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Looks great HJL


I take the perspective that 10k years in the warp, combined with aging, will cause that blue/gray tinge of the skin as opposed to that sunny Ultramarine's beach tan.....


Keep up the great work....They are looking better and better!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Semper - Im going to practise large surfaces before i jump in and ruin my hell blade.


Bearingtheword - im not sure transports are going to be as good in sixth so im holding off rather than wasting my money.


Thanks for the compliments.

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First terminator of my vow done.




So ive been thinking about how to arm my termies.

Mark of Chaos undivided

#1 Champion, combi-bolter, lightning claw

#2 Reaper Autocannon, power weapon

#3 Combi-melta, lightning claw

#4 Combi-bolter, lightning claw

#5 Combi-melta, chainfist

lead by a lord

Terminator armour, deamon weapon, combi-bolter.

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If you have the points for it I'd forget the combi-bolters and make them combi-flamers, it's generally cheap enough to swap and they can be useful in certain situations just like the combi-meltas. Just my thoughts though. As for the transports I can hear ya, I am waiting myself for the rumoured new codex to see what other options there may be for us.


Termis are looking good like the rest :P




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