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Greetings Brothers and Lapdogs of the False Emperor!

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Lurking around for some time, I`ve decided to join your illustrious group in my slow return to the hobby.

I got into 40K with the 2nd Edition, paused mainly due to time retrictions after I finished medicial school and untill recently mostly read the books and fluff and painted the odd model when I found the time.

Having moved recently, I am now anticipating the next edition and the return of the Traitor legions to the spotlight. In this regard, I´m hoping joining the B&C will provide me with an additional motivation to actually finish a playable army in one Edition´s timeframe :tu: ( I`ve alwayas felt like challenging A-D-B in his "slowest painter of the world" claim but he seems to have an unfair advantage over me in his recent marriage/parenthood thingy ;) )

Night Lords and Thousand Sons were my first armies though I have over the years added squads and forces fromm all the legions. I am a huge fan of the single legion / deity army types and reallylooking forward to the new codex in this regard.





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