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Plausible ways for The Lion to return


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So for the second installment of my Dark Angels story, I'm planning on having the Lion return at the end. My plan was to have Cypher lure the Dark Angels and their successors to a planet, tempting them with a large # of Fallen. All Inner circle members deploy to take the buggers. In moments, the Dark angels realize they've underestimated Cypher as he has amassed a sizable force. Belial is cut down in cc with Cypher, and the Legion is routed as massed Ap 2 weapons are brought to bear. As the Unforgiven are reeling, Cypher launches an assault on the Rock itself in a attempt to get the Lion, and revive him. Azrael is also killed by Cypher, as he attempts to hold him off. Cypher reaches those secret bowels, and revives the lion, thinking he will be pleased. Let's just say he's not.


What do you guys think? I'm also planning on having the attack delay the Feast of Malediction, as we all know what happens when that happens. :D also a bit of of a preview.


The Master of the Deathwing roared in agony as the blade punched through his Terminator armored form. A icy feeling of cold spread from the wound and when he looked at the hooded head, he saw a smile. Belials Terminator armor screamed as he fell to his knees. A member of the Consecrators saw this and charged The Enemy, attempting to save him, the astartes laughed and contemptuously shot him through the head with a plasma pistol.

"Bastard!" he roared.

Cypher laughed at Belial, bemused at the Dark Angel.

"I am saddened by how far our glorious Legion has fallen brother," He shook his head with a tsk, " The Lion would have been most displeased."


"Lies! You and your brethren are thrice traitors! Azrael and Gregorious will slay thee!"


Cypher smirked, oblivious to the battle around him," Azrael, I do not fear him, or the spawn of one of my brothers. Nothing will stop me today!" 

And with that he raised the Plasma Pistol again, and shot the Master of the Deathwing through the head, obliterating it. 

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It sounds very much like Cypher is an uber badass - almost too much so. What sort of allies/minions will he be taking to the field with and how will they affect the battle, brother? Also, given the old rumoured target destination of his (Terra), will the battle be taking place toward the core worlds of the Imperium or elsewhere?
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So for the second installment of my Dark Angels story, I'm planning on having the Lion return at the end. My plan was to have Cypher lure the Dark Angels and their successors to a planet, tempting them with a large # of Fallen. All Inner circle members deploy to take the buggers. In moments, the Dark angels realize they've underestimated Cypher as he has amassed a sizable force. Belial is cut down in cc with Cypher, and the Legion is routed as massed Ap 2 weapons are brought to bear. As the Unforgiven are reeling, Cypher launches an assault on the Rock itself in a attempt to get the Lion, and revive him. Azrael is also killed by Cypher, as he attempts to hold him off. Cypher reaches those secret bowels, and revives the lion, thinking he will be pleased. Let's just say he's not.


What do you guys think? I'm also planning on having the attack delay the Feast of Malediction, as we all know what happens when that happens. :D also a bit of of a preview.


The Master of the Deathwing roared in agony as the blade punched through his Terminator armored form. A icy feeling of cold spread from the wound and when he looked at the hooded head, he saw a smile. Belials Terminator armor screamed as he fell to his knees. A member of the Consecrators saw this and charged The Enemy, attempting to save him, the astartes laughed and contemptuously shot him through the head with a plasma pistol.

"Bastard!" he roared.

Cypher laughed at Belial, bemused at the Dark Angel.

"I am saddened by how far our glorious Legion has fallen brother," He shook his head with a tsk, " The Lion would have been most displeased."


"Lies! You and your brethren are thrice traitors! Azrael and Gregorious will slay thee!"


Cypher smirked, oblivious to the battle around him," Azrael, I do not fear him, or the spawn of one of my brothers. Nothing will stop me today!" 

And with that he raised the Plasma Pistol again, and shot the Master of the Deathwing through the head, obliterating it. 


I don't think the primarch will ever waken/be found/come back from the EoT/ awaken from stasis/be found. They would cause such an imbalance within the universe we know it wouldn't work... Froma fiction point of view you would be far better dancing around the potential for the Lion to be found/, perhaps a brief glimpse for someone with psychic abilities to see the Lion asleep etc, may be work up an attempt to rescue luthor.... but Cypher waltzing his way throught he Tower of Angels, laying everything tow aste and finding the Lion might just be a little bit too much...



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Cypher is quite the badass.He has a whole chapter dedicated to capture him and he still gets his way.Through subtlety or pure force many unforgiven have lost their lives in order to capture him.


As for the Lion getting up,well we have to agree that this story is not canon and is based on artistic license.

So why not?Nobody will take the things therein for granted.It is brother Vazzys endeavor to offer an entertaining alternate story based on 40k not create 40k lore.


As such i encourage it.Though there is a trap.Portraying characters integral to said to canon (Az,Bel,the Lion etc) is going to be tricky and bit difficult.

Though that i think of it,BL managed to tarnish the Lions character so...


EDIT:B.Vazzy,is this a sequel to the first story line or completely separate?

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@Olisredan As I understand it, Cypher has a certain magnetism, and as such will have around 400 Fallen and a medium sized contingent of traitor guard. Also, yes I made Cypher super bad ass as it seemed appropriate and the story will take place near Terra


@ Shadow Guard One of the predominant reasons I'm writing this is to justify the some of the Primarchs return for the campaign I'm organizing this summer. And for clarification, Cypher won't be "Waltzing" through the Rock, I'm a better writer than that. I promise it won't be stupidly done.


@ Brother I yep, its a continuation of my other story

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@ Shadow Guard One of the predominant reasons I'm writing this is to justify the some of the Primarchs return for the campaign I'm organizing this summer. And for clarification, Cypher won't be "Waltzing" through the Rock, I'm a better writer than that. I promise it won't be stupidly done.


Apologies if I came across too harshly, I didn't realise the context.... I thought this was part of fiction you were writing.... Me being a firm believer in fan fiction staying within the tenous boundaries set by the official 40k universe... ;) ;)



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@ Shadow Guard One of the predominant reasons I'm writing this is to justify the some of the Primarchs return for the campaign I'm organizing this summer. And for clarification, Cypher won't be "Waltzing" through the Rock, I'm a better writer than that. I promise it won't be stupidly done.


Apologies if I came across too harshly, I didn't realise the context.... I thought this was part of fiction you were writing.... Me being a firm believer in fan fiction staying within the tenous boundaries set by the official 40k universe... :P ;)




I apologize as well I came off a little caustic in that remark. In all honesty, with the way GW changes the background I've sort of established my own. It is part of my current fiction, but also serves as the intro to my campaign. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


Also Brother I, hopefully a big update will drop tonight

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I don't think the primarch will ever waken/be found/come back from the EoT/ awaken from stasis/be found. They would cause such an imbalance within the universe we know it wouldn't work...


That's actually exactly what I like about the idea. The High Lords may be reluctant to relinquish power and the Lion may set out to make his own Imperium in what he thinks is true to his father's dreams. The Dark Angels and their successors would once again be united as a Legion. Perhaps even other Space Marine Chapters ally with the DA as well - feeling they are better lead by a Primarch than a force led by army of bureaucratic mortals.


It would be akin to the Dornian Hersey alt-history, were the Ultras carve out their own little Empire.


Of course it would also pit us directly against other Imperial forces, including Space Marines... but now all those games against Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Imperial Guard, etc. will make sense.


Only the return of one of his other brothers may hinder his decision.

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What if Cypher attacked the Rock to speak to / free Luther, then the Watchers in the Dark returned the Lion? As bad-ass as Cypher is it might be good for the villain to not know quite as much as he thinks he does. Also, an extra layer of secrets and revelations is particularly in keeping with the 1st Legion.


I haven't read your first story Vazzy so apologies if this a totally unsuitable idea.

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What if Cypher attacked the Rock to speak to / free Luther, then the Watchers in the Dark returned the Lion? As bad-ass as Cypher is it might be good for the villain to not know quite as much as he thinks he does. Also, an extra layer of secrets and revelations is particularly in keeping with the 1st Legion.


I like this idea and it seems very fitting for the First Legion. Consider it stolen...probably. :)

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How about an even bigger twist. Have Cypher try to Kill the Lion in his stasis sleep that the Whatchers have him in and have them turn Luthor lose on him to stop him. Luthor won't let The Lion fall has he's waiting for the Lion's return so he can be forgiven. After a titanic battle Cypher has Luthor on the ropes and is about to do him in when the Lion steps up finaly awake and strikes Cypher down. After that end it how you want.
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How about an even bigger twist. Have Cypher try to Kill the Lion in his stasis sleep that the Whatchers have him in and have them turn Luthor lose on him to stop him. Luthor won't let The Lion fall has he's waiting for the Lion's return so he can be forgiven. After a titanic battle Cypher has Luthor on the ropes and is about to do him in when the Lion steps up finaly awake and strikes Cypher down. After that end it how you want.

thats something i would pay to see

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How about an even bigger twist. Have Cypher try to Kill the Lion in his stasis sleep that the Whatchers have him in and have them turn Luthor lose on him to stop him. Luthor won't let The Lion fall has he's waiting for the Lion's return so he can be forgiven. After a titanic battle Cypher has Luthor on the ropes and is about to do him in when the Lion steps up finaly awake and strikes Cypher down. After that end it how you want.

thats something i would pay to see


Keep a seat for me too.However messed up it is i want to see it!

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How about an even bigger twist. Have Cypher try to Kill the Lion in his stasis sleep that the Whatchers have him in and have them turn Luthor lose on him to stop him. Luthor won't let The Lion fall has he's waiting for the Lion's return so he can be forgiven. After a titanic battle Cypher has Luthor on the ropes and is about to do him in when the Lion steps up finaly awake and strikes Cypher down. After that end it how you want.

thats something i would pay to see



Keep a seat for me too.However messed up it is i want to see it!


Best get your money ready as it is looking like this will be likely!


Also, i'm thinking, instead of having the Dark Angels go to Cypher, I think I'll have him attack the Rock, and use this Idea. Though it will still be during the Feast of Malediction, though if no one sees a reason to object, become something akin to the Feast of Blades type event. (I want Jousting on Bikes!) All our sucessors will be there with events all over the Rock, allowing for me to mix squads of dfferent chapters, and allow for small unit actions with mixed squads.

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All our sucessors will be there with events all over the Rock


Heh,that sounds like a medieval carnival,only the tavern music is missing ;)

I'm listening to the Spamlot soundtrack right now. I think I'll need mindscrubbing after the images that combination conjured. :)



We're Knights of the Inner Circle,

We hunt Fallen when we're called to,


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All our sucessors will be there with events all over the Rock


Heh,that sounds like a medieval carnival,only the tavern music is missing ;)

I'm listening to the Spamlot soundtrack right now. I think I'll need mindscrubbing after the images that combination conjured. :)



We're Knights of the Inner Circle,

We hunt Fallen when we're called to,



Move aside your scabbard,

for underneath your tabbard,

theres waiting to escape,



Yep i knows em.

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