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LPC Vow Complete!


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Ahh, it feels good to complete such a momentous task within a month. Here it is, my Legio Gryphonnicus Warhound Titan. It was christened this afternoon as the Fortis Venator, or "Brave Hunter."


WIP thread link.


Now, I'll be honest and say it's not done to the level I want it done at, but that simply is because I don't have the skill or capability to do what I want. In time I'm sure I'll get to that point, but for now I declare it complete!


Enjoy :)















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Im not very fond of that colour scheme, BUT there are some subtleties in your work that gave me second thoughts about light blue and yellow on Warhounds...


Such large models are never really finished, a myriad of details to add, but you already made great work on it! Congratulations on whats IMHO the most ambitious LPC I saw completed this year!

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Thanks everyone!


Im not very fond of that colour scheme, BUT there are some subtleties in your work that gave me second thoughts about light blue and yellow on Warhounds...


Such large models are never really finished, a myriad of details to add, but you already made great work on it!

To be fair, it's actually grey and yellow for the color scheme, but I can see how it could look differently. I do plan on some pimped-out weathering, and I just found out that IA Model Masterclass 2 has a feature on a titan, so I'll be excited to get that in the mail and put tips to use. The first book already gave me tons of tips already; the more the merrier.





I really love the effect on the plasma blastgun. It really looks like the energy is oscillating down the coils, really love it!
I saw the effect on the FW one and I really liked it. I'm happy it came across right!
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Love this pic....the angle makes it look "real", if you see what I mean. A daunting sight for anyone on the other side! ^_^


To be fair, it's actually grey and yellow for the color scheme, but I can see how it could look differently. I do plan on some pimped-out weathering, and I just found out that IA Model Masterclass 2 has a feature on a titan, so I'll be excited to get that in the mail and put tips to use. The first book already gave me tons of tips already; the more the merrier.


I must admit, I thought it was blue as well, but I do like the colours regardless ^_^


Yellow is a bugger to paint well, and I prefer the more "muted" yellow, than the "Oh My God! My Retinas!" shade that I've seen on Marine Armour, much less on a Titan.


Great work on this. I doubt I'd have worked out how to assemble the feet in a month to be honest! ^_^

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The War Griffins are my favorite Titan Legion and you have done them a great honor. Congratulations on fulfilling your vow is such a spectacular manner.



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Thank you, thank you gentle folks.


Yellow is a bugger to paint well, and I prefer the more "muted" yellow, than the "Oh My God! My Retinas!" shade that I've seen on Marine Armour, much less on a Titan.
Agreed. The fairly neon green titan in the Apocalypse book is quite a turn off. When I was painting this yellow (Iyanden Darksun and Bleached Bone, btw), I actually thought it looked a bit too brown when I was going onto the parts that were primed in white, though it looked alright on the grey primed parts. In the end it's yellow enough for me.


i don't know why but i have the urge to fine my copy of mechwarrior 4 for some unknown reason
I get the urge to pop in Mechassault to my xbox (s'all I have ;)) and stomp around in a Mad Cat.


The War Griffons has quickly become my favorite legion too, being one of the most decorated and now homeless. Makes for a neat back story, which I'm all about.


Since that last picture is so well-liked, I'm going to take more like that. For now though, you'll just have to settle with that one again, but now it looks like it's from the front lines ;) :



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