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Well, I'm Back....


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Like the title says, I'm back (though whether or not anyone cares is another matter altogether :cuss ). Some of you might remember me as the guy with a lot of unpainted Dark Angels and the daft name for that thread.


So what happened? Well, a number of things really, some personal, some not so personal and a lot of changes in my life resulted in me taking a rather "Meh" approach to much of what happened with the hobby, both in what was being released and what was being published. Feeling that my money could be put to better use than the hobby, I put a lot of stuff into storage and went on with my life.


Until, that is, some bright spark brought round a copy of the Deathwatch RPG and wanted to have a game. Rolling up a Deathwatch Assault Marine (Dark Angel of course, some things will never change), a great time was had......right up until the GM decided to bring in a Bloodthirster. Needless to say, things ended very quickly, but I did manage to shoot it up the nose with a bolt pistol before it crushed my Marine's head in its claw.


Even though the game ended in such a brutal fashion, something happened and I found I was having fun again. So, things have changed, I'm back in the hobby, but that said, the days of me building armies are gone, but now my interest is on a much smaller scale of the action.


I'm about to run a Dark Heresy campaign and while Space Marines will not feature in it until a much later stage, I've found myself wondering about if I should expand my modelling skills a little bit and perhaps try my hand at making some Truescale marines, perhaps Deathwatch Marines from a multitude of Chapters, or a couple of squads, who are from one or two Chapters.


Which brings me to my question.


I will undoubtedly involve a Dark Angel at some stage or another, which got me thinking. What visually typifies the Dark Angels? Robes? Yes, but do I really want to see a truescale Dark Angel hidden behind a greenstuff robe? No. A winged helmet? Yeah sure. But what to arm him with? And that is the question I'm posing to you.


What weapons do you think typify the Dark Angels the most? Seriously, just think about it for the moment, forgetting about the Deathwing and the Ravenwing, who are the exceptions to the norm. What really stands out to you and says "Yep, definitely Dark Angel-y." (So think battle company marines)


Anyway, thats the conundrum I bring before you now to think about. Looking forward to seeing what some of you think.

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A large power sword and a combi-plasma. Azreal's mini minus the back banner I think typifies what it is to be a dark angel iconography wise. I also think of these three pieces of art.




The dark heresy books have some more cool DA art but I think these 3 really bring it all together. Dark Angels are brooding, sinister, secretive killers. They'd look like badguys if we didn't know any better. Dark Angels are not the Blood Angels or Ultramarines. You look at DA and go man....I'm glad they're on our side.

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These are the ideas I'm looking for (And I do have the Visions of Heresy artbook, great for inspiration).


I want different perspectives on this, that no single idea is right or wrong. And its interesting to see people's take on this.

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