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Can I do this?

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I was reading how RPing is not allowed on the forums but I think this doesn't really count.


It is merely a group of writers collaberating together to create a story through turn based posting.


You would write the story from the perspective of a single character and not be allowed to control any other characters.


It would not be, in any way, an RP "game" as it will be a well written collective of paragraphs detailing the happenings of a certain event from an individual characters perspective.


So my question is; Will this be allowed or will it be stopped? (Kinda looking for a Mod or Admin to reply here.)


The reason I'm checking first is because I don't want to write a story which is set up for multiple writers to join in on and then be told it aint happening. If it isn't going to be allowed I can easily adjust it to become a short story without the need for multiple writers. I just think it's more fun when more people are coming up with ideas and creating great opportunities for others, it makes the stories more dynamic and in many cases more believable. IMO

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Shouldn't be a problem. If you can, double check the rules or go through the Amicus Aedes or Horus Heresy forums and look for Captain Idaho as he seems to be one of the more active mods when it comes to replying to threads. And then just PM him. Best way to get a snap judgement.
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Okay then I've messaged the Captain to ask for permission.


Meanwhile I'd like to get a rought idea of how many people want to join in so please message me if you're interested.


Bare in mind I haven't actually recieved permisson to go through with this yet.


Jake :)

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