 3 terminators from my army. He also had one of his sorcerers get out of its rhino and try to lash me but missed. I move the same 4 terminator squads another 6" toward the middle of the board. I manage to kill an obliterator with a lascannon shot and my missiles wreck the berzerkers rhino and I kill all but 3 of the dudes inside. One of my missiles blows up the sorcerer that was in the open. 2 to 0 on KP for me


Turn 3

His lesser daemons come in and camp his objective for the rest of the game. His remaining oblitz decide to come in from reserve and thanks to the icon in the berzerker squad land on the second story of the ruin with no misshaps. He tries to kill the speeder he designated but he misses and I make my cover saves. He takes out a couple more terminators from plasma cannons. Then for some reason he decides its a good idea to charge his remaining 3 berzerkers into a terminator squad with 4 guys in it. I lose a terminator and wipe the squad giving me my 3rd kill point and I consolidate into the ruin now within charge range of his oblitz.


I finish killing his weakened oblitz thanks to lascannon shots. I blow up rhino of the non designated plague marine squad. Belials squad charges the contents of the rhino(belial+4 dudes including banner). They wipe that squad in combat and consolidate forward. My squad that killed his berzerkers now charges his oblitz that set up in the center ruin. I roll 6 attacks miss 4 and roll snake eyes to wound. He kills one terminator and we lock up.


6 to 0 KP so far. I've got a lot of weakened squads but he hasn't managed to focus enough to kill anything yet.


Turn 4

He keeps shooting at that designated speeder and I keep rolling saves. If he wants to try and pull this game out he's got to claim that center objective so he moves his last rhino forward through the ruin. His greater daemon comes in and charges Belials squad. He sends all its attacks into the squad and drops 2 terminators leaving Belail my banner and cml to swing back. I deal it 1 wound and we lock up. The fight between the oblitz and my termies in the ruins goes against all odds and he wipes out my squad and he consolidates he 1 remaining oblit from that squad up to the 3rd story of the ruin out of my assault range.


All my speeders and cyclones fire at the last rhino and I explode it. My preds pivot and lascannon that 1 oblit in the ruin to death. Belials squad manages to kill the daemon but not before they lose their cml. They consolidate back towards that plague marines that just popped out of the rhino.


9 to 1 KP


Turn 5

His remaining oblit squad stun the speeder they've been shooting at now for 3 turns straight. The melta gunners in the plague marine squad kill 1 terminator. I shoot his oblitz off the board and the remains of belials squad and one other charge and finish off the plague marines. The only thing he's got left are the lesser daemons camping his home objective.


11 to 1 KP, I control 2 of 3 objectives, and I killed the designated unit


3 to 0, Win



It was a good chaos list. He positioned his first two oblitz on the board badly and deepstriking his remaining one cost him a ton of shooting against my army. He didn't focus fire which let my deathwing stay on the board and keep shooting. All those missiles over 5 turns cost him.


Overall Thoughts


Final positions will be posted on Monday but the top two players had 2 wins and 1 draw with 7 objectives while I had 2 wins 1 loss and 6 objectives so I think I got around 5th place out of 20 players. I'm pretty happy considering this was the first time trying this particular list.


This is the second tournament I managed to go to and this time with a much better list and it showed in my results. My previous tournament was Ard Boys prelims in which I lost to two IG lists both of whom I found out during this tournament went on to get top 3 in Ard Boys Semi's so I don't feel so bad now about those losses. I plan on bringing this list to future tournaments until rules/codex changes make a different list better. I think this style of list is currently the best the DA codex can put out and I have probably upwards of 100 5th edition games with my deathwing by this point so I've had time to try out most of the other builds including mech and bike heavy lists.



Well thanks for reading this giant thing(really didn't think it'd go that long). Post any comments/questions you have about the matches or the list. For those wondering SW took 1st with necrons in 2nd.

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Looks like you found a very strong list for DW; you said you've tried most variations, and this is the strongest? Certainly looks a bit daunting! :)


Great played in the tournament, congratulations on the placement! Only thing I'd comment on is, would it maybe have been better reserving the designated target-Typhoon (versus Chaos)? With some luck it wouldn't have turned up until turn 4-5, might have saved you from rolling all those successful saves ;)


Very interesting list from the DE guy, quite a few lance shots and still a decent melee punch.

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Thanks guys.



It may have been a better idea to reserve the speeder but the only chaos list I faced before this game was a 4 raider list at 2k so I wasn't exactly an expert on chaos. I knew going in double lash + 9 oblitz is the best chaos list so I was really thinking I wanted as much firepower on the board to take care of those rhino's quickly. That particular objective both players could earn anyway so I wasn't overly worried about it.


@Chaplain L

The preds were never actually killed during any game and provided mobile cover for my speeders in ever match thanks to their turrets. Even on the move a lascannon or auto-cannon shots is still useful but as most people were concentrating on killing terminators they often got to sit and unload. There wasn't a single point in time I would have preferred heavy bolters and the lascannons really helped deal with the oblitz in the 3rd game and while I didn't run into any landraiders its always possible I'll run into a list running several and the str9 shots are useful until I can bring my melta into play.


I can't express enough how fun(and effective) it was to actually pump out that much firepower every turn. Terminators almost always do well in CC but long range shooting is where deathwing normally lack and this list just brings it by the bucket.


Edit: Woo 600 posts.

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