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'Classic' Deathwing Project Log


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Hey Guys,


A few days a go I started my Consecrators project log, Along side this I am doing a Deathwing force made entirely out of 2nd ed(ish) minis. As part of the 25th anniversary of 40k I painted up my favourite DA mini Azmodai and really really enjoyed it (my painting has come on a lot since I first started posting on this forum -See thedarkfortress for my old DA army). I decided that it would be really nice to have a go at painting the Deathwing to go with him. The idea behind my campaign force is a fallen hunting team made from the Dark Angels and their successors; Namely, the Consecrators, Guardians of the Covenant, Dark Angels and Deathwing. The Consecrators will be the Scouts and Company Veterans, Guardians of the Covenant will be bikes and speeders, Dark Angels will be the Interogator Chaplains and the Deathwing.


Anyway here is the force's overall leader Azmodai





All of the Banners will be freehanded on paper like I used to when I was little!


And Here is the Deathwing so far...



They are mounted on resin bases from a British company call Dark Art Miniatures and have been based with Army Painter Skeleton Bone spray.


This is the Land Raider with its Base Spray



And this is the other side after shading, Highlighting and a little bit of weathering which is something new to me but I had to try it to brak up the white.




I will be attempting to complete this force over the next month so expect updates as often as I can.


C&C Welcome as ever


Cheers AB

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Coolio on the Asmo model ^_^ Loving the stepped and steamy base too (Marilyn much?) Your freehand on the banner is great as are your subtle highlights elsewhere. nice.


I've never(since RT) liked the old LR model, but that's not to take away your skill at making it look good (for what it is). Just my 2c on that sculpt(?) Your weathering is really cool, I can't wait to see more.



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Asmodai's left shoulder is especially good and I really like the subtle weathering on the raider. I like to field as many classic models as I can so I'll be watching your progress with interest.
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Love Asmodai – that is a seriously well-painted model and banner (paper banners are so rarely seen nowadays). And yes that left shoulder pad awesome sauce. It's a brilliant model isn't it, one of my favourite GW DA sculpts. Kudos to you for bringing it to life so well.




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Asmodai is the best Chaplain mini to this day IMO. Your painting is of very high standard, I really like what you've done there.


In fact I like the whole concept of many Unforgiven working together as one force - my project is similar (and it includes Consecrators too! ;))


A suggestion: don't do DAs. Use DW to represent the DAs. I'd love to see your take on the Disciples of Caliban. That way you'll retain the predominantly green color too!


Keep the production line going!

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Looks good!


My current army is kinda similar: some deathwing squads, some Guardians of the Covenant, and some are Angels of Redemption.

Perhaps some Ravenwing sometime soon...

Gives me the opportunity to mix and match, and to paint different colours while still working on the same army (the 404th expeditionary force, in this case).


So I think it's a good idea ;) ;)

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Wow thanks for your kind words. It's funny actually, I was looking back through my photobucket account and found the last azmodai I did in 2005. Painting skills changed much?












Seeing this is really good for me actually, Kinda shows progress don't you think?



I like the Idea of doing AoV or AoA as my tactical force. What do you think


Cheers AB

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Nice work AB. The five years have been veyr kind to you. Major improvement in the painting and modelling areas. I love your hand painted chapter symbol. The banner has taken a great leap forward in quality too.


Seeing those old metal terminators reminds me of the impact they had on me when I first got in to 40K. Unlike the other terminators of the time (the early plastic ones and the metal generic ones) the metal Deathwing Terminators had more bulk due to the feathers and other paraphernalia.... They actually looked menacing.. :)


Look forwrad to seeing the army evolve!



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