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Sub units and Fluff?


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I was just wondering if you guys create fluff for units in your army or create sub units. Every one of my units has a story behind it.


For example:


The Veterans of my 25 minutes of Hell are known simply as the Indomitable and have XXV on their knee plate


The Deaths Head Unit in my Ravenwing, The gutsyiest members of the Ravenwing


The Third Company- Considered to be one of the best battle companies in my 40k universe(As I win a lot). Also due to the fact that My Captain and a commandsquad slew a Hive Tyrant in CQB, it all in my stor


Finally, Captain Gregorious- Best Swordsman the chapter has seen in centuries, youngest captain known, Azraels protege. Adopted Grandson of a Fallen :) Takes over Legion, yes Legion after Azrael and Belials Death at the Hands of Cypher. Also, becomes El'Jonsons right hand when he returns.


I was just wondering if any of my Brothers do this?

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At some point, I plan on building a Devastator Squad and nicknaming them "The Hammer", simply because they hammer whatever objective they set their sights on. Right now I have 4 lascannons built, but I'm thinking that 4 heavy bolters would fit the name much better.


Also, my Revered Dreadnought Brosav will have a back story at some point, which will explain the events leading to his internment. At one point I had written a short story, but scrapped it when I realized it was 'too' heroic. The next time I try writing it will be much grimmer.

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I will try to build a squad codenamed the ancients.More i cannot say right now.


But yes i have squads that have their own fluff.I am more of a specific marine or character 'fluffer' (dont remember why but i think this has a bad meaning...).


Etc i name some of them and give them distinct backround.Also i tend to name some minies that suffered at my hands(strip,strip and strip again).One of them is my Apothecary.I named him Mengel(from the German 'doc')and i painted his face peeled off since he and the former company master were roasted by some rebel guardsmen flamers.

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Aye, i have similar stories for come of my marines. They've typically been developed from some feats achieved on the tabletop.


For example the "Angry Veteran" - he has no name but a fearsome reputations for shrugging off all incoming fire and slaughtering enemy units in combat. The first occurence of this, he stood and watched his entire squad fall to las fire. He flew into rage, charged the traitorous guard and killed four without taking a scratch to his armour, then proceeded to chase those pesky wee humans off the board.


He has ddone this a couple of times since, both against guard and tau. (tau was the funniest.He hit the ethereal, killed it and half the army retreated off the board lol)



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