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Company Heraldry

captain sox

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I'm working on some test models for my all robed army, and something has come up.


It appears that we don't have heraldic colours for our various companies. I know DW is going to be bone and red, and any Ravenwing I get will be black. what about the companies from the 3-9th? I have the Space Marine Codex and it shows the different pauldrons for the various squads. What about the DA? I was hoping to to accents on the robes to denote Tactical, Veteran, Dev and any Fast Attack squads I build.


Is there a list anywhere that I'm missing in our Codex? Do I just make up colours according the the C:SM?


Any info will help, I'll try to post pics next week.

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The Dark Angels don't use heraldric colors for company designations, they use Company Badges on the knee pads. The Chapter Insignia pages (pg. 58-59) in the 4th Edition DA codex show all the markings the DA use.


If you are painting the DA, you should probably use those. If you are using the pre-made Successors or a DIY Successor, you can either use those or make up your own (I did the later, just to make them a little different).

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As Bryan said, companies are denoted by a company badge. DA do not change the color of the should pad rim to denote company.


As for squad badges (also found on page 58), I believe the biggest difference from vanilla marines is that the tactical arrow is horizontal and doubled headed and that the squad number actually goes right over the squad type indicator.


So yes, you could put some indication of the squad type/number on the robe, but technically, it goes on the right shoulder pad (as opposed to the sqaud number going on the knee for codex marines).

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Something I do with my vets, but could also be done with robed marines is to paint the comany badge on one (or both!) shoulderpads. Vets tend to have ronate, sculpted shoulder pads so its easy to do this, because the icons on the shoulderpad are easy to paint. For a plain shoulderpad it would be different, maybe it wont end up looking that good.
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I think for the most part I'm going to just paint the robes bone, and put tactical insignia on the shoulder pads. I won't have more than 2 or 3 squads, so that will work. I've found experimenting on the robes is not going well....
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