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There are 10 raptors now, i used the twin lightning claw chosen dark vengeance model as the champion.


the banner is from the bloodletters box.



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  • 3 months later...

When I first saw that image of your Decimator, I thought it's right leg was coming out of/falling into the Magma. I instantly though "Wow, Chaos Portal!", imaging it climbing out of a quickly closing warp-gate, and then almost instantaneously "Hasta la Vista", imaging it slowly melt into the Magma, waving good-bye to John Connor haha. I now see where the leg goes!
You have a lovely army, good sir. Keep up the fine work!

- Malatox

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:o Malatox, i didnt do that but im absolutely going to!! 


i think ill have a blood thirster climbing out of a fiery hell! genius!

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Some inspirational images that I found kicking around.





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Heavy Bolter Havocs




Champion with Chainaxe



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Looks like i forgot to paint the insides of the barels.



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Everything I have painted for my Word Bearers, Unfished are 40 bloodletters, 90 cultists and 3 CSM squads



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  • 1 month later...

Scabeiathrax, Papa G'aap, Lord of the Blighted Pit, Maggotspore, and the Wind of Nurgle


I wouldnt have gotten him for a Word Bearers army, but i was offered him for $45.... Hard to say no...




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