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More Followers for the Chaos Gods

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Okay so this is my first ever mini! Right now it is only primed but I've had a very long and exciting day so I am going to enjoy that rare luxury known as sleep before painting him tomorrow! Please excuse the quality of the photos, all I have is a phone.




Hm. I already see spots I am going back to fix!

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Treasure what little necron abyss there is left out there. I know I will be.....


Wait... did GW discontinue necron abyss just like midnight blue or are you talking about in terms of rarity?


Kol_Saresk, I can't wait to see him painted. Don't forget the lighting bolts... chicks dig lightning bolts.

Treasure what little necron abyss there is left out there. I know I will be.....


Wait... did GW discontinue necron abyss just like midnight blue or are you talking about in terms of rarity?


Kol_Saresk, I can't wait to see him painted. Don't forget the lighting bolts... chicks dig lightning bolts.


I think he's referring to the new paint range coming out tomorow. or you could just use the new GW equivalent (whatever it will be). :)

Okay, first model ever is now painted. Now, the lightning is missing I know, and I left the sword black for a reason. After I paint all ten of my minis, I will go back and show why the sword is black. Umm, the chainmail came out a little brighter than I thought it would, and the Badab Black isn't really doing anything to it and I sort of botched the bronze parts on the bolt pistol. Kind of scared I'll make it worse if I try to go back and fix it right now. Oh, and I also decided that from now on I am painting each piece individually because that seemed a lot easier as that is how I primed it. And the tin bitz was actually the exact shade of dark bronze was looking for, yay! Oh please point out any mold lines and flash. Most likely will not fix them on this one, but at least I will know what to look for. Preferably if you could highlight them in the picture please. ;)


Enjoy the coming of more servants to the Dark Gods, heirs to the Throne of Night.








Comments, critique and tips are all welcome :D

Nice start. In regards to mould lines, be careful of that one on the side of the legs. Its usually fairly prominent, but is easy to get rid of with a file or craft knife. And remember washes (or whatever they are called now) are your friend. Seriously they are like magic in a bottle. I'm not sure if you are, but don't water them down, use them straight out of the pot for best results, and don't be afraid to slap it on thick :D.


As I said, nice start, and I will be keen to see how you build up your lords of the night

Nice start. In regards to mould lines, be careful of that one on the side of the legs. Its usually fairly prominent, but is easy to get rid of with a file or craft knife. And remember washes (or whatever they are called now) are your friend. Seriously they are like magic in a bottle. I'm not sure if you are, but don't water them down, use them straight out of the pot for best results, and don't be afraid to slap it on thick :P.


As I said, nice start, and I will be keen to see how you build up your lords of the night


Pretty much this, a good start. I'd wash the whole model Badab Black, and build up the colour again on the main surfaces leaving the deep shadows and crevasses dark. Still, a nice pose and look forward to more.

Use a real thick wash of badab black for the chainmail. Don't worry most of us do the same when we start out painting as well. One thing you may want to try if you're having trouble reaching certain areas, is painting the pieces first and then gluing.

Now I know why you did ask me about paint scheme. (I hope you got my PM)


So, for what I see: you need to be a bit more accurate. Try to not overlay one color with other, that's the main point of accuracy.

And remember - you can always fix what you need. I agree with what Tanith Ghost says about chainmail - just wash it with badab black, several times, if you need.

Yes I did get your PM but I am restricted to cash and I couldn't find any stores that sold vallejo. And I am currently touching up on him right now and the chainmail is coming out better. I am currently getting the lightning done, which I am going to touch up on aas soon as I'm done. I think I may have gotten crappy brushes because these keep fraying at the edges and putting extra paint on places. That and my black power sword seems to have lost its black. :lol:

It sure is true that a good brush can make all the difference. If you have the chance, see if you can pick yourself up a decent brush, it can make your life much easier. And in regards to accuracy, I think its simply something that comes with time. So as you paint more, your accuracy with a brush will improve.


I'm definitly keen to see how the lightning comes out, keep up the good work

Well when I got there, they were out of some of the paints I wanted to get. Like I said, I wanted to het boltgun metal but all they had was chainmail. I also got Necron Abyss, Enchanted Blue, Ice Blue and Skull white. For the washes I have Ogryn Flesh because ot was the only brown wash they had and Chaos Black. For the gold, I used Tin Bitz. I actually haven't washed it yet. I was surprised because its picture made it out to be a silver color, not that deep dark bronze.

Okay, so here is my first attempt at lightning along with some touch ups. For example, the bolt pistol isn't as blotched as it was! Don't think you can see it too well though. The pictures look better than reality, but they still don't look as nice as I want to. Hopefully practice will fix that too.


Just to clarify, the daemon face came on the back pack already. I just wanted it to look like it was weeping blood.




Here is the leg guard and one side of the power sword:




And here is the shoulder pad and the other side of the sword:




Please feel free to comment and critique and enjoy!

I painted something very similar to this when I just started with Wh40k. My friend told me then that it's pretty good for a beginner.


My advice is: Don't buy something you don't want to just because it's similar to what you want to buy, i.e. you don't need chainmail if you want boltgun metal (or whatever GW calls it know). 'Wait 'till you get what you want, this will spare you some money' - that's the lesson of my bitter experience.

But ok, we must go on with what we get, and chainmail isn't the worst of possible options. The only thing is, in my opinion, that tin bitz isn't gold, bronze or even brass. If I can express my opinion, if you want paint really dark gold - dwarf bronze washed with devlan mud is the better way to do it.

All other paints that you get will be really helpful when you paint NLs.


I agree with Tanith Ghost both about lightnings and metal.


And also practice (and mistakes) is the first and, probably, the only your true teacher.

Don't mind if the result isn't what you want to reach - that's fine; being perfectionist (like me) will never bring you to your full-assembled-'n'-painted army. So don't get stuck on one miniature - you may correct something, but not the whole miniature. You must move further - and after squad or two you'll see great difference between your first and your current miniature.


Keep up.

I got this new Hashut Copper I've been using now for gold and it works pretty well. It was darker than what I had been using and don't have to use as many washes.


Ven's advice is gold as usual. Can't compare your own minis to alot that you see online. They've had far more experience and time to perfect that. You also have to allow for a margin of error. Usually a pretty big one when first starting out which gradually gets smaller until you're a perfectionist who has to make everything perfect. Either way keep it up, this guy is a great start.

  • 1 month later...

Okay, time to restart this baby. Here is my attempt at a Dragon Warrior. I made this guy of this little post right here:


Painting those scales will be a nightmare...

Challenge Accepted.


I eagerly await pics. :)


To be honest my first reaction was "Oh crap! Somebody called me put!" and I was thinking about writing it off and explaining that I meant it as a joke. But then I realized something, I had not gotten as many paints as I may or may not have needed when I first tried to build my Night Lords. I figured I could use some more red to add some colors to the Night Lords and their trophies or weapons. Like plasma pistols. Or maybe use it to show lighting effect on their eye lenses. That and I really didn't like how the scab red mixed 50/50 with white looked on the ponytail on the one I already painted and I would like a brighter metal for the bronze trim. The tin bitz blends in with the darkness of the necron abyss more than what the picture showed and for some reason even highlighting the blue didn't seem to take care of that. It just made it look weird. And I would like to get rid of any excuse I have for not finishing them. Even if there are only nine more.


So here is my first beginning of my meltagunner.



He is in pieces because I realized that for some weird reason, I find it easier to paint the mini in pieces. So until I can get around that, you will definitely not being seeing to many sculpts and greenstuff-fu from me for a while. Of course, after this mini and the eight I have left, it will be dead until I get another set anyways. :)


You will also notice that the red is bleeding onto the black in several places. This is for two reasons. One, I'm not done painting. This is literally the primer and two coats of Scab Red because that is what it took to get the paint to settle in an even layer. Two, I figured I'd come back for doing the nicy pretty little touch ups to make the black trim and accessories actually look black. Although I do admit that I like the way the paint settled on that one shoulder pad horn. Makes for a nice lighting effect.


Oh, the fluff for my warband. My thinking was this, in this day and age, warbands don't have to include people from the same background. So these guys can be my up-close-and-personal anti-tank assault troops while my Night Lords take up the Chosen slot with infiltration and attack when nobody expects it. My Lord/Sorcerer/Daemon-Prince/Top-Dog/Big-Cheese/Head-Honcho/I-think-you-get-the-idea guy will be a Night Lord. Eventually. When I can make him. But he will be a son of Nostramo. And I also am working on a nice little short story to explain just why Night Lords and Dragon Warriors would join forces.


So, please enjoy and C&C is always welcome.


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