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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Great work, Gunrur! And already another vow, that's the spirit! (Btw, did you forget his terminator honours? He has it around his neck already!)


Quick edit: That's an old marshal, isn't it? Lovely model!



Thanks Brother Arthanor, I forgot that he showed it on him around his neck. I will update my post.

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Brothers, I have completed my second vow!


I will add more detailed photos to my crusade thread later.

A third vow will come shortly.


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Very nice! You guys make me feel bad for not having finished my two models first vow yet...


May I ask... What do they have on their storm bolters? I can only think of a silencer but I have no idea why they'd have that.


Shh brothers! Quiet with those storm bolters, I wanna hear my missiles! FWOOOSH

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Many thanx Brothers!


@Arthanor: When I did my DIY chapter and started modeling termies, I wanted to do something different for the stormbolters. One of my favorite guns has always been the old Mauser machine pistol (WWI vintage) and so by adding that single barrel, I got something I was looking for. So it's a rather distinctive look and not everyone is in favor of it, but I like how it turned out.


Note: If you search under Honda in WIP, you'll see some of my other stuff. My DIY chapter's name is "Apocalypse Lords" and perhaps not so surprisingly, have a lot in common with the Black Templars.


@Gunrunr: Considering how awesome a painter you are, that is greatly appreciated. As I said in our conversation, I really like the gritty look to figures and so I try. I also like the basing part because that just seems like a natural extension to the painting for me.



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Nice! I get where to look comes from now. I works well with how terminators hold storm bolters too, pretty much like a pistol, but what a pistol! :)


Regarding gritty look, it is well done and dusty. Have you tried heavier battle damage? That could be fitting. Great work on the bases btw, it does show that you care and the "arid battleground" ties in well with the dusty look of the models.

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I, Honda, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 Master of Sanctity from Codex: Black Templars of total value 175 pts on or before August 15.

Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars.



This is my Tim Tebow Templar that I put together awhile ago. Along with his normal equipment, he will be equipped thusly:

* Plasma pistol

* Artificier armor

* Holy Orb of Antioch

* Iron Halo

In order to preserve the clean lines of the pose, I will be laying some of the objects on the ground. The Artificier armor will be represented by numerous scripting all over, to convey an especially blessed set of armor. The Iron Halo will be handled some way via markings on his robe.

The goal will be to knock this one out shortly, then be ready for my grand finale.


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OK guys, some real nice completions there - you really have some talent here and it shows!!! :) Congratulations for your most excellent completions!!!


Now as regards the new vows I would like to see that teleport homer on the mini Gungur - your beutiful Termies won't save you if you don't! ;) And Honda? Artificer armour and Orb should be visible! ;)


Everything is updated!

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OK guys, some real nice completions there - you really have some talent here and it shows!!! :P Congratulations for your most excellent completions!!!


Now as regards the new vows I would like to see that teleport homer on the mini Gungur - your beutiful Termies won't save you if you don't! :D And Honda? Artificer armour and Orb should be visible! ;)


Everything is updated!



Not a problem. I'm using that little hand held thingie that looks like a test meter and hanging it from his belt.

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And Honda? Artificer armour and Orb should be visible!


Not a problem. I'm using that little hand held thingie that looks like a test meter and hanging it from his belt.


WOW! Me too!...not.


@Captain: Heard and understood.

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Vow 5 Complete!

I, Civsmitty, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 5 Sword Brethren Assault Terminators (3 TH/SS, 2 LC), from Codex: Black Templars, for a total value 200 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


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@ Civsmitty: looks good! I like the clean paint schemes on the preds. I usually go for something same effect myself. Is that an older medal terminator I spy in that group?


@ Honda: I love that pose. I may convert a new MoS myself for a future vow.


I have a quick question brothers. Trying to decide what to vow next. I found an older Techmarine model the other day and stripped him down to bare metal. I was thinking to convert a full servo-harness for him out of the bits box but that still only comes in at 105 points. As I want to maximize points I was searching for options and I saw the independent character listing for the Techmarine. So my question is this. Since he is allowed to take equipment from the armoury would a legal build be, Techmarine with full servo-harness, master-crafted thunder hammer, storm shield, holy orb, bionics, melta bomb, terminator honours, teleport homer, and iron halo for a grand total of 225 points? I understand this guy would be completely way too expensive for actual gaming but I think all the converting and painting would be fun.

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Sorry I am late to this. Sadly I didn't vow my marshal/ec (even though he was painted during the time frame...I don't think I can vow him? If I am mistaken, I will totally vow him). Anywho:


I, b3r1t, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete High Marshal Helbrecht from Codex: Black Templars of total value 175pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


If I get him finished soon enough, I might even try Grimaldus...

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Awesome painting Brothers! Wish I could paint that well. :lol: As one of those that have yet to finish their initial vow, I can't say much other than in 8 days I can get the models I need, another day or 2 to paint, then the flood gates open. I have 2 more vows waiting their turn for paint. :(


@honda: I have your MoS at 180pts. PP is 15 for multi-wound characters. With painting skills like yours and gunr's you guys could easily master craft some stuff for the extra points.


@Nars08: That tricked out Techmarine looks legal to me, but comes in at 230pts when I put it all together. Storm Shield is 15pts as per FAQ. :D

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^ You sir are correct. I actually forgot all about that. Well 230 point techmarine it shall be then.


Vow #5


I, Nards08, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Techmarine with full servo-harness, master-crafted thunder hammer, storm shield, holy orb, bionics, melta bomb, terminator honours, teleport homer, and iron halo from Codex: Black Templars of total value 230pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.

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@ Honda & Nards08: I have corrected the points values.


@ b3r1t: Sorry mate, the period to accept new entries expired on June 15 (the ETL runs since May 15th). Check out post 272 on p11 of this thread. It's also in the rules on p.1 (although in retrospect it's badly worded...)

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Captain, please consider my third vow complete.




All equipment is included. I ended up painting the Iron Halo on his lower right leg. Seemed to fit Ok and is recognizable. The Orb and Plasma pistol are to the right of his foot.

I'll post some additional photos on my crusade thread while I consider my next vow carefully. I think it will be the last one I get in.


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Does indeed! Great job there - love the detail and the pose! Well done Honda! The Halo detail was brilliant!


Table uodated with your completion and suffice to say, the BTs lead again! :)

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...and suffice to say, the BTs lead again! :D

Was there ever any doubt? Really...?


Ooooh yeahhhhhh...

I was gonna say you took the words right out of my mouth (decent song, actually), but since I'm typing this, maybe that should be took the words right outta my fingers, which just sounds weird...

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