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Hello + A little guessing comp

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Well, hi all,

I figured I'd introduce myself in the introductions part of the forum...

Not funny...

I guess I'll continue I have only finished 1 army(my fantasy ogres are close but I digress) and that was my first marine army, where my paint was too thick, I didn't remove the mold lines, didn't know what highlighting was etc etc.

In the 5 years since I have ping ponged from project to project. But finally I'm returning to marines(well, this is a power armoured forum after all) and I hope to finish an army for once. I bet someone can't guess the chapter... And yes they are from the cannon, only clue is my display name.


Jorus Shadowmaw

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Good to see you returned, most of all. Be sure to enjoy the proces of making an army.


Good luck with your White Panthers chapter.

Sure isn't the easiest paint scheme you choose. Getting the white smooth is something of a challange. (well for me it is)


As a motivation to get stuff done, why not start a WIP thread and take us along while you adavance in making models!




- Jaigo

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Crap, I wasn't expecting someone to guess/ know it first off. Lol...

I plan to make a wip thread once I've thought of a fluffy way for my namesake to be interred into a contemptor over a normal dread. And I need to decide if Im going for a feral or regal look, thoughts?

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Based on the fact they are highly suspected to descend from the Ultramarines and strict followers of the Codex Astartes, next to the fact that in my opinion panthers are sleek and gracefull....


Regal seems appropiate.


Of course you can make an exception on some stray individual and make him stand out and feral.


But be sure to go for the style that suits you.

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Welcome to the Forums!


I noticed Jaigo's guess and wondered how he had got it right. Then I was reading the Space Marine Codex a bit earlier ... ^_^


Edit : Oh, and I'd have to go with Regal. Panthers are majestic creatures in my opinion. Strong, patient, graceful, and absolutely lethal.


... They also happen to be my favourite animal - the Black Panther genetic offshoot anyway.

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Few days back I came across the name Shadowmaw when beng sidetracked in my search for more about the Celestial Lions.

I was roaming to see what other feline associated chapters there were, and a cool name like Shadowmaw sticks to the mind.

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Yeh regal it is.

I'm taking a bit of artistic license with the fluff, Im having the chapter master interred in a dreadnought and not actually killed. I plan for them to be the first company and they will be battered and bruised after quashing the rebellion. I'm going to use the Space Wolf dex, so I can have a dreadnought lead my army, plus I figure that I can explain the combat orientated stuff as them being vets. I'm interested if I should scrub that idea though and go for a stealth type army, thoughts?


Jorus Shadowmaw

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