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Need help with models


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I am playing in a Age of the Emperor campaign, it goes from the Great Crusade to the Scouring. I am running the Lion and Nemiel in my main list for it and for the Thramas Crusade I'm taking out Nemiel and throwing in Corswain since I will be fighting my Night Lords friend thus making it nice and fluffy.


I need the models though, the Lion is fairly easy as there more than a few threads and links about converting or buying one as is (boo for kabuki being sold out of Lions) or to be converted, though if people are nice enough to throw down a link or 2 it would make my life ever so slightly easier.


Nemiel and Corswain however I don't find any threads about. Nemiel I figure is fairly easy to convert from a normal Chappy and Corswain might be a bit more of a challenge.


So if anyone has got some tips for converting them up, a site I can just straight up buy one, it would be much appreciated.

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