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storm eagle for deathwing? Probably not.


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So it's posted (experimental) on FW...as usual for a FW item, it's overpriced (points, not money). Still, it looked like an awesome alternative to the crusader...at first. Most of the upgrades are of course not wanted for DW, since they help it kill tanks, which isn't a deathwing shortcoming...about the only upgrade that I'd like is swopping the TLHB for a CML...but I'm not sure that's worth 25 points...it doesn't really add much more than the TLHB does to the vengeance launcher's horde control awesomeness....certainly not 25 points worth! Then, comparing it to a pair of whirlwinds, the vengeance launcher isn't a good enough reason to take it...the upside is that it's not not taking two heavy slots, as the whirlwinds would, which is important if you're taking one in support of a mechanized deathwing list...but paying 225 points for slightly less offense than a pair of whirlwinds deliver for 170 points (they can target two different enemies, that's important!) is a bit...meh.


Being faster than a land raider is of course awesome for dumping termies into the enemy's lap. But...although it has room for ten TDA models, it can only take on one squad (unlike the Thawk), so you're looking at no more than seven termies, and that's if you put bels and a chappy in there....which is 500 points of termies that, what, auto-die if the ship gets destroyed while turbo-boosting? No, thanks! And if it's not turbo-ing, Av12 is crap for a land raider priced flier. Seriously, this thing is a space marine vendetta...for a hundred points more.


So what good is this thing? None, for deathwing, unfortunately...I do see one use for it...spiriting a full assault squad of ten across the board on turn one for a turn two charge without getting shot at, then making a nuisance of itself till it gets shot down. Still a lot of points for what you get, but...in that case, it would make sense to take the MM or cyclone upgrade and the hellstrike missiles to nuke a vindie or something... Still wouldn't take the godhammers.


Too bad, because it's an awesome model...everything the storm raven should have been.

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I think it's a very cool looking model, but after looking at the experimental rules I agree with you. Upping the troop capacity to 12 would be an idea that could make this a bit more playable. Ceramite plating really doesn't matter in my opinion, since the only weapons with the range to hit this are usually going to be lascannons and missile launchers. It does count as an assault vehicle, so using certain strategems (flank march, careful planning) will help get your guys into combat as soon as possible.


However, the one thing that really caught my eye is the option to use this in chaos armies. Daemonic possession is an upgrade that has saved my army many times in the past, giving that option to a flying assault vehicle is one very cool idea.

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I think the best thing about it, is when used in a 'pure' DW army it's a FA choice.

That's (almost)a full Bone FoC now:



3x Ven Dreads

6x DWS

3x Storm Goose

3x LR©s


Win, at 3500ish points.


EDIT: Put the Dreads in Lucius pods and the 6 DWS in 3 LRs and 3 SEs and nobody's walking. Excellent, my "mechwing" just figured it needs to buy 3x SEs.




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"A Storm Eagle Assault Gunship is a Fast Attack choice for a Codex Space Marines, Codex Dark Angels, Codex Space Wolves or Codex Black Templars army."


Does that mean you use it in normal/non apocalypse games without the need of your opponents consent?


What does ceramite plating do?

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Not bad for moving Flat Out 24", with Belial, a Chaplain, and a Command Squad of Termies in there. It jets in, has a 4++ save from moving Flat Out (plus ceramite plating, so who cares all that much about getting right up on melta weapons), so it just needs to withstand one round of shooting. Sure, the Stormeagle will likely get shot down if the enemy dumps enough firepower into it, but on the upside, the unit it was carrying will be left relatively unharmed and on the enemy's doorstep. As others have said though, it will really only be in higher point games where this thing will be given a chance to shine at all, and that the Deathwing can't fully make use of the Transport Capacity is a waste of capability.


The Chaos version is even better for the above tactic, as it can be made immune to Shaken and Stunned results via Demonic Possession. Plus, Chaos can cram 10 Chaos Terminators in the thing(all Aspiring Champs, Mark of Khorne, LCs, and one chainfist = 54 lightning claw attacks and 5 chainfist attacks on the charge), which are quite capable of wreaking some havoc. Potentially very expensive, but very deadly.


I wish GW would just quit the half-measures already, rip the band-aid off in one go, and give us a plastic Thunderhawk. I've got three colors already picked out for three of them: Dark Angels green, Deathwing bone, and Ravenwing black. :(

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And I just got a Storm Raven too :)


It is a nice looking model but there is alot of the Storm Raven in it.


I suppose I could use the rules for the Stormeagle for my Raven or buy one of these as well but I can think of better things to spend 80 Quid on at the moment.


Either way, it is a quick method to get my 1st Company into combat.

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EDIT: Put the Dreads in Lucius pods and the 6 DWS in 3 LRs and 3 SEs and nobody's walking. Excellent, my "mechwing" just figured it needs to buy 3x SEs.


I'm pretty sure that Lucius pods, outside Apoc games, are also FA choices, so you wouldn't be able to fit three pods and three Eagles in the same army.

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EDIT: Put the Dreads in Lucius pods and the 6 DWS in 3 LRs and 3 SEs and nobody's walking. Excellent, my "mechwing" just figured it needs to buy 3x SEs.


I'm pretty sure that Lucius pods, outside Apoc games, are also FA choices, so you wouldn't be able to fit three pods and three Eagles in the same army.

Grrr, I'm pretty sure you are right too :ermm:

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Im very tempted in this myself for my DW army, but when could you use it? what are the rules in using an experimental FW unit?


Ask your opponent in advance if they mind you using it. Provide them with a copy of the rules if they don't have them already. See what they say.

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which is 500 points of termies that, what, auto-die if the ship gets destroyed while turbo-boosting?


Hey buddy, jst wanted to point out that termies dont die if it gets destroyed. They only die if it gets destroyed in youre turn when u turbo boosted (aka dangerous terrain fail)


:) ;) :unsure:


Isn't that what I said???


1. Boost bikes.

2. DW assault terms as a diversion.

3. DS hawk onto Bike beacons.

4. Assault with Bikes & DW.

5. Finish Pinned unit with Hawks contents.

6. Rinse & repeat


Oh, and add a single Drop Pod with combiplasma death to whittle down things turn one.


Not bad, but it requires that the bikes survive long enough to pull it off...and with a stormchickenload of termies in reserve, those bikes are going down on turn one if it costs your opponent the game! Not to mention that you can't fit all that into a reasonably sized game unless it's basically your entire army, meaning that the bikes are alone and unafraid on turn one, further decreasing their survivability if you don't get to go first...unless you hide them, gutting the utility of your DWA diversion.

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which is 500 points of termies that, what, auto-die if the ship gets destroyed while turbo-boosting?


Hey buddy, jst wanted to point out that termies dont die if it gets destroyed. They only die if it gets destroyed in youre turn when u turbo boosted (aka dangerous terrain fail)


:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


Isn't that what I said???


It was a little ambiguous. I thought you meant as a result of being shot by the enemy but I've been playing tyranids almost exclusively for two years and I seem to have a blind spot for vehicle rules so I didn't realise my error.


It's definitely an all your eggs in one basket situation, but sometimes (ie Apocalypse games with a few buddies) it's fun to break out the over the top and sub-optimal stuff.

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Well if you want a powerful flying tank you still have the caestus...


To me, what would make the tank valuable would be to allow 2 different squad to embark.


The main problem we have with caestus, storm eagle (or even storm raven in apoc) is that DW termi work by squad of 5. We cannot take 10 men strong squads and split them. I would appreciate that we could :

1/ take 10 termi and split them in 2

2/ allow to split them after disembarking if they start the game in the caestus/SE. Just like a drop pod.

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