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My Ultramarines

Sir Blayse

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So far I have 2 squads dedicated to melta/ML and 2 Flamer/ML's. I'm going to also do up 2 squads with Plasma/Plasma Cannon. ( More for fun, than competition... probably going to have the sgt's with Combi-plasmas as well.)


I forgot to include a picture of my Terminator Libby and a few others, but I'll add them on later.


I'm going to do my dev's up as ML and MM, though I'll eventually do up some extras of both.


I need to build some Las/Plas Razorbacks and finish my Typhoons and Assault Terminators.

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I like using both, but it depends on who I end up playing. I don't tailor my lists to fight one enemy, so I decide to either bring rhinos or drop pods before I go. I usually run the rhinos though, since we do have a lot of Tyranid, Orks, and stuff like Warriors of Khorne to play against. Staying mobile really seems to help with that. Of course it is really fun to be able to drop in with a few Tacs and Sternguard on turn 1 with the pods. It's important to have plenty of those hitting the board on the same turn. I try to also pick a general area for them to go to for a target, It usually takes 2 squads worth of firepower to do a decent job in most cases. I like to get a Melta Squad and a Flamer squad teamed up when I can. Plus, I've actually been having a lot of good results from flamers. Against Orks, Bugs, and Eldar/Dark Eldar these have been extremely important. I even like using them against other Marines. The melta squad can pop a transport and if you got lucky on your drop, then you can still tear up the guys inside. I've learned the hard way, that just blasting the vehicle is not a good idea. Usually doing that means your going to get assaulted next turn. If that just happens to be pissed-off Zerkers, then your in trouble. The backup squad can be a lifesaver. If the drop goes bad, then just attempt to run back a ways from your missed target, but try to make sure the squads still cover each other. Also, with the Sternguard, don't forget to shoot the tactical squad melta first if close. If you do well, then you can use the Stern's Hellfire rounds to waste the occupants, even Marines take a beating from this. I also like combat squading tricks with drop pods, great for objective games, since you can let the heavy team take the objective and use the others to buffer against enemy assaults.


I recently modeled up a Sicarius for the company, plus I have a Libby w/Storm Shield. Only ran the Libby once and he was pretty good. Getting a chance to shrug off enemy power weapons is nice. Haven't run Sic yet, but plan to soon.

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Wow, they're looking really good.


A few thoughts...


Firstly, Lysander is yellow? Do you play him with the rest of the force, or is he a stand-alone model?


Secondly, I'd recommend buying an ink, perhaps brown or dark blue (I have no idea what the new colours are called). They all seem a tad flat, and could do with it.


Thirdly, I'd work on the bases slightly. A second coat of brown would do wonders. Also, the thick gravel/sand you're using is a tad off if you don't cover the base completely, and they also are huge. I'd recommend getting some smaller sand particles to make it seem more natural.


Fourthly, I'd buy the dark blue shade for the white helmets. White is better shaded with blue.


Fifthly, some more detail on Sicarius' plasma pistol (like the energy coil) would be awesome.


But yeah, it's a good looking force. It may seem like I'm criticising, but I'm just suggesting, because I want you to do even better and better! :lol:

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Thanks for the tips. As for the bases, the ones with the large gravel are the first ones I did. I now use a mix of fine sand, some of the large gravel, scorched grass, and some fine green stuff that kinda looks like clovers.


As for Lysander, I like him as an Imperial Fist. He's not really part of the company, but likes to try and jump in the pictures... I like running him with Sternguard or my Termies sometimes. Sicarius will become the main force leader, second will be the libby.


I might eventually run IF in the future, I just wish he would unlock Termie troops.


I still haven't posted my new assault squad and need to get to work on my 2 Devastator squads. ( I got distracted doing a Mephy for my wife and a Typhoon for my Templars.) I'll post some more pics later.

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Interesting point to add in.



Last nights game saw a 1000 points of my marines versus 1000 points of Orks. Due to our attrition leagues special rules, all of my tac squads have FNP. But, so did the Orks. Most of my squads are below strength, some at half strength. Orks were only about a 1/3 less in their strength. Mission was All around defense. I ran Lysander and Sternguard to hold the bastion. And surrounded it with my rhinos parked behind a ring of barricades. Infiltrated scouts and deepstrike my one remaining terminator.


Near the end I had Lysander leave the destroyed remains of the bastion, he rushed into the Warboss and Nobz squad. ( The Nobz had earned eternal warrior, so they wouldn't go down easy.) Lysander had one wound on him after the blast. He put a few wounds on the warboss on the first round, took none in return. Second round, a squad of 12 boys joined into the fight. Lysander put his other attacks into the Nobz. He only took another wound in that round. By my next round I had a tac squad join the fight, Lysander crushed the Nobz, and the tacs weakened the boyz. Lysander shrugged off everything that went into him again. During the next turn Lysander killed the boss and the tac squad managed to sweep the remaining boys.


The sternguard and remaining tac squads wipe out the orks trying to contest the objective. Scouts ambush and wipe out a squad of gretchin, rhino shoots up some lootas and makes them flee the board.


In the end I won by tabling the opponent, even though I would of held the objective anyway. This is the first time my marines have ever tabled Orks, usually I'm lucky to tie them in a mission like All around defense. Most of it came down to Lysander making extremely good saves, so much the Ork player was going nuts, but was impressive to see him just wade into the Orks and come out still standing. I know he's not an Ultra, but he's still our brother marine. This is his second win over Orks, the other player has vowed to win against the Captain and put his head on his bosses belt. Don't see that happening.


With the league ending soon, I'll have to see how Sicarius fares. Probably won't be as impressive, since he doesn't have Eternal Warrior, but he will hit first.

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