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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Arthanor, can you step into my office please? And yes this multi-bladed item is what you think it is... :devil: *locks large metal door behind him* :)

What is it with Dark Angels and taking our Brothers?


And these are your friends? <_<








May I keep two fingers from my right hand to finish my vow? I will leave sneakiness to the DA now, I promise!

To the painting station! :tu:

Yes, Being sneaky just isn't our way! Remember, Brothers! Abhor the Witch! Their 'mysterious' ways of the warp are corrupting and deadly! Hence why we strike head on as one!


Well, that and when we take that vow we can't be sneaky anyways. Infiltrators have to set up with the rest of the army n such...

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Yes, Being sneaky just isn't our way! Remember, Brothers! Abhor the Witch! Their 'mysterious' ways of the warp are corrupting and deadly! Hence why we strike head on as one!




Well, that and when we take that vow we can't be sneaky anyways. Infiltrators have to set up with the rest of the army n such...



Nothing says subtlety like a thunder hammer to the face

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How did you paint the fabric parts? :) The white cloth and the beige parchments.

Parchments - basecoat Dheneb Stone, first layer Graveyard Earth, then wet blending mixing Kommando Khaki and Skull White.

White cloth - basecoat Astronomican Grey, one layer of Fortress Grey, one layer of Fortress Grey mixed with Skull White 1:1, final one - two layers of pure Skull White.


Don't have much time now, hope it helps!

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aaaand with this completion the BTs regained their first position! "When did we lose it?" I hear you ask. Well yesterday the Wolves made a completion of more than 1k points taking the lead briefly. However they are still very close so don't gloat just yet.


Congrats Honda - this is some LR *ahem* Crusader *ahem* there! :) Great weathering/battle damage too on both units! Funnily enough I think the Redeemer configuration is more appropriate for BTs than the sons of Vulcan! :(

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We don't redeem anyone, we purge! Here's to the BT Land Raider Purgator! *cheers* With 20 models transport capacity and.. lots of assault cannons? And a chain blade in front, same as a deff-rolla :(
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We don't redeem anyone, we purge! Here's to the BT Land Raider Purgator! *cheers* With 20 models transport capacity and.. lots of assault cannons? And a chain blade in front, same as a deff-rolla


Hmm...<looks over at bits>

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We don't redeem anyone, we purge! Here's to the BT Land Raider Purgator! *cheers* With 20 models transport capacity and.. lots of assault cannons? And a chain blade in front, same as a deff-rolla


Hmm...<looks over at bits>


Well, looks like I need another Land Raider for the Chassis...

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“I Honda answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and commit my 2nd vow to complete a Marshal and a 4 Sword Brethren command squad from [the only real] Codex: Black Templar for a total value of 368 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars.



Marshal: Terminator armor, Thunder hammer, Storm shield, Teleport homer

Sword Brethren: 4 x Terminators, 2 x Cyclone Missile Launchers, 4 x Crusader seals



Note: These guys were co-opted from my DIY chapter, which is why they are half white/black. They will be painted in full Black Templar colors.

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Hi brother, you might want to take a quick look at the codex :)


Only 2 weapons and the storm shield counts as one, also both the pistol and the grenades can't be taken by terminators (no little t next to their name in the armory)

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Apparently, Righteous zeal and an armory seem to work at odds with each other. :lol:


I will get an update in for you Captain and PM you when my vow is updated on the assumption you have important things to do.


Thanx for the catch Arthanor.



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Arthanor, can you step into my office please? And yes this multi-bladed item is what you think it is... :D *locks large metal door behind him* :lol:



What is it with Dark Angels and taking our Brothers?


It doesn't seem to be just our Brothers, either. My friend went back to visit his former flat-mate (from about 3 years ago) to reclaim the Blood Angels miniatures he had left there, only to discover them sporting a new, green paint job. Roughly 7000 points worth as well...

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I survived! *gives a report on the nasty torture techniques of the DA and how they must have a lot of practice*


It doesn't seem to be just our Brothers, either. My friend went back to visit his former flat-mate (from about 3 years ago) to reclaim the Blood Angels miniatures he had left there, only to discover them sporting a new, green paint job. Roughly 7000 points worth as well...


Jeez.. using someone else's army while their gone, maybe... but repainting it (7000pts of it?!) without asking :)

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I survived! *gives a report on the nasty torture techniques of the DA and how they must have a lot of practice*


It doesn't seem to be just our Brothers, either. My friend went back to visit his former flat-mate (from about 3 years ago) to reclaim the Blood Angels miniatures he had left there, only to discover them sporting a new, green paint job. Roughly 7000 points worth as well...


Jeez.. using someone else's army while their gone, maybe... but repainting it (7000pts of it?!) without asking :D


It's what they do. Kidnap! En Masse! First Castellan Raimer, then Arthanor, now an entire 7000 point Battle Company!


And the Inquisition looks at us funny... :)

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ACK! Finally I get my stuff working.


I did these like a week ago. Despite real life intervening as my brothers warned.


First Vow Complete:



Second Vow:

“I Roesor answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and commit my 2nd vow to complete a 10 man Terminator Command Squad with two assault cannons and two chainfists, Sgt; with additional Teleport Homer and Bionics. from Codex: Black Templar for a total value of 460 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and the Shields of Sigismund!"


Edit: Literally just realised that our regular terminator squads do not have sgt's with power weapons :D you will have to forgive the mistake for the first squad/vow, the points cost is identical and I shall endevour to label further vows correctly.

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ACK! Finally I get my stuff working.


I did these like a week ago. Despite real life intervening as my brothers warned.


First Vow Complete:


Second Vow:

“I Roesor answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and commit my 2nd vow to complete a 10 man Terminator Command Squad with two assault cannons and two chainfists, Sgt; with additional Teleport Homer and Bionics. from Codex: Black Templar for a total value of 460 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and the Shields of Sigismund!"


Edit: Literally just realised that our regular terminator squads do not have sgt's with power weapons :lol: you will have to forgive the mistake for the first squad/vow, the points cost is identical and I shall endevour to label further vows correctly.


Just so you are aware the command squad is 3-9, so a ten man won't work. (Paint one of em fancy and he can be a marshal though making it ten man)

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It's 'Sergeant + 3-9 Brethren' in the codex, so ten models total


So it is, I guess since we don't have sergeants in any unit other then command squads I missed the word. My bad.

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You know, it's not just that you guys paint with speed and commitment, it's also that you paint at very high quality! Congratulations to both latest completions - your stuff look fantastic guys!


Now Darklight has completed SIX vows so far - the most in the ETL! Congratulation Darklight - someone high up might notice your zeal... :whistling:


@ Roesor: I've updated your status and added your new vow, but you'd better make the teleport homer and bionics visible... ;)

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