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Will the Black Templar have successor chapters?


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@Brother Tyler,


of course your last statement is not usable for the BT as their "survivors" (even two) would simply return to "some" other crusade. And even amalgamation would not result in 3 different gene-seeds being "progressed". Or will they? How will the admech or the high lords trace any origin after some centuries or eons? Did you really imply that Marines from SW, UM and BA geneseed will be "melted" into a single chapter? I guess the mutations will be many... I hear "Chaos" calling... Although you are right form the general statement.


Back to the original question: Yes, of course it is possible. Although we are an "abberation" of the codex as mentioned in the most recent GW only source, the C:SM - we "might" have successors. Even if it is usually not allowed it is possible, given the past 10k years it is also possible that the gene-seed was used by the HLoT or the ADMECH to create another "pure" chapter. How knows? Not even GW - which is the problem with all the fluff questions. They do whatever they need to support sales - even redcon all that is basic knowledge (i.e. Horus Heresy).

So, in the end I am anxiously awaiting the new 'dex.



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@Brother Tyler,


of course your last statement is not usable for the BT as their "survivors" (even two) would simply return to "some" other crusade. And even amalgamation would not result in 3 different gene-seeds being "progressed". Or will they? How will the admech or the high lords trace any origin after some centuries or eons? Did you really imply that Marines from SW, UM and BA geneseed will be "melted" into a single chapter? I guess the mutations will be many... I hear "Chaos" calling... Although you are right form the general statement.

In this I was addressing a general comment, not one specifically about the Black Templars. A key part of what I was saying was that the amalgamated Chapters would need compatible gene-seed, which would require them to at the very least be descended from the same primarch. So two (or more) BA Successors might only be amalgamated with each other - no mixing and matching of Legions.

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