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Drop pods?


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Hello again,


I have not been playing much over the last two years, but in the last two weeks I have been able to get in a couple of games. Durning these games I had a question come up that we could agree on an answer for the table, but we wanted to know more official rulings for tournaments.


So I will list the questions by number.


1) I have a couple of the new drop pod plastic kits put together. However, as I play a number of armies they are not painted, and have all the center "Workings" removed. I use these mostly for dreadnoughts in my fist army. That said the question is this. Would pods built this way be allowed in the tournament, for landing Dreadnoughts, and for landing troops?


2) Would it be allowed to land a squad in a pod built like this?


3) When playing with the pod is the "Legal" way to have the doors up or down?


4) Is a pod is built this way (say its a Dread pod), and you play doors down, can you draw line of site through the open part of the pod?


5) If you land a normal drop pod, and you play doors down, can you use those same doors for cover?


6) If you play doors uo can a squad "hide" behind the pod to gain "full" cover of not being seen.


7) If you play doors down and the pod has the middle can you draw line of sight through the pod then?


If you have an opinion please state "In my Opinion" if you can point to a rule please cite it for reference. ( Such as (Newest Space Wolf Codex pg. 16) )

Also if you are citing the main rules list the page. I am hoping this can be a one shop stop on drop pod questions. If you have questions of your own, please ask as well, I will move a copy to the top of this tread with my own questions to keep it current.

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