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Word Bearers Host


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Ive decided to start a word bearers army. It will stay small and pretty generic untill the new codex comes out so i dont end up with a load of useless models.

Anyway. Here he is, what do you think?


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Nice start! Look forward to seeing more. I think many of us are anxiously awaiting the new codex to see what happens. Meanwhile we too are plogging along painting what units we have left to finish that are, as you said, pretty generic.


Welcome to the Word, Brother!!



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As Brother Nihm said, take care to remove mould lines first.

I'd suggest a couple of thin coats of yellow to build up the fire on the legion symbol too, rather than thicker coats (as it appears).

Better to be patient, take your time and get better results.

I do like the script and icon on the right shoulder pad.

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I think you're a bit heavy handed with your highlights. Perhaps use one brush size smaller or just paint a little slower. In some spots it looks like you're doing a better job than others. It is important to achieve some consistency across a model, but especially across a squad and an army. If you're going to put extra effort into parts of a model put it on the face, the hands, and any weapons/gear the model is holding.


Good luck.

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Good advice. This is really my first attempt at highlighting and layering. Im reading the citadel paint guide, it has loads of cool ideas which im trying to implement.
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Great looking squad there mate. The bases look really nice, although there is perhaps concern that the lava is too similar to the armour, but the cool grey of the rocks balances that out quite nicely.


Maybe a point to consider; the smooth horns might need an extra highlight. They look a bit flat, especially compared to the ridged horns (which look great, by the way). Looking fantastic anyway, keen to see some more updates

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Your Apostle could be used as a counts as Khârn. That'd be pretty cool wouldn't it?


Question. In this picture where did you get the cleaver? The guy in the front right corner anatomically speaking. I'm trying to find different gladius/combat knives to use on my guys but after using all the CSM, SM and DE ones I've run out...

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Looking good HJL

im really digging the freehand especially the chapter badge aka "wilson" (cookie for the reference)


its easy to pick fault with close up pics of single models, mine look terribly that way. Bt put the minis together for group pics and their real value shines through.

the tones, bases and freehand look excellent, job well done id say

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Cast away football wilson? :P


Im working on another guy. Doing a fave this time. What colour should his skin be? im thinking bluish

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Not exactly sure what you're painting, but if it's Marine skin, I've always liked the paler tones on my Word Bearers. Lorgar is described as having pale or white skin, so if you manage to get yourself a pale blue I don't think it would look too far off. It would reinforce their gene background, but give it a unhealthy look as well, which would be a bonus. Looking forward to how the next model turns out, and the colours you end up choosing.
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