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Returning to the fold


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Well I have been away on extended duty and am now back at the old bunker,( home with the kids and now have some time). I've been a DA fan since space hulk yes where everyone was grey knights then the Deathwing expansion came out and I was indoctrinated.


Here are my questions what are the major changes in our chapter since 4th edition? I have a 1750 point painted army with a few characters from the 4th edition and want to play it under 5th till the new revision comes out. ( I've heard we are the first boxed set out this time, salt liberally applied ;) )


How much repaint to get back to wysiwyg? Are there any changes to the plasma weapon rules for DA as 4th allowed a larger number to be fielded than other chapters. Any help will be appreciated and thank you brothers.

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Still using the same 4th ed codex. We haven't been updated yet so there shouldn't actually be anything you need to change. I would check out the newest version of the FAQ though as some wargear updates were made. FAQ


The main changes you should be aware of are to stormshields, cyclone missile launchers, and typhoon speeders. Stormshields now give a 3+ invulnerable save in both shooting and CC. Cyclones and typhoon missile launchers are now both heavy 2 with the choice of frag or krak missiles instead of their old profiles.


As far as more general changes game wide there is currently a tendency for armies that can take vehicles to take a lot of them. So make sure you bring ways to deal with vehicles. Auto-cannon/lascannon predators and typhoon speeders are best in this role. Or you can go ravenwing bikers equipped with meltaguns. Devastators aren't a great use of points but they still can kill tanks. Punching them with dreadnaughts also works.

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or thunder hammers, chainfists and powerfists.


I didn't want to assume he was running deathwing and shooting is generally preferred so the hammers/fists can munch the contents of the transports but you're right of course they can and do kill tanks well.

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That is exactly what i needed, my army as painted is 2 scout squads, 4 tactical squads a dread, pred and rhino with two squads of termies, one of the tac squads was set up in robes as vets. no real anti veh units other than the pred but a heavy weapons squad may fit the bill.


The guys i used to play were heavy into mobs and a shootie army was most effective.


How are the plasma rules as we are the first, we had more plasma than other chapters, are they as effective as the 4th or just nice decor? we do need good decorations right? :P In the boards i've seen many of the space hulk setups are they being played a lot? Space hulk was my first love in the 40k world and then came Deathwing, no looking back to the old life.


What changes are being discussed in home games? Are you using the 40k in 40min rules or something else, gotta get those quick games in with the kid before the wife gets home... ;) Anyone know what the rules are for a 4 year old using his iron man for a titan?!?what are the wounds and armor points etc.... :D


Thanks all.Remember a bad day at 40k is better than a good day at work.

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