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Deathwing Squad, Call Sign: Scroll

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Hi folks,

I've been playing a Deathwing-heavy Dark Angels force for a few years, but until recently I've been pretty bad about painting. An upcoming doubles tournament has shamed me into rectifying the situation, however. Here are a few shots of my first completed Deathwing squad. I didn't have time to come up with a better lighting solution so the shots are a bit dark, but I think you'll get the idea.

Here's the Scroll, to be joined shortly by squads Crown, Shroud, Tomb, and Key. Also appearing is Trooper Donovan, our team mascot.




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Aaaaaaaaaaaargh! A Guard mini in B&C! My eyes burn :cuss


Joking aside, your Termies are quite good! I'd suggest a bit of highlighting though, it will visually improve them substantially with minimal effort. Love the poses and the red weapon casings!


I'm sure other guys with more experience/success with bone white than I will be more helpful.

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Termies are looking good and basing is top notch. I agree with Captain Semper in that some highlights are needed to make models stand out a bit more since the bone colour you have is a bit dark (or it could be the lighting). For insatnce teh purity seal paper/tissue could be a bit lighter to stand out from the armour colour. just my 2 cents. :)
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I love these guys, they look very similar to my own termies. One suggestion I would make would be to paint the chest symbol a different color to stand out a bit and break up the bone color you have going on there. Also, if you can get your hands on a hobby drill, then drill out the barrels on your storm bolters. Other than that, they look fantastic. I'd be honored to play alongside your Deathwing any day.


And the mascot is aces! My friends and I often use out of place models in our games as a joke. Last game I played, I had a Daemon Prince stand in as guest referee. It's always fun to mix things up a bit.

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Are GW Washes the best thing eveh, or what? ;) Love Devlin Mud! I hope they don't screw it up next month with the new paint release.


If I may critique? Pick out some of the details after you wash the mini. Some stronger contrast colors here and there would really help out too. If you were going for a monochromatic look, then great job except for the grey bases. It's a strong, cold neutral contrast which is at odds with the the earthy, warm colors of your mini. I know neutral contrast sounds like an oxymoron, but it's the best way I can think of to describe it! :P


Keep painting! There is a lot of potential here. The mini's look great and I don't think anyone would complain facing them on the table.

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It's actually Gryphonne Sepia. Devlan Mud takes it a little too far from "bone" and a little too close to, well, "mud."


The only acrylics on these guys are the metallics - everything else is a series of washes (that goes for Trooper Donovan, as well).

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