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Kapturowskis Grey Knights

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I've slowly been building a Grey Knights force. mostly because I like the models and the conversion opportunities but with the goal of a playable army.

Pretty much everything is work in progress at the moment.

++Grand Master Boleclav++


Head from Puppetswar. Lengthened at the waist with plasticard.

++Brother Librarian++


Head from Puppetswar. Lengthened at the waist with plasticard. Extra bitz from Brettonians and Flagellants. Added psychic Hood from guitar string and green stuff.

++Terminators Combat Squad++


All have added height at the waist, I don't like how it otherwise looks as if the ribcage rests on the hips otherwise.

++Interceptor Combat Squad++


These are also made taller.

++Warrior Acolytes from the Perinnian 20:th and 22:nd++


Forge World Elysians with Cadian Respirator heads.

++Warrior Acolytes Weapons++


The Acolytes are armed with Demag pattern Plasma guns. These are lower powered than regular Plasma guns but allow for a higher rate of fire and extended range. Counts as Storm Bolters.

++Ordo Malleus Inquisitor++


Counts as Coteaz. Will be sculpting armour parts for the arms and torso. Need to find a good hammer for the Daemon Hammer.

++Clade Vindicare Operative++


Winter camo PIP.

++Tech Magos Shu-Khi and Skitarii Bodyguard++


Counts as Jokaero and Warrior Acolytes.

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Thanks! I plan to add more Terminators so I get two squads of ten and fill out the Interceptor squad to ten as well. I've got a Dreadnought in my bitz box which will get a rifleman treatment and I'll add another later on. I've got a box of DE Whyches that I will convert into Death Cult assassins. That's it for now I think. :-)

@Coryphaus 101


@Circus Nurgling

Yeah, unfortunately I can't take credit for it, several people have done it before me so I just stole my inspiration from them. ;-)


Thanks man! I used Instagram to add filters and selective blur.


Thank you!


Yeah, I think they fit the knightly theme very well, they gave me a lot of inspiration.


The Henchmen are some of the coolest characters in 40K and a great outlet for converting interesting models!


Nice! Hopefully I'll focus on them long enough to get some paint on them.

@Dorns padawan, Brother Kovash, cathar the great

Thank you!



Bodyguards for the Inquisitor.

++Brotherhood Banner++


Brotherhood banner, Psycannon and regular Terminator.

++Psycannon Terminator++


Here you can se some of the plasticard used to elongate the waist. I've used a Terminator Honour from the Terminator box to make a new belt buckle.

You do realise that every single one of these models is absolutely top-notch? :wallbash:


I especially love the Grand Master and the Librarian. And I'm looking forward to seeing you actually paint these models!



Wow, those are some great looking conversions. Really digging the Puppetswar heads. Didn't see those when I was buying bionics from them the other day and now I'm kicking myself. Have you seen Titan Forge's "Demon Slayer" shoulders and robes? Can't decide if I like the shoulders or not, but the robes look cool, IMO. Also, really great use of filters on those photos.


  • 4 months later...
What is the base models for your Inquisitor and your Jokearo?


looks like the jokaero is an imperial mage with extra bitz..the warriors are man at arms from bretonnia and empire flagellant (sx)..

the inquisitor comes from the new vampire flying throne kit..or is it simply a new failcast lamiah?


very well done Kap.. ;)


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