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Mercy 0f Spades

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Howdy Rock!


So here I am... staring at my latest purchase... a METAL Sammy/Jet Bike.... Am I really going to have to pin all of these pieces!?


On the bright side, I got him for $30. Has anyone had any experience with assembling this model? Any advice? What about the base? I'm worried the model will be... top heavy...

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Good luck with that :P


I just got the Finecast Sammy myself after a long wait because I was a little worried about the weight of all that metal on a flying base.


I think that pinning is the way to go (pin it everywhere) and look at an alternative to the brittle, clear plastic upright from the base.


We could do a side by side Resin/Metal Sammy comparision. :mellow:

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On the bright side, I got him for $30. Has anyone had any experience with assembling this model? Any advice? What about the base? I'm worried the model will be... top heavy...


I used two part epoxy resin adhesive and, despite travelling several times, the worst that has happened to him is that his sword fell off in transit. Once.


It did take patience to assemble, as you need to wait for the adhesive to set properly before moving on to the next component, although there are bits, like the exhausts, that you can do two at a time. With the base, I glued in the longer of the two stems upside down, with the disc kept separate, and I haven't had any problems with stability on the battlefield - although I also haven't tried to place him anywhere particularly tricky. If you have lots of sloping or lumpy terrain, you might have more success with the shorter flying stem as the centre of mass will be lower.

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Patience is key when building this model. I managed to glue it with GW superglue but built a custom base using magnets. I'm on vacation so I can't get any pics up, but may be able to get one later.
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Pin and pin and pin some more. Recommend laying off the caffeine prior to assembly, as it will keep your hands from shaking as you glue your fingers together, and will make you less suceptible to Khornate rages as the pieces refuse to join.


I am not sure how many angry hours I spent trying to get metal Sammy to stick together. He looks great when he's finished and painted, but it took days for the glue to wear off my fingers.


And I completely concur with the advice from the rest of the forum: scrap the clear plastic flying base immediately and come up with an alternative, as his weight will make fairly short work of it fairly quickly.


Enjoy! :D

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I haven't had a problem with my metal Sammael model yet. Pinning is a very good idea, but certain adhesives will make it unnecessary. I'd recommend still doing it though to be safe.


If you superglue the base to the model, you shouldn't have any problems with the standard flying base either.

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