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In a Mirror Darkly

Kol Saresk

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I have an idea of where I want to take it so the title will eventually make sense, provided I can carry it to the end.




Part I


The rain hammered down on the walls of the hive. It dimmed the lights struggling to makes themselves known through the windows of the towering sky scrapers. The rain was good. It hid things. Blood, sweat, and tears. And death. It even hid three people running through the side streets and alleys.


A flash of lightning illuminated the group. The leader was a lightly built man, with a goatee and curly hair that was plastered to his face from the downpour. One dark green eye and one deep blue eye shone with a feverish light of desire, as though some unachievable goal was close at hand. The second was a woman with a soft, porcelain face that was completely at odds with her cold, hard eyes that boiled and seethed with fury while she clutched an autogun to her chest. The last was another man, this one smaller than the first. The voluminous hood he wore sagged down and covered all of his face except for a single red eye. The way he carried his shotgun would have made him appear nonchalant, but his hurried gait gave lie to that claim.


“Are you sure this is the way to get her back?” the woman asked. The man in the lead stopped with his fist in the air at the mouth of the alley. They hid behind boxes and trash containers as an Arbites Rhino rumbled on by, searchlights moving over the ground and walls. A man could just be seen holding the mounted heavy bolter through the rain.


“Yes this the only way.” The man replied. His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper, choked with an indescribable emotion. They started moving again, into the street and away from the Arbites.


“We can’t we hire some guns? Like we used to? Why not Jon?”


“Look Maria, we’ve been down this road before and you know exactly why. Anyone we can hire is offworld. Everyone else hates us because we owe them money. And we do not have any money to hire anyone with. So shut it, will you?” He replied. The small group stopped outside a decrepit building that had most likely seen better days, long ago before “civilization” had come to it. With civilization had come everything else; hope, happiness, ease of living, power, money, lust and greed. Of course ease of living did not mean an honest living.


“Is this the place?” The last man asked. A rebreather-vox implant replaced his throat and mouth from a pirate ork’s cleaver. His synthesized voice carried a deep, mechanical bass to it that cut through the thunder and the pouring rain with ease.


Jon looked at the building. A sign was swinging over the street from its post, the Lantern proclaimed across it in lighted letters. Despite the sign, the outside of the building was in complete shambles. To anyone who didn’t know better, it looked like any other hole-in-the-wall dump. “Let’s go get her.”

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Interesting start, a rescue mission it seems. I kinda want to think of these characters as gangers of some kind. Which they probably aren't. :D
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