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The Angel of Blades

Captain Semper

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Well I was looking at the new FW Decimator Siege Engine and I was thinking that it is a perfect base for depicting the Angel of Blades from the Deathwing short story (for those that remember it). I always thought that an old style Dread, although powerful, would be too bulky and fairly easy for a marine to avoid. But in the story it really chopped up a number of marines. OK, granted, they were not equipped to deal with it but still it was strange to me how a Dread (as we pictured them then) could be so fast... unless there was some deamonic influence! This bloke though looks the part! :P

If rumors are correct and the Fallen play a part in the future Codex (either DA or Chaos) it'll be a good opportunity to build this mosnter in Fallen colors... :P

What d'you guys think?



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I just saw it on the FW website. :P


That is indeed a big beasty, maybe a bit too big for a Dread unfortunately (even the Angel of Blades). Still he'd make a good addition to a Chaos force as a fully corrupted Fallen daemo prince bound into a Daemon Engine... or something along those lines. :P


Edit - It might almost be the right size for a small Chaotic Knight titan.

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That is indeed a big beasty, maybe a bit too big for a Dread unfortunately (even the Angel of Blades).


Maybe you're right... It looks so evil though! and derranged! :P


Edit - It might almost be the right size for a small Chaotic Knight titan.


The thought has crossed my mind too... But, since it is not classified as such, maybe (just maybe) we might expect something even bigger if/when FW comes around making a Chaos Knight? Here's to hoping! :P

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Didn't the Angel of Blades have some kind of blade "wings" sprouting from his back?


You might want to paint some parts to look organic too. I have to admit the description of its defeat actually made me a bit queasy... Consequence of having squeezed a real heart in a biology class once. ^_^


It was a goat's heart that was slaughtered for human consumption, to clear any misconceptions.

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Didn't the Angel of Blades have some kind of blade "wings" sprouting from his back?


You might want to paint some parts to look organic too. I have to admit the description of its defeat actually made me a bit queasy... Consequence of having squeezed a real heart in a biology class once. ;)


I guess. I have to go through it again and pick up all the details if I am to embark on this project... I recall I had similar reaction myself - without sharing your expirience with a heart... :P


It was a goat's heart that was slaughtered for human consumption, to clear any misconceptions.


Good, you got me worried there for a minute... :ph34r:

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Edit - It might almost be the right size for a small Chaotic Knight titan.


I was thinking the same thing when I first saw the decimator. Although I've never fielded a Knight Titan before in apoc games, I would love to give it a shot, and these would fit the bill in my humble opinion.

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Well, I re-read the description and it turns out it did indeed have 4 (spider like) legs of scything blades. It had a Heavy Bolter on its shoulders, flapping bladed wings on its back, pulped mass for a head and multiple eyes.


*looks at the Decimator again* :P


Nope. Nothing like it! I'll be better off sculpting it from scratch (fat chance) or base it on a Defiler (even fatter chance)... :D OR end up getting it anyway and go for the essecnce of the Angel of Blades if not the form...


Sorry guys - false alarm ;)

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Sorry, wait a minute. Angel of Blades? Where did that come from? ^_^

It's from Deathwing Anthology short story "Unforgiven". Basically a Fallen is called the Angels of blades... it's a fallen dreadnought..(which I think it doesn't make much sense).

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There was a new Necron special character in the new codex that walks around on 4 bladed legs. Illuminor Szeras is his name, and while there is no official model yet, there are plenty of conversions floating around the internets. One could draw some inspiration from this model, if one were so inclined.
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