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A tale of 17 gamers

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Hello everybody. I've had an idea!


I want to get 17 gamers together, online, to re-create the chapters of the Badab War and I couldn't think of a better place than the Bolter and Chainsword to do it. Each person could choose a chapter from the war and I thought we would start off by building a 5 man squad and posting our progress on this forum.


Let me know which chapter you want as the first person to request a chapter, on this post, will be the only person who can use that chapter. Perhaps we could all go on to create a character or a vehicle in round 2.


Personally, I would like to make some raptors after recently reading Deliverance Lost. I like their colours, I've got a load of MK 6 helmets I can use and I want to try to add some convincing corrosive damage. I want to give some of the new citadel paints a try and I may even try airbrushing the models so there's a few new techniques there that I'm going to try out.


I don't want to impose too many rules and restrictions but I would ask that the first squad of 5 marines be completed by the last day of May. If you like the idea then let me know which chapter you would like to build.


Let's go.

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I want all future time limits to be realistic and easily achievable for people with busy lives. I can't imagine any would be less than a month. Also, there's no restrictions on points limit or unit type so 5 terminators or 5 scouts would be fine. For now, this post is just for fun. Things may get more serious / strict in the future but for now I just want to give people a bit of motivation to build something they may not have even considered.
Well, I'm in! Olis took my Red Scorpion plans with their Libby, so I'm naturally going to go for the arch-evil baddy, Lugft Huron and his Astral Claws. Have at me!


Hmm, well, if you want I could switch to some Exorcists if you really want to do some Scorpions. I did hem and haw over them. Your choice, brother. <_<

What?! We can't have me making choices, that'd lead to death. I'll flip a coin. Heads says Scorpions, tails says Claws. And the winner is....Scorpions. Right, if you're willing to switch, then that'd be great. I'm so much better at painting grey than at blue/silver.
What?! We can't have me making choices, that'd lead to death. I'll flip a coin. Heads says Scorpions, tails says Claws. And the winner is....Scorpions. Right, if you're willing to switch, then that'd be great. I'm so much better at painting grey than at blue/silver.


Alrighty then. Exorcists for me it is. :tu:

I have about 2500 pts of unpainted marines and Badab War has always be my favorite fluff for marines. I have decide to try and complete my Salamanders force. Hopefully this goes better then my lpc, which i failed this year (starting to hate seeing grey unpainted marines).
not so bad, actually; Base with Rakarth Flesh base, make a mix of 50/50 Rakarth Fleshand White Scar and go over the entire model, wash with a watered down Asurmen Blue wash, then go back over it with the Rakarth mix again, just over the raised areas. Highlight with White Scar, and you should be good!

You're welcome... :P


Edit: So, by my recogining, we're at...


Carcharodon Astra:

Star Phantoms: Demus Ragnok

Fire Hawks: Grotsmasha

Marines Errant:

Red Scorpions: Chapter Master Ignus Domus

Raptors: Dirge Caster

Salamanders: Uprising

Fire Angels:


Howling Griffons:

Sons of Medusa: ChaosLord Leon Enaek

Minotaurs: AD-B

Exorcists: Olisredan

Astral Claws: 1000heathens

Mantis Warriors:


Executioners: BattleBrotherJohn

I'm famously slow at painting, but I've started making progress on my 40K army in recent weeks, and I'd love to get into this with a Chapter whose colour scheme I could get done pretty quickly. And at the pace metioned in the thread, I think I could get a handle on it.


I'm in for the Minotaurs, if that's all good. (Not just for the colour scheme, but because I want to write about them at some point, and I'm good pals with the guy at Forge World who played them in the original campaign.)

Damn, doesn't anyone want to be a traitor with me? :lol:


Added AD-B into post 20.


Sure, I'll trade a Chapter with Forge World shoulder pads, transfers, and Rhino doors, for... for...


No. No, wait.


Otherwise, I'd have been tempted by the Executioners or Lamenters.


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