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Librarians with Pre-Heresy


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The short story is I am making a Death Wing army but am thinking about making it Pre-Heresy. With that in mind would it be out of fluff to have a count as Ezekiel librarian? Also I could have them as a Fallen version of the Death Wing for something different but I regardless how does a Librarian fit in? I know that there were Librarians prior to the council of Council of Nikaea but I am unsure if they had their iconic blue armor and gold trim. Thank you in advance.



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IIRC the blue armor was a "recent thing". for some reason I am thinking it was mentioned in an OLD piece of fluff the blue armor for libbys had to due with honoring an Ultramarine libby, LONG after the heresy, but before "current" 40k. Not 100% certain bout this, but that's what my somewhat faulty logic circuits dredged up.
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An army led by Zachariel maybe? Before the edicts of Nikea? It could work - just remember to paint your marines black - the DAs pre-Heresy color. Now if you use the DA codex in your games I don't see any problem using Ezekiel's rules for your Libby. In fact you can use his stats for any 40k contemporary successor Librarian of the same status...


Regarding what color the Librarial armour should be - can't help, don't recall when the blue was introduced... However I'd do something very personalised with black, gold and the occasional blue detail just to be on the safe side - and that opponents will "get it" with just a brief look at the mini...

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Maybe black armour with blue shoulder pads to make it obvious.


I can't remember, in any of the Pre-H books I read, any mention of Libbies being in a specific armour colour.


Not too helpful am I :D

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In the DA books, they don't mention modelings details much. The covers which appear to be from pivotal moments in the books, have the marines all in similar paint schemes.


I'm going black with my pre heresy DA librarians

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Captain Semper is right, I will be making a pre heresy DW army not a Fallen one any more. The more research I did the more I really didn't like the fluff any more. Also a contingent of Fallen of this size and running around in TDA would draw a lot of attention if in Imperial space. I just don't see them being able to function without the Unforgiven hearing about it. Then again I could write up that this group has been collecting other Fallen and have been able to stay one step ahead of their brothers thus far however unlikely it would be... Regardless I think there are also plenty of Fallen armies out there but I really don't see or hear much about pre heresy DA and it has made me want to make an army focusing on using the rules for the DW. As to my list I am torn on the Cyclones however and don't know if I would be more in line with fluff with putting in Assault Cannons. To me however I should be able to get away with it but not sure. List will look like the following:


Belial, Banner, Apothecary



Ezekiel 170


HQ 355


Deathwing Terminator, Cyclone, Chain Fist



Deathwing Terminator, Cyclone, Chain Fist



Deathwing Terminator, Cyclone, Chain Fist



Deathwing Terminator, Cyclone



Troops 955


Land Speeder, Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missle



Land Speeder, Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missle



Raven Wing, 3 bikes, 2 Melta Guns

Attack Bike, Multi-Melta




Fast Attack 465



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I've had a tough time finding much info on termi weapons pre heresy; but Autocannons would be more appropriate then assault cannons. Assault cannons are post heresy tech.


Collected visions does show cyclone missile launchers on the preheresy TDA armor.


At minimum I would suggest converting the shoulders to have the layered armor look.


See: http://www.3plusplus.net/2010/11/how-to-pr...-justaerin.html


Dreadnought leg armor can work to.

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Hey Zerib, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your list can't be done. You can only take the LS in the RAS if you also upgrade to 6 bikers.

I could give advice on changes but I'm sure you can come up with a working alternative.


You don't have to change the shoulders either, chaos termies have pre heresy shoulders. I really don't like the 80's pop band pad style. Personal preference of course :mellow:



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I took the RAS plus the additional 3 bikes to clear up confusion.


The problem I have is that I have already put together 15 Terminators with shoulder pads and all so I will need to try to get the shoulder pads off or just grind them down. I do have an aditional 7 that I have already converted to look pre heresy including my own Belial.

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