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Consecrators project log


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Hey peoples,


Long time no type. I'm hoping to attend GW's Planetary Empires weekend again this year and have decided that I want really characterful and thematic armies that will combine to form my overall 2500pt list.


The campaign last year involved 500, 1000, 1750 and 2500pt lists and I ran with my Eldar last time but this time I want to do it unforgiven style!


I've decided to focus on the 500 and 1000pt lists first and have selected the Consecrators as my first unforgiven force. I wanted to do a veteran fallen hunting force and owing to the issues with the current codex regarding scouts they have been built using the SM codex for now.


The 500pt list is as follows:

Stock Librarian - powers tbc

5 x scouts - Bolters, meltabombs

5 x scouts - Sniper rifles

5 x scout bikers -meltabombs

5 x sternguard - combi weapon


This is supposed to be the advance scouting party with the sternguard acting as a bodyguard to the librarian. It is not supposed to be competative, don't get me wrong I want it to be playable but I've never built my armies that way. I want it to look and feel 'right' if you get my meaning.


The expanison to this to make the 1000pt list is:

5 x Terminators - Cyclone, Chainfist

3 x Sternguard - added to the previous 5

Dreadnought - Plasma Cannon

2 x Drop pods


This is supposed to represent the elements of the 1st company that are called in to capture the target.


On the painting side I've used a bit of creative license on the chapter icon as shown below.



All veterans will have the standard chapter icon on a white background as per the codex




Whereas the scouts will have the halo removed and the scheme reversed white on red.


So far I have assmbled the rest of the 500pt force and will take pics tonight.


Here is the first finished squad:




Thanks all and C&C would be more than welcome


Cheers AB

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Very nice Angels Blade. Good to see more Consecrators around! :)


Excellent freehand work on the badge (something I find a huge challenge personally) and I like the reverse scheme for the scouts. Love the faces too! The heads are also very impressive - probably the first time I like scouts heads- but just one question: why the beard? This is a bit difficult for me to get used too - although technically superb.


Can't wait to see this project grow!

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Thank you guys, the reason I went for a beard was firstly, to give an impression of the age gap between the veterans and the scouts and secondly to imply that the Sargents are constantly away hunting the fallen and thus appear a little more rugged and manic. I'll get some pics up in the next hour or two of the rest of the dudes.


Cheers AB

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Very nice.


Will you paint the standard circle with icon inside it for regular PA marines shoulder pads or simply paint the whole pad white (maybe with black trim) with red icon? I kind of like the idea of doing the latter - trying to paint perfect white circles worried me.

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