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Hi guys

These are still WIP, I have put the other Ogryns aside for the time being, and have started this new batch, using some GW plastic fantasy Orks for the basis of the conversion, I still have to some pouches, water bottles, bayonets etc, I think they are suitably ferocious looking, what do you think?




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Hi guys


Progress on these has come to a screaming halt, I have come to a decision crisis, my intension was to paint these guys in the same colours as the previous DKoK troops, fieldgrey with dark grey armour, whilst painting, I am always looking on the net for inspiration, I have noticed a couple of IG. armies/figures with light turquoise colours that looked really good, so my dilemma, should I


1) pull my head in and stick to the current colour, fieldgrey/dark grey.

2) give just this unit light turquoise armour to make them a, little different (I'm a little worried they won't fit in) the uniform would stay fieldgrey.

3) make light turquoise the colour for all armour in the army (re paint the finish units) the uniform would stay fieldgrey.


I have to also say if I were to use turquoise, I would weather the hell out of it, and make I'd really beaten up.





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WIP pics of my next unit, these guys will add a little variety to the army but will be treated as normal infantry, they are my own invention, the Kriegs Marine of Krieg, (a little like they USMC) their primary roles are creating planetary bridgeheads, once the bridgehead is being exploited by the regular DKoK units, they act as light infantry, in support of the regulars, they also defend Naval facilities and ships, and conduct defensive and offensive boarding actions.

As for painting, I have 2 ideas.

1) my preferred, white sailors cap with black band, navy blue pea jacket, with white bib (the square material on the back) white pants, black boots, fieldblue armour, brown webbing.

2) or, white sailors cap with black band, fieldblue pea jacket with white bib, fieldblue pants, brown webbing and boots, dark grey armour.

The figures are Blue moon WWI Germans with Peter Pig , Navy Heads.



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Hi guys

Here is my WIP HQ squad, the 2 blue figures are conversions of some spare AB French Napoleonic officer figures, the helmet on the troopers will be the standard helmets for the regular troops, I was going to have the troops in picklehelms, and bought a heap of Peter Pig heads for the conversions, only to find they were way to small, so I will convert the blue moon WWI German heads, it fits with DKoK better anyway, the officers head is an old glory French cavalry head, I will hand paint the standard, all comments welcome, more pics on my blog.





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Hi guys

My first 2 Kriegs Marines squads are done, my favourites are the sergeants and the flames, I'm pretty happy with how they turned out, let me know what you think, more pics on my blog.






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Hi guys


Painted the regimental flag for the 103rd kampfgruppe, named after my old unit, will start painting the command squad tomorrow hopefully, I have also been working on 3 Lamen Russ, need to pick up another turret, 1 will be a Vanquisher, 1 a punisher, and a standard Lamen Russ battle tank.




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Thanks Rossnic


Hi guys

Command squad finished, it's pretty dark here due to being overcast, so had to use a flash and the colours are a little washed out, pretty happy with how these guys turned out, I stuffed up the gluing of the flag and it is a little off centre, couldn't fix it, so it will have to do, have added a size comparison shot with the LRs for those who wanted one, all comments welcome, more pics on my blog.






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Hi guys


My order of Wusuq and Star vikings from 15mm UK have arrived, they will become (along with some other figs) Death Guard plague marines, being Chaos Space Marines I want them to be a similar size as my Blood Angels, so I will need to stretch the body of most of them, then I will go to town with the GS, these figures will look very different then they do now, below are some shots of some of the figures before and after stretching, I get a good 3-4 mm extra hight after stretching, but it's a bit time consuming, looking forward to detailing these.

The heads Of the Wusuq will make great helmet less plague marines, they will also get a lot of bulking out with GS, i also received some of their scifi beastmen, these will be used in the traitor legion ranks, stay tuned, all comments welcome.





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Hi guys

An update on theWIP 15mm Death Guard, working on the first 10, the conversion part is about 80% done, a bit hard to see all the detail in the pics, looking forward to painting these guys, are they Nurgley enough? Have added before and after conversion pics, more pics on my blog, all comments welcome.






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