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Riddle's Dark Angels


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So, as we near 6th edition (but more likely, the end of 2012), I find myself in real need of completing a project that I started lazily in 2010 and really in earnest in 2011.


The project was thus: Stop codex hopping. Use 1 codex to produce a variety of armies that I will enjoy playing, painting and reading about. This includes; a competitive tournament list, a friendly list, a :cusss and giggles list, and a complete change of pace list. I wanted Deathwing to be my competitive army, so had to see if the rest of the codex could offer me what I wanted. As those who have read my "Redemption of the Greenwing" thread on the army lists, I've stuck with Dark Angels.


So, the lists:

Competitive - footslogging deathwing with typhoon and predator support

Friendly list - Greenwing (tacticals, dreads, preds and speeders)

:cusss and Giggles - tri raider list

Change of Pace - Ravenwing (almost pure)


In Apocalypse games, I will (eventually) be able to field a 7000 point Dark Angels force, that fills 2 force org charts. Assuming 6th edition and a Dark Angels codex doesn't shatter the earth, I won't be buying any more GW once this is done.



Belial - done

Ezekiel - done

Interegator Chaplain - done

Azrael - not started

Sammael - started (built)

(yes, I'm aware that this is 5 HQ choices, so sue me)



Deathwing Squad 1 - done

Deathwing Squad 2 - done

Deathwing Squad 3 - done

Deathwing Squad 4 - done

Deathwing Squad 5 - started (60%)

Tactical Squad 1 - started

Tactical Squad 2 - started

Tactical Squad 3 - started

Tactical Squad 4 - not started

Ravenwing Squad 1 - done

Ravenwing Squad 2 - done

Ravenwing Squad 3 - started



Deathwing Command Squad - done

Venerable Dreadnought 1 - done

Venerable Dreadnought 2 - started (90%)

Venerable Dreadnought 3 - not started

Mortis Dreadnought 1 - done

Mortis Dreadnought 2 - done


Fast Attack:

Typhoon Speeder 1 - done

Typhoon Speeder 2 - done

Typhoon Speeder 3 - started

Ravenwing Squad 4 - started

Ravenwing Squad 5 - started

Ravenwing Squad 6 - started


Heavy Support:

Predator 1 - started

Predator 2 - started

Predator 3 - started

Mortis Pattern Contemptor - done

Land Raider Crusader 1 - not started

Land Raider Crusader 2 - not started

Land Raider Godhammer 1 - not started


As you can see, I'm a fair way through. By the end of this month, all 3 predators should be finished. By the end of April, the third speeder and the Chaplain should be finished, leaving the ravenwing and tactical marines to do.


I will get round to taking pictures (starting tonight) of completed units and post them in this thread. Links to each post will be added in the first thread for anyone that wants to keep track. Hopefully the need to update things will motivate me to continue painting.

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For a quick start: the mortis pattern contemptor.


The bone here ended up a bit darker than on the terminators;





And, for giggles, my objective markers;


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I'm digging that mortis pattern contemptor. Nothing says "die xeno scum" like an assault cannon in each arm. Nice detail of the hood to make it more dark angel-y.

Good luck in your endeavour, I'm looking forward to see the progress!

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Agreed: Contemptor looks very epic as it strides menacingly forwards, great job :P. Neato objectiver markers too.


You evidently have a lot of stuff still to build and paint - don't rush it as you risk spoiling it and might later regret build/paint decisions that were made in haste.




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What a huge force, I can't wait to see pics of the whole thing.

Fantastic weapon combo on the cool Relic'temptor, I'm liking the markers too they tell the enemy to back off they're mine!!




What a huge force, I can't wait to see pics of the whole thing.

Fantastic weapon combo on the cool Relic'temptor, I'm liking the markers too they tell the enemy to back off they're mine!!




EDIT: DOUBLE WHAMMY, just for Capt S :whistling:

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I agree with Stobz. Both times. :whistling:


This is a seriously nice Relic Contemptor with mean weapon configuration...


I'm sure this is going to be an interesting project for sure - keep posting!

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Thanks for the kind words!


Moving on, Belial;



Ezekiel (needs basing);




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Deathwing Command Squad:



Deathwing Squad 1:




Deathwing Squad 2:



Deathwing Squad 3:



Deathwing Squad 4:




Notice the handy dandy colour co-ordinated bolter casings? thank you, wife!

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Ravenwing Squad 1 (meltahunters):



Ravenwing Squad 2 (also meltahunters):



Typhoon Support 1 and 2:




And that brings us up to date. Next week should be all 3 predators and the second Venerable Dread. I need to take a shot of the transfers on the other Venerable too, they look really nice.

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I agree with Lucifer! The work on the Termies is great! If I could only achieve that consistency with white...


However my preferred mini is Ezekiel! The Force Sword is amazing as is the robe; well done riddles! Really cool!


Just as a comment, I'd say paint black dots on the barrels or better yet, drill them if you have the skill - I don't... :P

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Most of the termi barrels are drilled (there's a couple of strays I need to catch. I broke my thicker drill bit so the multimeltas are still awaiting that treatment.


The white is actually a 50/50 bleached bone/white over a white undercoat and heavy devlan mud wash. Covers real easy.


and is it just me, or does venerable brother bethor look a little...sparse on his right chestplate? transfer needed there methinks...


I might even feel brave enough to put a transfer on Ezekiel's banner. maybe when the rest is done.

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Very nice Riddles! Keep it up. Your Belial is nice and bulky - very menacing with the Chaos claws.


For Bethor, maybe add some "writing" - just in a shade a little darker than the armor color so it looks etched in - it will give it a subtle texture. Or maybe another purity seal.


Not sure if you want C&C, but my one gripe is that you watch out for those mold lines. I miss them too sometimes only to take a picture and find that every little blemish is magnified.

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  • 3 weeks later...

so, been away for a bit. Updates:






Mortis 1:



Mortis 2:


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Whenever I see the badge of the fifth I feel a bit happier! :P


I agree with Brother Immolator, very original conversion on the dread! This project is coming along very nicely, keep up!

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It's 2 separate dreads B)


I got the autocannon arms in a bits trade a while back and just needed a reason to use them. Enter Black Reach ebay bits.


If anyone's interested, they're from puppetswar. he does a range of dread arms, razorback turrets and other conversion bits. (be warned, using the assault cannon turret is likely to get you disapproving looks because it's freakin' huge!)


The varnish coat has taken the shine off the decals. I've moved away from using a gloss varnish layer and using decal fix instead. I think a combination of the 2 moving forward.


Next up will be the final Deathwing squad (only 1 model left to paint there) and a land speeder. That should be done weekend after next (tournament this weekend). Still faffing around with the predators and magnetising because I need bolters for my Ravenwing and Lascannons for my Deathwing. I'm also considering redoing the highlights on the Chaplain's armour. They're so very subtle at the moment...

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