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Thanks, everyone :)


I got another wall section done today...well, the edging like on the last section. Hopefully I can get the 3rd and 4th done tomorrow, then start decorating the walls and floors, then glue the floors in.

Then paint it all, decal it, weather it... :D

I got the trim added to the wall sections.

This is how the box will look when it’s all folded up:


And when it’s unfolded.


The two half thickness sections -the ends of the box - go back to back as you can see in the top right. They have magnets in the corners to hold them and it should also help to pull the floor sections flat.

I’m now adding detail to the interior walls.

Thanks, Graceless!

The thread is certainly full of all kinds of stuff...a lot of it half finished, but I hope some of it inspires :)

I got the walls of the pop-up building made, decorated (but for the outside surface) and joined at the spine.





Next up is the folding floors.

All the ground-floors are in (and fold properly if a little tightly). And one first-floor is in. One thing I noticed is that I should have had the floors taper inward ever so slightly...a millimetre would be fine....so they don’t scrape the walls when the floors fold up. I’ll sandpaper them a bit.


Ladder to be added between these floors.


The blue circles you can see here are the magnets. I’ll make some small boxes to cover these.



The featureless floor here will be done as hazard stripes (a good way to hide the diagonal seam ;) ).


Once it’s painted I’ll add some rubble, stains, etc.

I’ll probably paint it to match the Mars/industrial basing of my Mentor Legion and Genestealer Cult.

They are looking really good.


Just curious on the difference between the ground and first floor - any reason why with the first floor having the corner "cut out"?


I lived in Japan for a bit at the beginning of 3rd edition, which is when I painted the first models of what would be my first army (sisters of battle).  Back then only the odd hobby store had any 40K stuff, but at least Tamiya paints were easily found. :smile.:


As for the huge cog... weird thing to find in the 100 yen store.  And yeah, my only thought for it is to use in a terrain feature at some point.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Each floor is 10cm x 10cm.

In my first prototype (paper) I did have the two bottom floor fold up and be sandwiched a bit by the folded top floor but thought that using thicker material for the real one would probably cause trouble so I’ve spaced the floors 11cm apart to keep it simpler.

Only one of the upper floors has a corner cut out and that was so I could add a ladder (as you’ll see below). Firstly as I wanted a visual ‘way up’ and secondly to play with more pop-up book mechanics a little bit.

And painting begins!

One thing I learned - in case I do a project like this again - is to make the floors not perfectly square; to have them a little shorter maybe 2 mm at the furthest point. I had to do a fair bit of sanding and cutting as they stuck out when the box was folded.

Also when folded out the two end sections didn’t quite come back to back even with magnets there, so I’ve made an extra plate which clips on and hold them together. This also helps to pull all of the floors flat, which was a major worry.

I’ve done the hazard stripe bitz. I’ll mask them now and spray the whole thing black then shades of grey. Some metallics. Lots of decals. Weathering and Mars dust stains.

If I do another, I’d like to try one in foam, with a fantasy theme, and have it look like a book when it’s folded up. I might do away with the floor is folding as triangles as that is quite a pain. Just have square floors hinged into one wall, folding down to rest upon a lip on the other wall... But even as I type this, my head is saying “where’s the fun in that?!”








We’ve got ten Warhammer Stores in Japan now, thankfully, and a fair few hobby shops stock it. I like Yodobashi as they have a point card (a 10% discount, essentially).

I've been checking in here for a little while to see how you're getting on, and I think this is absolutely fantastic! The idea of space-saving terrain is brilliant for those that don't have a great deal of space to work with, and you've made it look good, too!


Might I suggest an idea for a second version?

You've mentioned drop-down flooring instead of folding. As it is the floors (when folded) need to sit flush with the inner walls, which means that you have to keep them both relatively flat, and any internal 'features' have to be painted/decals. If you were to use drop down flooring, you could magnetise the inner walls (or floors too), and use the extra room to store magnetised panels/features with physical details that would be placed over the inner surfaces. This would let you detail the inner sections when set up, but still allow you to store flat. Does that make sense?


Looking forward to seeing this when it's finished though, great work so far!

Edited by pawl
  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments and support!

The rainy season has finally finished so I’ve been able to do some spraying!

The rest is going to be brush work. A lot of it.




  • 1 month later...

Need to get in and paint the doors of the folding building, but I’ve been busy with other projects.

Such as this one which I made in a day:

To paraphrase Dave Bowman...

“My God! It’s full of...




Well, one’s missing.

I imagine something decidedly unsavoury happens if it’s completed.

My Skull Obelisk, for 40K and AoS.

One part Skull Tower, one part Tzompantli and one part Space Odyssey. 49 parts Khorne.


If I’d made them orthogonal I could’ve called it Khornate Konnect Four.


My Skull Obelisk, for 40K and AoS.

One part Skull Tower, one part Tzompantli and one part Space Odyssey.

Good job.

49 parts Khorne.

The square root of 49 is seven, NURGLE'S holy number. If the Skull Tower is meant to honor the Blood God, it should be 64 parts Khorne.
  • 4 months later...

A couple of weeks ago, I think it was on Instagram, I found the company `Battle Kiwi`, that makes pre-primed laser cut terrain (some with cool acrylic inserts/bits) plus tokens, templates and stuff.

Here's their website:


I recommend checking their site.

It was the `Immortal Dynasty` series (#cough#Necrons#cough#) that grabbed my attention as I'm modeling my Orks fighting on a Tomb World. I got myself a `Nexus Sentinel` for NZ $25 (pretty good, I think) which is 6 1/4" tall and 3 1/8" wide.


It arrived in the post today and the MDF was nice and smoothly primed black. The clear acrylic sheets are covered in a protective film on both sides to protect them, which is a nice touch. The MDF pieces came out of the sheets easily and it was easy to put together as a dry-fit. I'm going to spray the MDF bits metallic before I actually glue it together though.

Oh, another nice thing is that you can put a light inside (just don't glue it to the base board, so you can get to the light when you need to....or cut a whole in the baseboard. CORRECTION: there is a hole in the baseboard). I might do that. Or stick some glow sticks in there...

Anyway, I thought I'd draw attention to the company as I'm well impressed with it so far. I'll post a pic when I've finished painting it.

Here’s mine after I hit it with the airbrush (black first to do the edges and the crevices, then MIG-192 Polished Metal):


Next I’ll be weathering it Mars-ish before putting it together.

Weathered up, it’s done!




I painted very thinned down Iron Oxide paint into (some, not all) crevices, and gave it a drybrushing as only the former would have looked like water staining. The drybrush helps to make it look dustier, but only doing a drybrush would have put red dust on edges and not in crevices, which is the opposite of what we want. Dirt’s going to build up in deep parts, not on edges.

After gluing it together I hit it with some ‘Mars powder’ (ground up artist’s pastel, which I’ll need to seal when the weather permits).

I’m well happy with it. :tu:

It was very reasonable and turned out great.

I might add an Ork banner, attached with blu-tac so it’s removable, defacing it. ;)

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