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The Sordon Crusade


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Battle Brothers! I am pleased to announce the long time work in progress of my Crusade. All suggestions and comments are welcome!


The Black Templar Cross

The Skull, represents that of which has been given to the enemy, Death!

The Imperial Aguila, Honour of the Emperor and The Eternal Crusade

"IX", In Honour of the Nine survivor's found on the Sorrow 7 Moon Chapter Keep


(Crusade Badge is done by Dirt, thank you!)


+++Incomming Transmission+++

+++New Update on Crusade+++


The Sordon Crusade:

“No Pity!, No Remorse!, No Fear!”


Marshal Tolek and his Brethren of The Sordon Crusade have relentlessly pursued a renegade band lead by Krys Sordon across the Sorrow Stars Sector in the Segmentum Pacificus region of the galaxy. Their goal is simple, to eliminate the renegades, and end the tyrant reign of Krys Sordon over the Sorrow Stars Sector. The following are the major engagements that are most notable according to records and reports received by High Marshal Helbrecht.


937.M41 The Sordon Crusade Begins:


Castellan Tolek was recently knighted as Marshal and sent by High Marshal Helbrecht to investigate a series of reports intercepted by Fleet Intelligence that indicated an attack upon one of the chapter’s keeps on Sorrow 7. Marshal Tolek quickly excepted as he helped Chaplain Ruinus purge Sorrow 7 and established a keep on the moon to monitor and recruit from the barbarian population of Sorrow 7. Upon returning to their Chapter Keep, The fleets’ sensorium detected a small group of ships leaving the moon’s chapter keep; augurs determined they were not of Imperial design. A small strike force was sent, but arrived too late; the keep was already destroyed, what was left in flames. The keep was razed to the ground by a massive explosion. The keep’s armoury and supplies were looted, nowhere to be found. A search found 9 survivor's and 2 remained alive, Chaplain Ruinus, a survivor, was near death, his wounds to severe to heal Apothecary xxxxxx was about to administer the Emperor’s Peace, when Marshal Tolek interfered and gave permission to Forge Master Eberious, who encased Chaplain Ruinus in a Dreadnought suit. Chaplain Ruinus recalled the events before his transition. A renegade warband lead by Krys Sordon, raided the keep while they were out on a recruiting mission. Upon returning they found the keep being looted and attempted to seize the keep back. When the small garrison unit engaged the enemy, they breached the keep and an explosion occurred, which resulted in the destruction and deaths of several Black Templars


"IX" - While searching for survivors, The Brothers of the Sordon Crusade only found 9 bodies, Chaplain Ruinus and 8 others. No records or brother could identify the second survivor, only that he was the 9th body found. The 9th suffered greivous wounds and was unable to speak or acknowledge fellow brothers, but held in his hand the renegade symbol of Krys Sordon. This pleased Marshal Tolek and as such helped begin the hunt for Krys Sordon and his renegades. The 9th was honoured by being encased and indocturned into a Dreadnought to continue fighting for the Crusade and Black Templars.


938.M41 “The Trial of Norwich”


It was said that this battle with the renegade forces of Krys Sordon was nothing less than gruesome and brutal. Stories have said the brethren of the Sordon Crusade gave no mercy to the inhabitants of the planet as they turned and fought against the Black Templars. Reports of the renegade forces were looting, murdering the innocent who refused to serve them and turned the others against the Black Templars. The Brethren of the Sordon Crusade purged and cleansed everything in sight, leaving nothing alive on Norwich, but all stories are not true or are they.


940.M41 “The Purging of Vilseck”


Upon entering orbit of the planet Vilseck, a strange and unusual anomaly was detected. Before landing on the planet, unsure of what to expect, Marshal Tolek readied his brethren for battle and sent a small forward unit to gather intel on the planet’s surface. The small unit led by Castellan xxxxxx encountered a wakening necron tomb world. The tomb worlds defenses activated and wiped out the small team. The fleets’ weapons systems opened fire and the Black Templars began their assault. The Necron Tomb World, small but none the less dangerous, had awoken and the Black Templars needed to stop the awaking of an ancient foe. The Black Templars made quick work of the Necron forces after a few months of skirmishes protecting the hive cities. Marshal Tolek led the brethren of the Sordon Crusade, a final assault of the tomb world located in the Graf Canyon. The Necron forces met them head on in a bloody battle that soon ended when Marshal Tolek met the Necron Overlord in combat on the peak of Mount Ward, which over looked the canyon. Marshal Tolek bested the Necron Overlord in combat and chopped the Lord’s head off, kicking his cold metallic body into the Canyon.


941.M41 “The 615th Massacre”


Following intelligence reports of Krys Sordon engaging the 615th Imperial Guard forces protecting Aachen 5, Marshal Tolek raced to the planet. Upon entering orbit and launching an assault, The Black Templars found little remaining of the renegade forces. The 615th Imperial Armoured Regiment had already been tainted and turned by the renegades, feeding them propaganda that the Templars’ were here, under orders from the Inqusition, to annihilate them. Whit Torlaw, a psyker ordered by Krys Sordon to oversee the annihilation of the unrelenting Templars. There is not much record of the battle as the Templars of the Sordon Crusade reported that the 615th Imperial Armoured Regiment had turned to chaos and needed to be purged. The planet was cleansed of traitors and heretics. It is speculated, through hearsay, that the 615th IAR attempted to atone for their faltered faith, but the Templars showed no mercy to the traitors and eliminated the entire Imperial Regiment on Aachen 5 looking for Krys Sordon’s forces.


942.M41 – 997.M41 “The Search Continues”


Sporadic engagements and battles recorded by the surfs of The Sordon Crusade. Not much is known except minor skirmishes and fleet engagements in the constant pursuit of Krys Sordon and his forces.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hail brother Tolek!


Despair is an illusion of the mind, do not let it take a hold of you!


I liked the idea of your crusade, having a well developed vilain is definitly a plus. The encounter with Krys Sordon could use a bit more fleshing out, how does one run off after getting his arm cut off? Is it based on your games/campaigns? From that fight and the mention of more battles to come, it sounds like it. This can be a good inspiration, especially if you have a regular gaming group and narrative games.


Do your kids play loyalists or renegades? Integrating them in your story might be worth considering. I know I would have enjoyed being my dad's staunch ally (or his loathed ennemy!).


Make sure you limit the foes you include to significant ones, maybe your most regular opponents. Including too many different kinds of ennemies would make the crusade feel like it's all over the place. In this short history, you already mentioned almost all the possible forces the Templars could fight.


I know you didn't ask for the suggestion but: have you thought of "The Sordon Crusade" as a name? Since the crusade's main objective is to kill someone, it would make sense to name it after him (as the crusades are usually named after their objectives or dramatis personae).

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Thanks Great input. I do like the name "The Sordon Crusade", not sure why that did not pop out at me but oh well....thanks! As far as the Necron deal I wanted to put that in for a "f-u Ward, we can dismember necrons too! and do it better!" type of thing.....oh well. I will narrow down the whole enemy thing, a self made renegade chapter (another work in progress as well, I have models just looking at scheme color etc) So the crusade is getting fleshed out and I will remove alot of the extra and change somethings around.


I will work on fleshing out the background to the fights....a lot of it was mashed to get it going. What i presented was a real outlined draft of where my thoughts were.


Thanks for the help!

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Thanks Great input. I do like the name "The Sordon Crusade", not sure why that did not pop out at me but oh well....thanks! As far as the Necron deal I wanted to put that in for a "f-u Ward, we can dismember necrons too! and do it better!" type of thing.....oh well. I will narrow down the whole enemy thing, a self made renegade chapter (another work in progress as well, I have models just looking at scheme color etc) So the crusade is getting fleshed out and I will remove alot of the extra and change somethings around.


I will work on fleshing out the background to the fights....a lot of it was mashed to get it going. What i presented was a real outlined draft of where my thoughts were.


Thanks for the help!


Sometimes the most obvious things are the ones we miss :) I'm glad you like the name!


Regarding your foes, the necrons so far are your most detailed ennemies, so you might not need to scrap that. I do agree that, since the new 'crons codex, it is easy to feel extra hatred towards them. However, remember that Helbrecht might have lost an arm but we also destroyed their flagship later, so some might say we are ahead (especially given that our High Marshal is still crusading!). Homebrew renegades sounds interesting though! Nothing is better than purging the traitors!


hair brother? bwahahaha!

i liked the story and it would go well with some pics. keep going, keep painting an keep crusading everyone. even your sons LOL ;)


;) Hem.. I wish I could blame some autocorrect function for that.


A templar asks not who the ennemies are, just when he may crusade them!

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My boys play space marines. The oldest Ultramarines and the youngest Dark Angels.


Be proud that your boys are defending the imperium against the threats that seek to usurp our mastery of the galaxy... well, your eldest is - Emperor only knows what the younger one's up to :sweat:


I like your Crusade's background. I really must try to do one myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have edited and updated my orginal post. The new updates are in "orange" to make it easier, if you have suggestions please comment. Still working on some other things like terrian and some more painting before my pics go up but they are almost there!
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I Present "The Ninth" Dreadnought of The Sordon Crusade!


Both Chaplain Ruinus and "The Ninth" are for both in house Crusade Exspansion and the ETL challenge. Now time to work on the other stuff.

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Here is a direct link to my album with other photos of the crusade. I will work on individual squad photo's when I figure out my Crusade Badge and markings. for now enjoy!


The Sordon Crusade


I figure it would be easier to put up the link to the album instead of posting alot of individual pics.

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